Author Topic: Beefyrulz's Crosshairs  (Read 6368 times)

Yay, It's nice to see people like my crosshairs, or at least agree they're better than the default ones :/
But still, Thanks to all of your positive comments :D
...Yeah, because among the sea of hundreds and hundreds of bad crosshairs, this is totally different... :/

The default one is the best. It gets the job done and it's not a huge red beast that gets in the way of everything.

...Yeah, because among the sea of hundreds and hundreds of bad crosshairs, this is totally different... :/

The default one is the best. It gets the job done and it's not a huge red beast that gets in the way of everything.
yea well not all crosshairs are "a huge red beast" and some are actually pretty well done, not everyone feels the same way, you may not want a new crosshair, that's ok because its your blockland, we're not saying you HAVE to download or even LOOK at this,  yet you do anyways.

1 first post
2 No. just No.
1. They're good
2. Not first post, but 15th post >:/

no-one said anything about the 4th one

orly? lets see you make something better.
And before you say anything like, "Oh why would i waste my time making crappy crosshairs, when i could spend my time making add-ons" Because not only have i not ever seen a single add-on made by you (Which i HIGHLY doubt you can even make one, And i will admit i can't either) Nor have i seen a crosshair made by you, because i bet you can't make a decent crosshair even if you life depended on it.

because i bet you can't make a decent crosshair even if you life depended on it.

Neither can you.

Neither can you.
So, these crosshairs aren't even decent, not even half decent? they're crap? Bound to the failbin? No, Tell me this, For all of you who say "Crosshairs are handicapped and spammy stop posting them They're not even add-ons" Well, If they're "Not add-ons" Why haven't they been moved by badspot or ephilates? Why haven't they been failed? Tell me.

So, these crosshairs aren't even decent, Most certainly not.
not even half decent? Absolutely not.
they're crap? Exactly.
Bound to the failbin? With any luck, yes.
No, Tell me this, For all of you who say "Crosshairs are handicapped and spammy stop posting them Well of course they are!
 They're not even add-ons" Unfortunately, they are technically classified as add-ons :(
Well, If they're "Not add-ons" Why haven't they been moved by badspot or ephilates? Why haven't they been failed? Because with the ocean of new custom crosshairs and lag icons and other UI edits, there is now a fine line between add-ons and crap.
Tell me. 'Nuff said

Ah, See, you said it yourself, Crosshairs and other ui TECHNICALLY
Are add-ons, And yes i understand, some truly are bad, But its not often you get really crappy ones now is it? i mean sure, occasionally you get a guy who has no idea what he is doing and uses MS paint or something *Coughcoughnerdycoughcough* (Lol, but i fixed em :P)
But you can't HONESTLY say every crosshair ever posted is crappy, I will agree with most people, My crosshairs aren't the most creative or even the best for that matter, but, they aren't the worst you ever seen now are they?

Well for the first one, what if I'm aiming at green bricks...

Or for the second, if I'm aiming at red bricks...

Or for the third one, if I'm aiming at pale blue bricks...

And the last one is barely possible to see at all...

Well for the first one, what if I'm aiming at green bricks...

Or for the second, if I'm aiming at red bricks...

Or for the third one, if I'm aiming at pale blue bricks...

And the last one is barely possible to see at all...
Well your crosshair would still stand out even against the same color of bricks, and yeh i know the fourth one is a little hard to see :/
Thinking about fixing that

How do you use these crosshairs? :/