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Author Topic: Post 3D models here!  (Read 72203 times)

Anyone got a minifig model they can spare?
Or a right hand?

Anyone got a minifig model they can spare?
Or a right hand?

I have one... Somewhere in my infinite folders of mess.

Meh, I made a Z-Sabre in ROBLOX studio, Which IS a 3D modeling Program

It's just a rounded cylinder and two extruded right-angled triangles, how is this worth mentioning?

It's just a rounded cylinder and two extruded right-angled triangles, how is this worth mentioning?
Because, for Roblox, that gets you You-Dont-Fail points. Unfortunately this isn't Roblox.

its good but im using blender 3d

Woo i know how to get it know!

I added trigger slot with and without trigger does it look better that way?

I'm experimenting with the handle of the knife shank thing. I can't get the pic to upload.

New/Newish Models: A lot better than the old ones.
Old Models: Please, I know they suck, but they are pretty old. Some were not released if they were actually put in Blockland.

Woo i know how to get it know!

Sorry, but how the hell do you spell "no" wrong? It's a two letter word.

Also I like your AK47, Flail, and Mustache/Glasses, Azerath.

Ugh, the flail sucked.
The rings were make from 2 cylinders with more polygons then it needed, and the spikes were all separate cylinders.
Pathetic. D:
The AK47 took me a long time, but it was awesome. :D

Extremely lovey.
Flud would be cool if you could get it to work

Sorry, but how the hell do you spell "no" wrong? It's a two letter word.

Also I like your AK47, Flail, and Mustache/Glasses, Azerath.

Sorry, but how the hell do you spell "Now" wrong ? It's a three letter word.