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Topics - Blake1

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Off Topic / -
« on: December 21, 2014, 04:15:45 PM »

Drama / nal and freek - can't handle trashtalk; begin lashing me out
« on: December 20, 2014, 09:23:37 PM »
ok quick drama, nothing extremely important but felt it should be discussed

Ok so nal and freek were playing basketball vs outpact and cheesemaster, they lost, hard. let's just say that. Naturally, as I was rooting for red hawks (outpact and cheese), after the game I said this:
(background info about rebels: me and ardenlo beat nal and freek last time they played)

lol then the defenses come in

I wasn't really mad, until nal comes out with this out of no where.

You loving crossed the line m8. I was just going to do a new years party for fun, and of course nal gets his panties tied up in a knot over it. Apparently I can't hold my own party. I ended up deciding to use the build for something else, so I closed up that topic and abandoned the new year idea. And then of course nal takes his loving ego to the next level with this whole "blake failed stuff hahahaha my new year's for the win!!!"

tl_dr example
let's say for example mr queeba fails at his disease and joins the basketball tournament. He beats some other team, trash talks a bit, then some butthurt member goes "I would like to point out mr queebas 2 hours of success with his disease topic"

nal and freek are friends who like to stir up stuff.

Again small drama, but felt this needed to be brought to attention.

Off Topic / BLF remembers: "badspot"
« on: December 17, 2014, 05:04:48 PM »
Behold the greatest thread leading up to the forum waiting room.......badspot.

Ok so I stumbled upon this thread by mr.awsome, who's currently known as _______. We can all declare that this is the greatest effort to save badspot in BLF history.

I've noticed a lot of forumers who we see today that posted here, let this be a tribute to those who saved badspot.

Modification Help / command not working
« on: December 15, 2014, 09:36:33 PM »
Just going to dump in this code, it's not the best and I'll probably rework it but what's not working?
Code: [Select]
function serverCmdtitle(%client, %target, %chat, %chat2, %chat3, %chat4)
findclientbyname(%target).setPrefix="%chat SPC %chat2 SPC %chat3 SPC %chat4";

messageClient(%client, '', '\c6This command is Admin only.');
After checking the console log, there is literally nothing that can help me syntax wise, but when I trigger the command it doesn't work.


Off Topic / Would anyone be willing to help with a BLF Documentary?
« on: December 11, 2014, 02:30:12 PM »
Title pretty much sums it up. I had a strange dream the other night where I had put together a BLF Documentary called "Tribute to the BLF" where me and a couple of other forumers kind of talked about what made the BLF so special and unique, talking about milestones, funny moments, chainbans, etc etc and then livestreaming the recording on my twitch channel.

...after I woke up the idea pretty much struck me. Why not do a documentary and livestream it?

After doing a lot of thinking I've decided this is what I'd need:
- narrator
- um those people that get interviewed and make comments on stuff being discussed?
- in-game gameplay  (to be shown 10-15 minutes prior to the show, kinda like hype or something)
- high quality in-game footage and screenshots of builds
- video editors
- chat moderators
- ???

I'm kind of curious who would be willing to help out with such a project. thoughts, input, etc welcome on such an idea.

Gallery / Blockland Reaction Image: THATS A LOAD OF CRAP
« on: December 09, 2014, 10:49:55 PM »

not bad for my first meme

Behind the scenes of my terrible build

(I cropped the sink out cause it looked so bad, also for size purposes)

Off Topic / Blockland Reaction Image: THATS A LOAD OF CRAP
« on: December 09, 2014, 10:44:33 PM »
Moved to gallery

General Discussion / BlockPlex [Beta] - The Ultimate Multi-Server
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:52:47 PM »

The Ultimate Multi-Server

BlockPlex is a Multi-Server. A multi-server is a server that has a bunch of different gamemodes combined into one.

Players can play on certain gamemodes, including Simon Says, Falling Platforms, and more! By playing you earn points, which you can use in shops around the place.

The build uses a mall-like style. You walk through the hallways to find a gamemode of your choosing, and you can then hang out in the lobby until the next round.

Because the server is still WIP, pictures are not available at the moment.


Simon Says
Players are told what to do by a player nicknamed "Simon". If they fail to carry out the instructions they die. Pretty simple and based off of the childhood game.
Credit goes to Blake1 for the original server. He also worked on the maps for this gamemode.

The Gamemode includes 3 different maps of Simon's choice.

The game gives away 1 point for playing a round, 5 for winning. 1 additional point per kill with a projectile (as Simon).

[Additional Rules]
1. Do not Self Delete as Simon.
2. Do not abuse as Simon, this includes pressing the Winner or No Winner button incorrectly.
3. No excessive blocking. Blocking over and over again will result in a ban. Please try to limit how much you block; it can be unfair at times.

Falling Platforms
An operator controls which colored platforms players are to go on. If they are unable to get onto the platform, they die. Based on the classic servers that users like Tetris, Ravencroft & Whirlwind did.

Credit to Blake1 for designing and building the maps.
Additional credit goes to Ravencroft & Whirlwind's Skyward Tiles for map idea.

Includes 2 maps of operator's choice.

Gives 1 point for playing a round and each kill with a projectile. 5 additional points for winning.

[Additional Rules]
1. Don't break the system. (ie Self Delete as operator)
2. No excessive blocking, don't block over and over again, it can be unfair at times.

There is the Killers and the Runners, the runners try to survive through a map filled with hidden dangers under the control of the Killers. If they make it to the end of the map they must attempt to fight the Killers.

Credit to Blake1 for map making and eventing.
shoutout to those who have made deathrun servers in the past.

Includes 2 maps of host/admin's choice.
*Note: This game MUST be attended to by an Admin.*

Gives 1 point for playing. 1 additional point per kill. 2 additional points if you are the last remaining.

[Additional Rules]
None! Keep fair play though!

More Gamemodes to Come!

Here is the current Administration team. Note: Most Simon Says Admins are not Admin on this server. There are no Admin Applications at this time, maybe later.

2015 (31622) - Host
Blake1 (45718) - Super Admin & 2nd-In-Command


12/9/2014 - Development nearing completion, topic created.

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Off Topic / Badspot's Income Jokes
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:57:07 PM »
A while back Glass made some joke about how much money he's given Badspot. I'm sure someone can find it if they look hard enough. Anyways make your own alt income jokes.

For example: I met Badspot today, he drove up in a nice fancy car. We talked about Blockland and all, and we got to talking about the car. He said, "I call it my Betelmobile cause Betel paid it off in alt keys!"

General Discussion / 2015's New Year [Development]
« on: December 08, 2014, 11:06:20 PM »

Drama / Glass - Still an starfish
« on: December 02, 2014, 10:58:21 PM »
Still an starfish

Some of his previous Dramas (Petition to get him IP banned) (oh look a ban!)

If you lost count, that's 6 dramas. That's not all, feel free to dig yourself by searching "Glass" in Drama only. Now that you have an idea on how much of a prick this guy is, let's dig into his more recent actions.

Glass & GRTB

Okay, so unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably heard of GRTB. Whether or not it's bannable, how much the GUI stinks, you name it, it's been discussed like 5 times in that thread. While I'll be honest it's not the A+ name, or it's really rude to dismiss people's suggestions (ie name change), this is about Glass, not GRTB.

Glass comes in and begins making the most starfish-ish posts I've ever seen.

Gstuff [size=4 pt](my name until you change it, because I refuse to acknowledge this as a legitimate RTB remake) [/ size]is a whole 1MB smaller then the others, oh ho better boast this for awhile because I know everyone needs an extra MB!

There are so many variables that are going to cause this to fail.

First off you as the head of it; you are so closed to any critism and even refused to acknowledge a rule set by the moderators. Lets take a look inside gothboy's mind "hey mom im going to go drive" "but your drunk, you can't its the law" "well the police didn't catch me or tell me to stop so it's okay".

Second, the mod is buttforget ugly. It looks absolutely abhorring, it looks like something you would find from a 3 year old that found photoshop. You also show narcissistic qualitys all over your mod, whether it be the name, or the use of your name/avatar in every corner of the god damn mod.

And last of all, the loving name. It's not hard to just loving change the thing. EVERYONE is telling you to change and and yet your bum forget self is under some false sense that this represents RTB. This is a disgrace to call RTB; RTB was run by very professional people and made aesthetically pleasing in most frontiers, where you are a totally closed to criticism, you put too much pride in yourself, and your mod is a mess.

Sin Counter: 6
Also note the tone of reading his post, he sounds like bowser on steroids, ranting about everything.

i dislike the themes a lot, but a lot. Looks like goth77 doesnt understand. Does he has brain?
Still searching.

Way to go making yourself the biggest ass ever. 10/10

You know, I realized maybe this mod is good. Seems like most of the troubled/annoying people (like mr. Queerba) gravitate to this one instead of flooding ones like DAProgs.
no comment

Will 2.1 change the name? lmao
Day 20; still in my cave waiting for the name to change.
go away

Holy loving hell you are so god damn stupid. If you had half a braincell you would just change the name and be done. But no no autism to the rescue need to keep the name!!1!
ok this guy needs to forget off. He's literally lurking through the thread hoping to find somehow to make some petty insult to the mod / creator.

honestly at this point I don't care about it because it attracts mostly handicaps like you and queeba
get. the. forget. out.
First up, I am not a "handicap", and honestly neither is queeba. He's just looking for ways to insult people and is being an all around starfish (see, title). If anyone's a handicap, it's glass. Ego the size of loving texas.
Second up, if you don't care then get out. Clearly he's just looking to insult and be a loving prick.


In final words, we pretty much all know how much of an ass glass is. I'd gather more evidence but I'm getting off for now to do some other stuff. I made this topic to rise a bit of awareness of Glass' recent actions since they've seen to gone unnoticed. Behavior like this is not acceptable and clearly shows he's a prick.

I'd also rather no discussion regarding GRTB in this thread, this is a Glass thread, take it somewhere else.

Off Topic / Badspot Appreciation Thread - Mail Bag added to OP
« on: December 02, 2014, 04:08:28 PM »

^All from the front page of General Discussion. All except the top two were moved to Drama, the top two were moved to Off Topic.

Post your favorite Badspot moments; and I'll add them to the OP.

Favorite Badspot Moments

Moment posted by Qwepir

No source.
Moment posted by ThatRandomGuy

Mail Bag!

Mail bag! It's that time of year where Badspot amuses us with stupid and idiotic emails! Take a trip back in time to enjoy this some laughs!
Paedophiles! Incest! Rape!
More Child Defense in the Name of the Queen
Infringed Copyright... of a dog
How do you get banned from forums
perverted player
Trolls have feelings.

Off Topic / The BLF Advent Calender v2 - December 16th, 2014
« on: December 01, 2014, 02:52:09 PM »
The BLF Advent Calender

Each day of this advent, I will randomly select one random forumer (on my list) and they will be featured in this thread. This is not biased, my friends only, or none of that. Just cool guys just like you. My list contains about 50 active/well known forumers and I'm adding more as I find them. For the surprise effect, I am keeping this list private, so don't ask.

Today's Forumer!
December 16th, 2014

Creator of the popular minigame add-on, Slayer, Greek2me is arguably one of the most helpful forumers on here. He commonly helps out and gives feedback in the coding boards, and I recall he's made a few coding libraries. Did I mention he's nice too?

Previous Forumers
December 15th, 2014

Congrats, I remembered to add you to the list yesterday and you got featured today. Now go make us bricks of our choosing.

December 14th, 2014

um he's a cool guy that's all i've got to say....i saw him on speedkart yesterday

December 13th, 2014

Known for making his vehicles, taking really pretty screenshots, and developing the SuperKart gamemode (when it's done) Filipe is very well known in the Add-Ons community.

December 12th, 2014

known for his falling tiles server that he did with Whirlwind, and his highly successful basketball tournament, Ravencroft is one awesome forumer. Let's just say that.

December 11th, 2014

WwwgRUGHbkww wwho is this guy again? Oh right, got tracked down by google and is one of our average forumers.

December 10th, 2014

Camel (Anti-Block)
Co-host of BLCast with Electrk, Camel (anti-block was his previous account) lives in gorilla town. He posts most actively in......... off-topic WOO HOO I GUESSED IT RIGHT YAY and Creativity.

December 9th, 2014

sir dooble
Do what the dooble does. Arguably one of the coolest and most intelligent guys here, sir dooble has 8k posts, most of them in.... can you take a guess? Off Topic of course!

December 8th, 2014

Furling (ad bot 2)
AP, Blockland Forum -- Furling is our news source, that's all I can say. He's also deaf, but knows american sign language.
Brought to you by ©.

December 7th, 2014

This guy is a darn good builder. He's the guy who created the "What's your favorite item from the above user's signature" thread, and is currently working on his Hunger Games for Blockland.

December 6th, 2014

Mr Queeba
He's annoying, he's awesome, his avatar was made with microsoft paint, he's Mr Queeba! He always states the obvious, he uses his l33t microsoft paint skills, he's m- you get it.

December 5th, 2014

Maxwell. (memewell)
Very well known as the irritating memewell, maxwell loves memes and ryuko. all hail memewell

December 4th, 2014

Commonly known as that guy who has earth as his avatar (or I just call him earth guy), Oasis is a well-respected forumer. He's active in Off Topic and Games, and is one cool little kid. :^)

December 3rd, 2014

If you think he's a fox, you're sadly mistaken. Our first furry to be featured in this thread, Ipquarx knows his crap when it comes to coding. He posts most in Off Topic and General Discussion, but reads Coding Help the most.

December 2nd, 2014

Well known around the forum, XR-7, is popular pretty much everywhere. A car fan and weather fanatic like OP, XR-7 is a very cool and chill person.

December 1st, 2014

Wish this guy a happy birthday congrats on making the calender! He's p cool and is active mostly in Off-Topic and Community Projects. He also has 666 posts in Drama at the making of this thread.

One Final Note:
Begging or asking for your name to be added to the list will get you removed if you are on the list already. I am aware of most forumers so chances are you're on the list. Just keep in mind there's about 75 forumers on the list so not everyone will be featured, as there is only 24 days of advent.

shoutout to awesomebread for making this.

Off Topic / My dad's been picked up by an Ambulance
« on: November 29, 2014, 04:45:58 PM »
About 10-20 minutes ago we were stringing lights around a tree in our front yard, when all of the sudden my dad let's go of the lights and begins grabbing his chest, he sat down and began looking like he was about to throw up or something.

He said he felt light of breath, I got my mom and we stood around him for a few minutes and finally decided to call EMS.

They just got here and picked him up. Me and my sister are staying at the house, and my grandmother is coming to watch us.

Please keep me and my family in your thoughts, that was quite stressful. I'll be posting updates as I get news.

Off Topic / You're now in charge of BL/BLF, what do you do?
« on: November 10, 2014, 03:16:34 PM »
Badspot leaves the game after lots of crap and hands the game and forums over to you, what do you do?

If you're removing a user, specify which type of removal:
A - Completely ridded from the forums; will never return
B - Key revoked, cya!
C - both

Other options include:
- shutting down the game (go back to /r/BlocklandIsHorrible you idiot)
- handing it over to someone else (can't handle the POWAR m8)
- updating the game (hope you know how)
- shutting down the forums or removing a feature


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