Author Topic: I'm back  (Read 1285 times)

Blockland Forums Episode II.V: Return of the Clones

Yes that's the jam, I'm done with my travels and have returned to my motherland.
Leaving topic.

I actually got back a few days ago but went straight from the airport to my friends place and then to a 3 day music festival so I've only just arrived home.
A lot of things have happened over the 6ish months I was traveling, I got to have some pretty crazy and enlightening experiences and believe I came back a better version of myself.
As I was traveling I made a lot up on the go so my trip was a bit different to my original "plan"
Leaving Perth I traveled to Kathmandu, Nepal, where I spent a few days before going on a 15 day trek through the Himalayas. That trek was the highlight of my entire trip, as well as being easily the hardest thing I've ever done. After the trek I spent the rest of the month exploring and chilling with the friends I trekked with until I left for Hong Kong.
I spent a little over a month in HK, much longer than I wanted but I stuck around to meet up with one of my trekking buds. I lived most of the time for free with a European couple in a tiny room that consisted only of a bed and barely fit us all. -lovey times-
After Hong Kong I set off for China, where I was blown away by a lot of things. I made a lot of friends and got closely acquainted with a few of the girls as I traveled over China. Starting and ending my China trip in the south, I did a bit of trail blazing and spent some time up north, great walls etc. I left China early (bummer) to go overland into Vietnam to see my parents for a few days at the end of their trip there. I made my way down Vietnam partying all the way, by far the most touristy country, saw more white people on the walk to a noddle shop than in a month in China. After my month of Vietnam I slipped over to Cambodia where I met a nice Austrian dude that was smuggling hash and lsd and we had some good nights. We went down to the south of Cambodia to Otres Beach, the chillest place I've ever been, spending half a month just chilling in a beach town bar and getting cooked. Off the beach I spent a week on a nearby scarcely inhabited island, where I found a secluded cove and camped as a means of experiencing silence, something I'd learnt a lot about in China. I ended my week of meditation and sandcastles and spent a few more days on Otres before communing to Siem Reap to see Angkor Wat, which was rad as hell.
Flying out of Cambodia I landed in Bali for the wedding of my housemates. I spent a week or so with the wedding crew in a fantastic villa partying non stop before heading with my bro, sis and brothers wedding-found forgetbuddy to the Ghilli Islands. Pretty much the same as Bali but without police so there's drugs everywhere.
A few days on the Island and another night in Bali before I flew back here to my hometown.
Overall I spent typically a month in each country (incl HK) I visited.

So that's it forums, a part of my life I share with thee, is anyone else interested in travel or other cultures?
If you want to know about my trip or the countries I saw or just talk world stuff lets go.

Some pics 4 da chiks

The forget is your hair?

Awesome dude! Looks like it was a lot of fun.
Shame you didn't meet any pirates though you could start the next far cry game.

The forget is your hair?
I let my hair grow while I traveled and it's pretty dang long now, I've never been one to take care of my hair so it always looks pretty extraordinary.
It was already somewhat long when I left too.

It was already somewhat long when I left too.

Your pushing dreads..

that's not loving hair there's a dead squirrel on your head

so how many children was it

yes hello while you were gone I took over the forums and I am now 2nd supreme master leader under baddyspots

give me your csgo skins and tf2 hats as sacrifice

plz don't kill me im jking
but I would appreciate if you gave me stuff :)

That's real neato dude. How many girls did you impregnate?