Author Topic: Favorite obscure game soundtracks  (Read 2330 times)

The Darkness OST (Not sure if this'd be that obscure or not but gotta love dat music)

Crackdown 2 OST

and others which I forgot for now.

Armored Core fA
Armored Core V
Forsaken 64
Guilty Gear

Probably some others that I'm forgetting.

Probably not that obscure, but
Frozen Synapse - Concentrate

Reminds me a little of Mirror's edge theme

mighty switch force if that counts as obscure

vvvvvv if that counts, which it most likely does not

Mega Man II and V (2 and 5) for the gameboy
MMII's songs were kinda painful to listen to and often sounded depressing and melancholy, but they had good composition
MMV just had good music ok

Megaman isn't obscure.....

Cosmo Bots soundtrack wooooo

but the game i'm thinking of has no music video on youtube

Megaman isn't obscure.....

The series as a whole isn't, but the Gameboy versions of the Classic series aren't all that well known. Mega Man V for the Gameboy was a whole 'nother game on its own, anyways!



Blockland! nah kinda crappy music
« Last Edit: March 21, 2013, 02:44:06 PM by Crispy_ »

Megaman isn't obscure.....
like pliny said, the gameboy versions were
namely MMV which was different from MM games in general

Everquest 1 had some amazing orchestra like music it always hits me hard in the nostalgia when I listen to it. It's not really an obscure game but probably too old for any of you to have played I'm 22 and I was only 9 when it came out.
