Author Topic: Pick up an object near you.  (Read 32372 times)

My Computer mouse. I did not event need to take 1 step :O

Oh! Yay! A dagger right next to me on this shelid looking thing! I can survive for like a day with this :D

A joystick...

An XBox 360 controller.

...if the US Army uses them, I guess it'll somehow help me.

I saw that edit, Miga =o

Ferbreeze can air freshner

I got this one covered. teehee

yes I just took this pictar

You just won the game.

I picked up my cellphone.
I would call for air extraction, go to my sercit dino base, and release my special team of Laser Velociraptors.
They would hunt down the zombies and eat them.
Sadly, they would be zombiefied themselves, and would turn against me.
With only my wits and seven McGyver writers, I would escape onboard an Alpha Centauri colony ship and live happily ever after in a zero-g enviroment.
 :cookie: to anyone that can find a hole in this foolproof plan.

The entire thing. No dinosaurs so that pretty much makes your whole plan useless.

A BB Gun (lucky me). Maybe it will take 2 or 3 shots to kill 1 zombie...

A glass cup. If I break it...


A BB Gun (lucky me). Maybe it will take 2 or 3 shots to kill 1 zombie...


probably not

My Joystick I use for Flight Simulator.YESH! I CAN THROW IT!

My Joystick I use for Flight Simulator.YESH! I CAN THROW IT!

have fun getting eaten alive by zombies afterwards.

My iPod. If Michael Jackson is among them, then I can play the Thriller and run away while they're dancing.