Author Topic: Demian's Doors [32 doors | 8 add-ons]  (Read 32395 times)

DOORS! DOORS EVERYWHERE! And taking requests for more!

Old threads: Nov 2012, Jan 2015



I like doors so I made some doors. Once I get enough suggestions for new doors I might either update an existing add-on or release a new one. All of the doors are frameless because that's my personal preference as it allows for making double doors. I might release framed versions of some doors later on, however that won't happen anytime soon. I've been working on the current (2014-01-26) set of doors for five days straight. I need a break.

Support_Updater support included for updates.

Almost all of the doors have proper coverage but it doesn't work until Badspot fixes it. You can open a door, plant some bricks around it to see the face hiding work, but when you close the door and open it again the coverage doesn't work.

All doors are 4x wide 6x tall brick doors unless otherwise specified.

Frameless Default Doors
Doors: 5 | Datablocks: 16

Plain Door Frameless | Jail Door Frameless | Window Door Frameless | Glass Door Frameless | House Door Frameless

Old but I might as well re-release it here for the sake of completeness.

Version 2.0.0 - 2014/02/01
Added a modified version of the default jail door that fits the custom pole bricks perfectly. Can also function as a corner door.

Demian's Contemporary Doors
Doors: 9 | Datablocks: 27

3 Pane Glass Door | 3 Stripe Window Door | French Screen Door | Glass Pane Door

Sliding Double Door | Sliding Double Door 2
NOTE: These two will be split into their own add-on soonish.

Large Window Door | Stripe Window Door | Wood Plank Door

Demian's Arched Doors
Doors: 1 | Datablocks: 4

Two bricks are required I'm afraid. When doors are loaded, their state is not saved. In other words CCW toggled doors load in closed CW position which looks awful.

Requesting opinions on the height and general usability so I can make the rest of them.

Arched French Screen 3x1x7 | Demonstration of how the door fits the arch with Arched French Screen CCW 3x1x7

Demian's Big Doors
Doors: 3 | Datablocks: 8

Double sized doors: 8x1x24
Castle Door | Castle Door 2 | Castle Door 3 (8x1x22, opens up)

Demian's Eastern Doors
Doors: 2 | Datablocks: 6

Shoji Door | Shoji Door 2

Demian's Half Doors
Doors: 4 | Datablocks: 12

Half Glass Door | Half House Door | Half Paneled Door | Half Plain Door

Demian's Non-Door Doors
Doors: 1 | Datablocks: 3

Vent Door Frameless (3x2x1) | Vent Door Frameless (open cw) | Vent Door Frameless (open ccw)

Demian's Thematic Doors
Doors: 6 | Datablocks: 18

Clean Room Door | Curtain Door (closed) | Curtain Door (open cw) | Double Curtain Door (open)

Lab Door | Lab Door 2 | Locker Door (3x1x5)

Planned Doors

-- it could be like an enlarged arch door or something like that!
Can you do round window shutters? like for that 4x arch
would you consider doing some sort of airlock door for spacecraft?
Quote from: Steam Chat
DragonoidSlayer: Ye, so. Whenever u have the time. Plz work on converting the JVS doors to simple doors. That would make Ostinyo so happy

Completed Requests
Also, you should make the frameless default jail door line up with the pole bricks. The bars are off center from the stud at the moment.
« Last Edit: February 08, 2015, 01:30:15 PM by Demian »

Oh man those doors are excellent!

Someone should make a video of a store called "Demian's Doors". "DOORS DOORS DOORS, WE GOT PLENTY OF DOORS, BIG DOORS, SMALL DOORS" and so on...

OT: These doors look great so far! Nice work! You should make giant palace doors, for the lolz.

that's a lot of doors
and they all look great

Someone should make a video of a store called "Demian's Doors". "DOORS DOORS DOORS, WE GOT PLENTY OF DOORS, BIG DOORS, SMALL DOORS" and so on...

and have the Doors playing in the background

Please include glass in the glass doors. They look like just.. holes. [Suggestion]

And I like how you did the bounds on the arch door to fit up into a ramp brick.

Please include glass in the glass doors. They look like just.. holes. [Suggestion]
I considered it but decided to stick with the default style that doesn't have any transparent bits.


gotta get to changing the doors on my space station

by the way, i think you should change the fact that curtains cannot be attached to the floor. i don't know if this is a mistake, but i'm assuming they can only attach from the top? unnecessary, to be honest. i just wanted to test them out and they kept giving me a "float" error.
« Last Edit: January 26, 2015, 03:15:47 PM by Sami2ss »

Wow these are really nice!!
Keep up the awesome work

Could you maybe make a thing like the curtains that is a tent flap?  Or maybe just a BLB brick tent pack?  I've seen way too many stuffty tents in my days.  This could potentially change that.

by the way, i think you should change the fact that curtains cannot be attached to the floor. i don't know if this is a mistake, but i'm assuming they can only attach from the top? unnecessary, to be honest. i just wanted to test them out and they kept giving me a "float" error.
You need to plant the unopened curtain first which should be default. Now that I think about the open curtains are indeed floating. I need to fix that or the people who use /clearspam are going to lose some doors.

Oh! That's will be coolest Default-styled door pack when done. Can't wait for the final release.

Oh! That's will be coolest Default-styled door pack when done. Can't wait for the final release.
Well this is pretty close to a final release. I have two more doors planned and one fix coming up and that's about it.

These are fantastic.

No glass sliding doors?