Author Topic: [VIDEO + SHARING] VCE Based Combo Kill System + Other Event dumps  (Read 1912 times)

A simple basis of a kill system that uses kill combos. The way it is organized now is:
  • 1st kill = 100 Points
  • 2nd kill = 125 Points
  • 3rd+kill = 150 Points
The advantage of a combo system like this is that the normally abyssmal idea of a shop system becomes a tad more tolerable. Certainly, it's still a richardish way to make people more on one's server, but at the very least it encourages actually playing better to reach one's goals faster by performing better in the game. A nice idea, at the very least, and one that I'm eager to put into action on my own server soon.
Also, more of the goofy effects that I was inspired by Arekan to start using. Have fun with those, they actually integrate very well into this system because it's simply tacking on an extra frame or two to the count-up.
On that note, I'm also rather eager to see what other people can pull off using this system as a basis for their own ideas. I know for certain that it would be easy to add in additional checks to give players actual killstreaks like da nuklur wessles and whatnot. As such, the events are as follows:
god forgetin' damn i wish this forum had spoiler tags
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:005500>+10   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:006600>+20   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:007700>+30   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:008800>+40<color:202020>-   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:009900>+50<color:303030>--   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:00AA00>+60<color:303030>-   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00BB00>+70<color:404040>--   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00CC00>+80<color:404040>--   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00DD00>+90<color:505050>---   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00EE00>+100<color:505050>---   3
onBotDeath   Client   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+100<color:606060>---   3
onBotDeath   Client   playSound   0   WHATEVERYOUWANT
onBotDeath   Client   IncScore   0   100
onBotDeath   Client   VCE_modVariable   0   consecKills   1   25
onBotDeath   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   25   15 16
onVariableTrue   Client   IncScore   0   25
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   600   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+125<color:606060>---   3
onBotDeath   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   50   18
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   650   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+150<color:606060>---   3

Obviously for use in a deathmatch you'd replace onBotDeath with onMinigameKill and Client with killerClient, or whatever else you might happen to like. The whole thing's pretty easy to set up as you like though, at least so far as I can tell.
As a practical demonstration, the way I currently have this set up for use in my server is...

onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:005500>+10   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:006600>+20   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:007700>+30   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:008800>+40<color:202020>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:009900>+50<color:303030>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:00AA00>+60<color:303030>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00BB00>+70<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00CC00>+80<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00DD00>+90<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00EE00>+100<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+100<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   playSound   0   1837
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   IncScore   0   100
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   VCE_modVariable   0   consecKills   1   25
onMinigameKill   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   25   15 16
onVariableTrue   KillerClient   IncScore   0   25
onVariableTrue   KillerClient   CenterPrint   600   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+125<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   50   18
onVariableTrue   KillerClient   CenterPrint   650   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+150<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:550000>K   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:660000>Ki   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:770000>Kil   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:880000>Kill<color:202020>-   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:990000>Kille<color:303030>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:AA0000>Killed<color:303030>-   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:BB0000>Killed <color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:CC0000>Killed b<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:DD0000>Killed by<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:EE0000>Killed by <color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:FF0000>Killed by <shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000>%1<shadow:0:0><color:606060>---   3

(Consider the "killed by %1" bit at the end a bonus.)
So yeah, there you go. Have fun with it, I guess.

Oh, and I should mention that those events can be straight copy pasted into an event save file in DrenDran's BE mod. Most of my eventing these days is done in notepad, and this is one of the times where it really shows with all the copy-pasting and autoreplacing.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 10:45:28 PM by .::Taboo::. »

This is damn cool, I like the music in the video too.

« Last Edit: December 29, 2013, 03:29:05 AM by Port »

Man, too bad I have no clue how I could go about packaging and properly using that. :panda:

This is damn cool, I like the music in the video too.

Bonertastic, that'll get rid of a lot of clutter for me. Should VCE replacers show up fine?

Uh, probably not. I'll have to look at how VCE replacers are done first.

Just going to start putting handy event strings here as I make them. Here's a shop system that allows users to retain ownership of purchased items, applied to the buying brick.

onActivate   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:striker12>   0   1   1 9
onVariableTrue   Player   addItem   0   1127
onVariableTrue   Client   playSound   0   1844
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   0   <font:impact:5><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   25   <font:impact:10><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:15><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:20><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   125   <font:impact:25><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Equipped <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12   3
onVariableFalse   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:score>   4   2300   10 21
onVariableFalse   Client   playSound   0   1831
onVariableFalse   Client   CenterPrint   0   <color:FFFFFF><font:impact:20>You can't afford that!   3
onVariableTrue   Player   addItem   0   1127
onVariableTrue   Client   playSound   0   1851
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   0   <font:impact:5><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   25   <font:impact:10><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:15><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:20><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   125   <font:impact:25><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000><color:F0F0F0>Purchased <color:FFFF00>STRIKER-12<color:F0F0F0> for <color:00DD00>$2300   3
onVariableTrue   Client   IncScore   0   -2300
onVariableTrue   Client   VCE_modVariable   0   striker12   0   1

An update to the kill display that adds point deductions to the killed.

onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:005500>+10   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:006600>+20   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:007700>+30   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:008800>+40<color:202020>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:009900>+50<color:303030>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:00AA00>+60<color:303030>-   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00BB00>+70<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:00CC00>+80<color:404040>--   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00DD00>+90<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:00EE00>+100<color:505050>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+100<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   playSound   0   1837
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   IncScore   0   100
onMinigameKill   KillerClient   VCE_modVariable   0   consecKills   1   25
onMinigameKill   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   25   15 16
onVariableTrue   Client   IncScore   0   25
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   600   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+125<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   Self   VCE_ifValue   0   <var:client:consecKills>   2   50   18
onVariableTrue   Client   CenterPrint   650   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:00FF00>+150<color:606060>---   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   50   <font:impact:30><color:550000>K   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   100   <font:impact:30><color:660000>Ki   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   150   <font:impact:30><color:770000>Kil   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   200   <font:impact:30><color:202020>-<color:880000>Kill<color:202020>-<br><color:880000>-0   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   250   <font:impact:30><color:303030>--<color:990000>Kille<color:303030>--<br><color:880000>-1   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   300   <font:impact:30><color:303030>-<color:AA0000>Killed<color:303030>-<br><color:880000>-5   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   350   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:BB0000>Killed <color:404040>--<br><color:880000>-11   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   400   <font:impact:30><color:404040>--<color:CC0000>Killed b<color:404040>--<br><color:880000>-16   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   450   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:DD0000>Killed by<color:505050>---<br><color:880000>-20   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   500   <font:impact:30><color:505050>---<color:EE0000>Killed by <color:505050>---<br><color:880000>-23   3
onMinigameKill   Client   CenterPrint   550   <font:impact:30><color:606060>---<color:FF0000>Killed by <shadow:3:3><shadowcolor:000000>%1<shadow:0:0><color:606060>---<br><color:880000>-25   3
onMinigameKill   Client   playSound   0   1827

Text blasts are the way of the future.