Author Topic: 2012/09/08 - Blockland r1730  (Read 46785 times)

Ever heard of being forced into it because your father is a Mac supremacist?
I'm sorry, but I use a Mac, and I'm stuck with the same problems until probably christmas.
I'd probably run away if that ever happened to me.

Ever heard of being forced into it because your father is a Mac supremacist?
I'm sorry, but I use a Mac, and I'm stuck with the same problems until probably christmas.
build computer
use linux
dress it up to look like OS X
problem solved
enjoy games through wine

build computer
use linux
dress it up to look like OS X
problem solved
enjoy games through wine
Although, to be fair, WINE runs on MOX too.

Although, to be fair, WINE runs on MOX too.
Limited hardware is the reason I suggested Linux instead of OS X for wine.

Limited hardware is the reason I suggested Linux instead of OS X for wine.
Fair enough, but I think that was what he was referring to about christmas.

Get xubuntu for a desktop, he'll never know!

Ever heard of being forced into it because your father is a Mac supremacist?
I'm sorry, but I use a Mac, and I'm stuck with the same problems until probably christmas.
I'm sorry, but are you Snow2?

Get xubuntu for a desktop, he'll never know!
there's no global menu applet. sucks.

More optimization pwease!

  • Fixed \dev\Blockland\trunk\engine\bricks\octShadows.cpp:679 - GL Error: 1280 - GL_INVALID_ENUM error spam

Please fix the glitch soon :c

You know, the one that turns all emitters into cubes and darkens everything when shaders are enabled.

Please fix the glitch soon :c

You know, the one that turns all emitters into cubes and darkens everything when shaders are enabled.

Sorry to bother you, but wtf is this supposed to be and how can it be fixed?
It's not a major issue but it makes the bricks look strange.
