Author Topic: [Utility]Too Many Commands  (Read 3243 times)

Too Many Commands

This add-on adds commands into blockland, and has a feature of opening things that are in the escape menu without going into it.

/options - Opens the options menu
/playerslist - Opens the players list
/adminmenu - If you are the host, Super Admin, Admin, or in singleplayer, this opens the admin menu.
/minigames - Opens the minigames menu.
/savebricks - Opens the save bricks menu. If your not the host of the server, it will open the remote saving warning.
/loadbricks - If you are the host, Super Admin, Admin, or in singleplayer it will open the load bricks menu.
/exit - This will disconnect you from the server/exit singleplayer
/quitblockland - Self explanatory. Quits blockland
/quickswitchserver - This is a beta command. This will open the join game menu. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! - Removed



Mediafire - v1R1

This is my first utility release. Be sure to leave a comment, and keep the comments positive. No hate comments.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 03:30:55 PM by Quinn Mallory »

Why? All of these already have default keybinds or are only 1 click away.

Typing commands will take longer.

You've mixed server and client sided code, so I'd recommend noone download this.

Y'know what would be cool? A command that gives you an item, like /giveitem "ui name". Would be pretty useful.

I thought this was too many cooks.

it takes a lot to make a stew

Oh my god did you even test this?

This only works on your own non-dedicated server and will always be running.
Any player on a non-dedicated server that has this mod can enter these commands and they will affect the host.
For example, if you had this add-on, I joined your server, and typed /quit, the server would close.
The things that are intended to work with admin only will never actually work, the else statements will always be called. And even if they did work, why are you checking the status of the client calling the command then imposing the stuff on the host???
Even if they did work, if the client was a super admin and is a local connection, /loadbricks would try to bring up the load bricks for the host 3 times. If it's a super admin and they aren't a local connection, it's going to bring up both the load bricks and the admin login windows, for the host.

Oh my god did you even test this?

This only works on your own non-dedicated server and will always be running.
Any player on a non-dedicated server that has this mod can enter these commands and they will affect the host.
For example, if you had this add-on, I joined your server, and typed /quit, the server would close.
The things that are intended to work with admin only will never actually work, the else statements will always be called. And even if they did work, why are you checking the status of the client calling the command then imposing the stuff on the host???
Even if they did work, if the client was a super admin and is a local connection, /loadbricks would try to bring up the load bricks for the host 3 times. If it's a super admin and they aren't a local connection, it's going to bring up both the load bricks and the admin login windows, for the host.

Its been tested. It works completely fine.

I kept the restrictions the same through the commands so its not OP.

Like for example(since you are using examples), someone that isn't a nonadmin it would open the admin login, instead of the loadbricks menu.

You are just trying to challenge the maker of the addon. Be careful man.

Its been tested. It works completely fine.

This doesn't even run at all because you have a syntax error on line 84. Other than that, it is completely broken - you put server sided commands that call client sided functions inside a client sided file and %client doesn't exist in any of the places where you used it.

Has a syntax error. So it won't even run.
Incredibly badly made. It combines server and client sided code.
If you can even get it to work, it'll only work for the host on a non dedicated server.

I was expecting something to deal with having too many server commands to remember. Not even more server commands.

how about instead of being richardheads and making him feel like stuff, hows about you indulge him on how to do better. if you did pm him then excuse this message.

to op: they are right, this is sloppy, but i can clearly see you're new to coding, so what i'd recommend is to not release any of your newer stuff, but to just hold on to for you're on pride, it's cool you're trying to get into coding, but typically you shouldn't release code that is already in the game by default, not saying you shouldn't code these things, any practice is good. And always remember to ask for help if you ever need it.

You are just trying to challenge the maker of the addon. Be careful man.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2016, 02:43:16 PM by IdeTheBird »

This doesn't even run at all because you have a syntax error on line 84. Other than that, it is completely broken - you put server sided commands that call client sided functions inside a client sided file and %client doesn't exist in any of the places where you used it.

Oh, that is part of the quickswitch...

Thanks for pointing it out. When I was testing it, it worked fine. Guess not...

I've removed that command now.

You're still ignoring the fact that the whole thing doesn't work correctly.
This should be fail binned.

Oh, that is part of the quickswitch...

the hell is a quickswitch?

Its been tested. It works completely fine.

I kept the restrictions the same through the commands so its not OP.

Like for example(since you are using examples), someone that isn't a nonadmin it would open the admin login, instead of the loadbricks menu.

You are just trying to challenge the maker of the addon. Be careful man.
Actually someone that isn't a non-admin is going to cause the admin login to pop up for the host.

Don't challenge me. I know what I'm talking about. So do Zeblote and jes00.

Host a server, I'll show you what I'm talking about.