Author Topic: *Sigh* What have I done?  (Read 11542 times)

Boshi...once a friend of mine came online and started saying crap to me. Picking on every little thing about me. Saying I wear short shorts due to my Raptor video (Porpously short btw) Saying I have no friends, no life, and even saying that I have a JEWfro. Seriously whats with the jew stuff? After countering all of these statements about me. He started saying how it was not only him doing it. He said how most of you (Blockland Community) have been making fun of me behind my back. My question...Why? What have I done to any of you guys in this community? I just dont get it...I haven't done anything to you guys...if I have, please tell me...

Seriously...what have I done to you guys?

I don't know you but i dont think your a evil person who messes up peoples life just like your friend

1) its an imposter
2) boshi is an ass
3) someone really is making fun of you.

But srsly, how the hell could we make fun of you behind your back and why wouldn't we be doing it to someone who really is a cigarette instead?

Your friend sounds like an asshat.

People in this community usually make fun of people very clearly on the forum. This is not really the case for you.

People will always, ALWAYS talk behind your back. It's natural, humans are scared and stupid that way. They will stretch the boundaries of everything to get the most out of everything, exerting the least effort in doing so.

The only reason I could see for Boshi's actions would be jealousy. What he said about the community talking behind your back is probably true, but making fun of you? It's allot funnier to make fun of someone and laugh it off at their expense on the forums, so that's just illogical that people would crack jokes about you behind your back.

The point is, if the community hated you it would have been clearly written multiple times all over the place by now. This community doesn't seem to hide their hate for anyone.

That's why I love the BL community. These are the people that aren't afraid to yell, PANDA YOU, in your face. Just like the stereotypical New Yorker.

That's why I love the BL community. These are the people that aren't afraid to yell, PANDA YOU, in your face. Just like the stereotypical New Yorker.

I havent really though of it that way, muffin.


Give me a pic of your gf and I'll be on your side.

Give me a pic of your gf and I'll be on your side.

God, what is it with you and wanting to see who my girlfriend is?

[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: hi
[KCIK] Partizan: Hi
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: [KCIK] rules all
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: We are Kcikarse
[KCIK] Partizan: Do you think it's humanly possible for a kid like this to get a gf?
[KCIK] Partizan:
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: wtf is that actually the guy from bl
[KCIK] Partizan: yes
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: roflwtf that owns
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: except that kid is handicapped
[KCIK] Partizan: answer the question
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: yes
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: WTF
[KCIK] Partizan: Impossible :o
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: I'm laughing my ass off
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: that guy is such a nerd even without the video
[KCIK] Partizan: lol
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: the one sound effect
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: when he says like GTFO and stuff
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: i can't stop laughign
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: laughing
[KCIK] Partizan: I'm laughing because of how handicapped he is in those videos
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: he looks like a handicap yeah
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: god this is the most handicapped kid i've seen in my life
[KCIK] Partizan: lol
[KCIK] Partizan: He claims he has a gf yet won't show me a pic
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: because
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: 1) she doesn't exist
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: or 2) she has to be really fugly to go out with someone like that
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: :P
[KCIK] Partizan: lol
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: Stairs
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: More stairs
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: omg stairs t hat go down
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: ...
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: >_>
[KCIK] Partizan: do you has a gf?
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: yes, seven of them
[KCIK] Partizan: serious question requires serious answer
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: serious answer requires serious question
[KCIK] Partizan: ...
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: teehee
[KCIK] Partizan: Come on, it's a yes or no answer
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: Maybe
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: godzilla is mad
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: !!!
[KCIK] Partizan: GOJIRA?
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: wha?
[KCIK] Partizan: Gojira = Godzilla in Japanese
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: WTF. Frog.
[KCIK] Partizan: ?
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0:
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: Sampapa is gay
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: I can't believe he got some cigarette to actually videotape all his handicappedness
[KCIK] Partizan: Watch the other one with the snake, he makes handicapped faces at 1:30 and 1:50
[KCIK] Partizan: What's with him and the god damn popcorn song
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: this video is just gay
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: sam the raptor was actually funny
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0:
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: 1:00
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: what the forget
[KCIK] Partizan: it's one of his many plush toys which h
[KCIK] Partizan: he strokes at night
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: rofl
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: i'm doing this and autofishing with a friend in achaea....good times, cheap but easy money
[KCIK] Partizan: Doesn't it log you out after a certain amount of inactivity?
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: i set it to 180 minutes, lol
[KCIK] Partizan: I'm so bored, I wish there was a game like achaea but with actualy graphics
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: ...
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: lul
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: give it a chance u nub
[KCIK] Partizan: I did, I just don't like MUD's or text games
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: ..
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: but it's so
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: complexsh
[KCIK] Partizan: Exactly, kinda hard to get into and half the time I have no idea where I am or what I'm doing
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: thats cuz ur a nub
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: you'd get it in a week
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: and if you can't stand the lack of graphics you can substitute by being an loldamage ganker like Cain
[KCIK] Partizan: what
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: go to Mhaldor, be Evil
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: join Quisalis
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: artie out
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: gank some noobs
[KCIK] Partizan: but of all of that is still without graphics
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: stop being a gfx whore and consider the gameplay
[KCIK] Partizan: but because of the lack of gfx I have no idea what the stuff si going on and where I am
[KCIK] Vert|Zer0: learn to read you dyslexic forget

Thanks partizan...

EDIT: Was about to send you the url. Oh well.
« Last Edit: December 15, 2007, 11:58:10 PM by Sampapa »

Thanks partizan...

EDIT: Was about to send you the url. Oh well.
ugh, are you serious? god damn me and my ego.


Partizan...I stood up for you when you were banned...

Thanks for returning the favor.

Evidence  :cookieMonster: