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Topics - Mister Cheese

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Games / Event[0] - Me, Myself, and an AI
« on: September 16, 2016, 12:22:57 AM »

In a world where humankind has embraced artificial intelligence, you are stranded on an abandoned spaceship.
Event[0] is a game about building a personal relationship with a machine.
You type messages into a computer, and Kaizen answers. As in any relationship, you experience gratitude, disappointment, and sometimes jealousy. It is by working through fears and anxieties of your virtual companion that you will find your way back to Earth.

Got this game yesterday and I gotta say I love it.
It's $20 on Steam, which I can say was well worth the experience. It's got an Aliens technology vibe to it, as in the high-tech in it feels like it comes out of a vintage 70s/80s Sci-Fi. It also draws big inspiration from 2001: Space Oddysey (I wonder why)

You're a flight engineer sent on a mission to land on Europa, a moon of Jupiter. You get separated from the rest of your crew when there is a catastrophic failure on the ship, the escape pod sending you out into the void of space, failing to hail any of your comrades.
Thankfully, there is one ship nearby, an abandoned vessel called the Nautilus. It's only inhabitant is an AI called Kaizen. Perhaps you could get home from there.
Something about communicating with this AI, it was really cool. It's not like a regular dialogue where you would have like four options, you can ask it whatever you desire, worded however you type it. Sure, sometimes the AI falls flat on its face and can be hard to communicate what you want with it. However, there are moments where it feels real, and those moments made this game well worth it for me.

Have some screenshots:

So I guess I have a unique problem.
I'm going to college sooner or later, and I had been thinking about bringing my desktop to set up in my dorm. They provide a desk in the room, and a couple of other things, but I'm almost sure that both of my monitors that I have hooked up to my desktop will not be able to fit.
You might think, "okay, just unplug one and bring only one. Problem solved right?"
Well not exactly. Last time I tried to get it to work with only one monitor, it refused to display anything when I tried to start it back up.
I've googled this again and again and can't find anything, I was hoping one of you guys might know what to do

If something is unclear, ask and I can try to answer

I was thinking about this when I visited Italy over Spring Break, and couldn't help but wonder what you guys would think; could a modern first world society even have a pantheon of gods?

And by that I mean the traditional scope of gods and goddesses like ancient Roman and Greek times. So, in the same way that the Romans had a god for war, and that some Emperor's children or relatives could be committed to the pantheon as gods or goddesses, do you think the same could even exist in a first world setting?

Gallery / [VIDEO] More Fort Wars!
« on: February 19, 2016, 09:37:19 AM »
I have no excuse for my profuse amount of procrastination

This is a video of me and my friends playing some fort wars. I added music in the background, tell me if you guys like this change or if you'd rather keep it without music in the future, or if you have other constructive criticisms

Thanks, hope you enjoy! :)

Gallery / [VIDEO] Let's Build Some More Forts!
« on: December 20, 2015, 01:26:18 PM »
We're starting up another Fort Wars video!
Here's the Let's Build

THEslimysquash (Ray), Geloraff (Wes), and I (Drew), all had a lot of fun building our forts. Sorry for it being so long, but I think this is the funniest thing I've ever edited. But, that's not for me to judge! Leave some constructive criticism on how we did, it really helps
Thanks, and I hope you enjoy :)

Gallery / [VIDEO] A Slightly Spooky Halloween Special
« on: October 30, 2015, 11:07:40 AM »
Hey, we actually did one on time this time
Hope you enjoy! If you have any constructive criticism, don't be afraid to post it!

Off Topic / Pebble Time Round announced
« on: September 23, 2015, 03:03:19 PM »
I ordered a Pebble Time, and I got a message it arrived today!
Coincidentally, this was announced today.

Studying for a Pre-Calculus quiz, and this is one of the topics. Googling just made it worse, as now I really don't know what  it is.

Help pls

Gallery / [VIDEO] Moments in Xalos's Sun Apocalypse
« on: July 09, 2015, 03:30:34 PM »

(picture unrelated. click to see the video!)

So my friends and I played on Xalos's Sun Apocalypse.
Hijinks ensue!!!111!
Hope you all enjoy 8)

Games / What are some good couch-multiplayer PC games?
« on: June 04, 2015, 03:45:43 PM »
I know, PC and couch are not synonymous but I'm having some friends over sometime soon and I'd like to know what are some games for PC that can have multiple people playing on the same computer if I hook it up to a widescreen TV. Portal 2 is a given, and I have Gang Beasts. Do you guys know of any other good ones?

Help / All colors inverted after GPU change; ONLY blockland
« on: April 22, 2015, 08:13:47 PM »
I recently went from a Nvidia GTX 650 2 GB DDR6 to Zotac GTX 750 Ti 2 GB DDR5. However after the recent change i noticed only blockland had something strange happening. All the colors are inverted. TF2 isn't doing this, any ideas?

Gallery / [VIDEO] Moments in Blockland
« on: February 24, 2015, 10:49:35 AM »
Over the years, I've played a lot of Blockland. So have my friends! I decided to edit together a couple of bloopers and other moments in Blockland that I thought were funny, I hope you enjoy :)

Gallery / [VIDEO] Good Cop Crazy Cop: The Cartel Finale
« on: February 16, 2015, 10:38:53 AM »
Finally, here's the conclusion to the Good Cop Crazy Cop: The Cartel trilogy!
Thanks to those that helped as extras and to Swholli for voicing the Juggernaut!
I also forgot to mention SkuttleBucket in the credits; he helped as a Cartel extra!
Again, thanks everyone, and I hope you all enjoy :)

I can't tell if this will work out from my current computer. I can't test it from this because it's a stinkin chromebook. This is heavily borrowed code and I'm just wondering if this will even work at all;
Original code (from PlayerSetScaleFull)
function Player::setPlayerScaleFull(%this, %x, %y, %z)
   if(!isObject(%this) || %x < 0.1 || %y < 0.1 || %z < 0.1)
   %this.setPlayerScale(%x, %y, %z);

registerOutputEvent(Player, "setPlayerScaleFull", "int 0.1 5 1   int 0.1 5 1   int 0.1 5 1");

Code for "SetVehicleScaleFull"
registerOutputEvent(Vehicle, "setVehicleScaleFull", "int 0.1 5 1    int 0.1 5 1 int 0.1 5 1");

function Vehicle::setVehicleScaleFull(%vehicle, %x, %y, %z)
      %scale = %scale SPC %scale SPC %scale;

General Discussion / [FILMING] good cop crazy cop part 3!
« on: January 12, 2015, 07:10:04 PM »
Hey guys, we need some extras for some scenes in Good Cop Crazy Cop! we're hosting right now, under "Mister Cheese's FILMING YOUTUBE". There are 7 slots. Hope you come, we could use some help! Of course, you'll get credit if you do happen to join and be a part of it

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