Author Topic: Typewriter text  (Read 1913 times)

A mod where your text shows as you type it. It would be cool to have for people who rp, that way they dont have to wait around before responding. It would be neat to cut someone off while they are explaining.

"I think we should attack th-"
"No! Im not risking any more men!"

I also think it seems weird if youre in some dumb rp and youre just staring at the guy while hes typing out his explanation.

It would be neat if it showed each word instead of each letter.

Could easily be done with a client mod and a server mod

Yes. YES.

Need this so bad

isnt there a typewriter font?

isnt there a typewriter font?
Reading OP skill level: 0.5

had to read it over a bit lol
but this sounds like a cool idea

isnt there a typewriter font?

This would be really awesome. There are however problems I can see arising: when multiple people write at the same time, and how would the formatting work, like, will the "typing" text always be the last, first, or where would it be it's position? What if someone enters their sentence between the others?
A good formatting idea would be to have, basically, a separated chatbox displayed under the existing one, and the text would perhaps be smaller. Or have the currently appearing blue font above the chatbox, instead using lines and showing who's typing what.
Also there should be a check for commands, if anyone decides to do this. I don't want people to know when I am about to do something with commands, no matter what it is, even if it might be just /sit, it's going to be spamful if that would happen, even remotely. Also worth mentioning that teams should also be restricted to that, what if someone wants to say something in team-chat for TDM's etc? Even if though it would have more use in roleplay.
Perhaps a sweet feature along with this would be to have a special Blockhead pose while you are talking, so you can know someone's talking without looking at their player name (if it even appears) and then top-left corner.
There can be a lot of problems concerning this, including a lot of addressed situation that need to be taken care of (like I said about the teams, about multiple people talking at once, about chat mixing etc.).

This would be really awesome. There are however problems I can see arising: when multiple people write at the same time, and how would the formatting work, like, will the "typing" text always be the last, first, or where would it be it's position? What if someone enters their sentence between the others?
A good formatting idea would be to have, basically, a separated chatbox displayed under the existing one, and the text would perhaps be smaller. Or have the currently appearing blue font above the chatbox, instead using lines and showing who's typing what.
Also there should be a check for commands, if anyone decides to do this. I don't want people to know when I am about to do something with commands, no matter what it is, even if it might be just /sit, it's going to be spamful if that would happen, even remotely. Also worth mentioning that teams should also be restricted to that, what if someone wants to say something in team-chat for TDM's etc? Even if though it would have more use in roleplay.
Perhaps a sweet feature along with this would be to have a special Blockhead pose while you are talking, so you can know someone's talking without looking at their player name (if it even appears) and then top-left corner.
There can be a lot of problems concerning this, including a lot of addressed situation that need to be taken care of (like I said about the teams, about multiple people talking at once, about chat mixing etc.).
Of course, whoever makes this would obviously think about all of this. There's plenty of room to completely avoid the default chat because this would require a client-sided add-on in the first place. If anything, it could be a list of everyone who is near you, showing the last 10 words they typed if you were close enough to hear those words. The regular chat would be used for global chat and system messages (such as blockhead connected, admin has changed the server preferences, etc etc)
Because the global and normal chat would be separated, global chat would work like our default chat does, which means we wont see the commands people are typing.

Would probably lead to a lot of bans, a user plans on saying something insulting to an admin, then changes his/her mind and backspaces it.

Would probably lead to a lot of bans, a user plans on saying something insulting to an admin, then changes his/her mind and backspaces it.
ok? chat might lead to people sending things then regretting it. think before you hit the t key? its not like the mod lets you read minds.

isnt there a typewriter font?
i likt this
its what i thought the thread was about until i read heed's explanation.

isnt there a typewriter font?
i like this.
i thought this thread was about a typewriter print until i read heed's explanation.

sorry i accidentally re-posted the same thing. i hit post on the first one, but it froze. i reloaded the page and re-sent the same message, but i didn't realize the other one was there.

sorry, i didnt know the other post was there. i feel dumb.

Would probably lead to a lot of bans, a user plans on saying something insulting to an admin, then changes his/her mind and backspaces it.
Good. If they had something bad to say in the first place then they probably deserve to be banned.
But then again, you're missing the point of this add-on. It would serve more purpose in an RP or RPG than it would in your generic freebuild. Thus it would most likely only affect local chat, and not global chat.
Plus, if someone has a problem with an admin, they should speak up anyways. If any admins ban for emotional/personal reasons, then I'll de-admin them. Simple as that. I also don't see how it would lead to a lot of bans anyways. I highly doubt people type half a thing about an admin then backspace it on a daily basis. Most people angry enough to say something about an admin come straight out about it. Either that, or they just leave the server anyways.

So please stop coming up with these irrelevant problems to unique add-ons.