Author Topic: Halo add ons and vechicles.  (Read 23958 times)

I doubt that. Your name is halo marster obviously supposed to be Halo, mixed with Master Chief, you just suck at spelleing. 

Why are the archives blocked?

i want that stuff but it is freaking blocked

Because IDIOTS on the Blockland forums "ported" add-ons from the archives that were "long lost".
Fixed lol

It does, lately i got those too, even before this list and it still works fine to me.
It doesn't work for me...?

You friend.
You friend.

Anyways. Since Heedicalking isn't going to release his Ghost, I'm going to try to make it.

All Halo add-ons that have ever been made have sucked terribly. I wish someone with actual talent made some Halo weapons. They seriously all suck.

All Halo add-ons that have ever been made have sucked terribly. I wish someone with actual talent made some Halo weapons. They seriously all suck.

Go die, mine have had much more appeal to the general public, even to those whom have critisized Halo and the addons made before hand by the other people.

Agrue with that against me and my fan base. Trololo-

All Halo add-ons that have ever been made have sucked terribly. I wish someone with actual talent made some Halo weapons. They seriously all suck.

Make your own.

All Halo add-ons that have ever been made have sucked terribly. I wish someone with actual talent made some Halo weapons. They seriously all suck.

Darn, most of the ones i probaly would need too  just say "Forbidden" "You are not alowed to acsess this file on the server" or whatever

I doubt that. Your name is halo marster obviously supposed to be Halo, mixed with Master Chief, you just suck at spelleing. 
Lol, you do too