Author Topic: Static Shape Collision  (Read 4885 times)

If you're using a trans 16x16.png just use the default blank texture. Just make the material name "blank" in Blender it will work. No need to UV unwrap or add textures.

However if you want an actual transparent model instead of colorshifting model then the PNG/material is irrelevant. You need to enable transparency in the exporter.
I worded my post wrong. What I'm trying to do is apply a texture to a staticShape object. I UV wrap the object and name the material, and then put the texture in the file with the same name as the material, correct? Whatever I do is not working, and I followed the tutorial stated above.
Basically, I'm trying to do what Taboo did with the mars and what Wrapperup did with Earth.
« Last Edit: August 30, 2014, 01:37:10 AM by Cruxeis »

If you use milkshape, in your materials, just to make sure it comes out right, make a new material, and in the material settings there ahould be 2 buttons. Both say none, we want to press the top one, make sure your texture is named like you want in your add-on

Open the texture, apply to faces, and if you want, use the Texture editor in the Windows menu.

Not sure how to do it in blender, i'm not at home so i cant do much atm.

Figured it out! :D

lel i suck at UV maps
You have to name the material as the same thing you named the picture. Also, you have to use TexFace with that material, and make sure when exporting that the material is the "detail texture". (Not sure about the last part there, but that's the only way it worked).