Author Topic: .::Taboo::./RagnaTheBroedge is actually ~16 years old.  (Read 20172 times)

Yup, that's right. The guy who says he's an English teacher and fakes a marriage. The one who posts worthless threads haphazardly. If you need any evidence aside from childishness and blatant fiending for hot anime bitches, look no further:

1) A voice which only could be owned by a small boy; in his "taboob finally got a new phone" thread, he posts his phone number. Dial it, and when it goes to voicemail you hear a generic computer generated female voice saying, "Please leave a message for:" then pausing for the owner of the phone to say their name. Turns out, the owner of the phone is a prepubescent child named "Jay Cordeiro".

2) He will graduate high school in 2014; a quick search on Facebook for a certain, "Jay Corderio" brings up this page. There is no confusion that this is him, seeing as his listed Skype username is "taboobles". It becomes apparent that the kid who pretends to be an adult on the Blockland forums actually frequents Lyons Township High School and will be going into 11th grade this year.

3) In late 2010, he was in grades 6-9; looking through his photos for more compelling attestations, I came across this photo. Upon further inspection, you will find out that this is a certificate for coming in second place in transportation technology at level 1 at Illinois State University's 10th annual Technology Day. If one were to google this event, they'd find its website and if they went as far as to read it, they, like me, would come across this:

Each competition has Level 1 (6-9 grades) and Level 2 (10-12 grades) components.

4) His face;

I rest my case.

Oh boy, I sure do hope Taboo doesn't come in here and still try to claim he's a teacher.


Also.. um...
I've never seen this guy the whole time I was here.
Who the forget is he?

that's his brother his name is jason and he looks like that but his face is upsidedown like an japanase anime

In case he deletes or edits anything;

Click the second image for full size.

Also.. um...
I've never seen this guy the whole time I was here.
Who the forget is he?
Nevermind I remember him now.

i never believed he was a teacher or an adult anyway. thanks for letting others know this.