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Messages - Canis

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Off Topic / Re: worries and thoughts
« on: May 06, 2022, 02:41:51 AM »
I'm worried that even if I get a good handle on my internal/personal struggles, it won't matter anymore by then because my country will have grown too dangerous for me to survive. I'm worried that as soon as I start recovering from the dark place I've been clawing my way out of, the increasingly hostile sociopolitical landscape surrounding me will just kill me instead. stuff's been scary.

I know it's irrational for me to let that possibility bother me because 1.) I'm already doing everything I can do about a problem that's way bigger than me, and 2.) worrying about it in the meantime creates more problems than it solves.

But if I'm being honest, the only thing that probably scares me more than death is the idea that I didn't die until I'd finally found something to live for. All that effort gone to waste, and right as I start getting attached. Lol

Off Topic / Re: What languages do you speak?
« on: January 24, 2022, 04:35:39 AM »
i always thought it would be cool to be at least bi-lingual but it is so hard to keep disciplined. what motivates you to learn these languages?
My motivation is usually derived from a variety of different places, and it depends on the language I’m learning as well.

French and Spanish are spoken broadly across the globe, making them useful to know, and I also want to connect to my Cajun and Cuban heritage in particular. Other than that, both languages are relatively easy for me because of my liturgical Latin studies, I’ve had some exposure to them from a young age, and I’m a very curious person who likes to know what random words mean.

Icelandic is just an utterly fascinating language to me, and is surprisingly easy to pick up on. It has a reputation for being monstrously difficult, but the real difficulty lies in finding the resources to learn it.

In all cases, my motivation pretty much boils down to fascination. When I was first starting out, I was a mono-lingual native English speaker, pretty much, and the idea of speaking a different language seemed incredibly abstract to me. At first my brain kind of organized new foreign language words into the same mental dictionary as English words, which made it seem impossible.

Eventually I found my way of thinking about it. You kind of learn to “label” words subconsciously as being English or non-, and things get smoother from there. Eventually you’ll be ready to get familiar with different grammar rules, and you can slap together all the words you know in the correct order.

And I’d say to feel daunted or discouraged is a complete and total motivation killer. If you let yourself believe at any point that you’re hopeless and doomed to never be bilingual, you’ve only killed your chances by giving up. If you’re having trouble staying consistent, try taking smaller bites of language learning at a time. Sometimes it’s worse to try to be a juggernaut. You may not remember it well, but you learned English a little bit every day while making LOTS of mistakes.

If you’re patient with yourself and stay curious, you’ll feel like you’re learning secret info that no one else knows while having a blast doing it. And hey, life gets in the way; we can’t immerse ourselves in foreign languages constantly. Not unless you’re rich and can do an immersion program thingy to live in another country for a year. Don’t be surprised if it’s difficult to make time in your day to study a language. Sometimes there just isn’t time.

All that being said, a little bit adds up to A LOT over time. It’s worth it if you’ve got the right mental disposition.

cole2 BL_ID: 18857

Sometimes went by the name Green Cream Soda. My BL_ID was 18867 (this forum acct is an alt), only 10 off from his, and we were close friends on BL around the years 2010-2011. Was the owner of Survive The Cereal on ROBLOX back in the day. Had a decent size Minecraft server with a website and everything, called it cole2sworld.

He kinda slowly disappeared off the internet as the years went on, and I never established contact after 2013 or so. I still wonder what life's been like for him, or if he remembers me much.

Off Topic / What languages do you speak?
« on: January 23, 2022, 06:16:49 PM »
Sorted from most-to-least proficient:

🇺🇸 I'm a native English speaker, bleh. American to be specific :(
🇫🇷 Je parle un peu français, aussi!
🇪🇸 Soy competente en español.
🇮🇸 Og ég tala smá íslensku.

Any multi-linguals about? Bonus points for fluency.

Off Topic / Re: I am married
« on: January 23, 2022, 05:55:53 PM »
Wow okay so I guess what we had meant nothing?
My ADHD ass conflates the words Frontrox & Foxscotch half the time so this idea is hilarious to me. Like two people in a relationship together, one is named Adam and the other is named Alan

John & Jon
Aiden & Aidan
Mary & Miri

I'm easily amused sjsjsjj

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 23, 2022, 05:50:06 PM »
I was not exposed


… however sadly I did not live. forget I died

Creativity / Re: Drawings Megathread
« on: January 20, 2022, 04:21:24 AM »

I like drawing but I’m such a spacey perfectionist that I never draw more than a few times per year

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 19, 2022, 03:53:12 PM »
u cute
you say that every time  aa a a a a a a a a a  a a  a  a a  a  a a aa aaaa

idk if egg was ever a good descriptor for me. all this gender stuff is kinda bullstuff and I pretty much always thought that. but I have been actively identifying as nonbinary for a couple years now. no more specific than that though because like I said it's kinda bullstuff. idk what a demiboy is. I'm just foxscotch. but I don't really mention it here on account of bitches don't know how to act but this place is dying anyway so whatever
yeah that is absolutely a mood, I'm definitely trans but I don't think I'd ever really bother articulating the nuances of that on here to anybody, that is unless I talked to one of the members here on a personal basis – and ngl most of them worth talking to aren't here that much anyway

Off Topic / Re: I am married
« on: January 19, 2022, 03:35:14 PM »
It's downright surreal seeing all the little starfishs grow up. Including myself. To see folks like you getting married is just another punch in the gut for me, not to mention all the reminiscing on the forums that gets sparked by stuff like that.

Congrats, dude. From yet another member whose life was changed by a bulletin board infamous for bringing out the worst in everybody.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: January 19, 2022, 03:22:57 PM »

in hindsight I was an obvious egg

Off Topic / Re: Do you like block land
« on: May 15, 2020, 10:33:17 AM »
this is literally the definition of on topic

Off Topic / Re: Favorite Ice Cream Flavor?
« on: May 15, 2020, 10:31:51 AM »
Blue Bell's Cookie Two Step flavor is basically cookie dough ice cream but it's like, overloaded. Imagine if someone dumped like 3x the chocolate chip cookie dough chunks as normal. I have to restrain myself from buying it because it's diabetes city.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: May 14, 2020, 10:08:15 PM »
help my hairline is receding I'm not even 20 yet

Off Topic / Re: why would we evolve
« on: May 09, 2020, 06:01:14 PM »

Yeah, well, I’m already gay, so your point is moot anyway. I’d still be shooting blanks.

Also just because evolution favors traits conducive to successfully passing one’s genes doesn’t rule out aberrations. I’m basically one of those dead end mutations that just sits around being useless; I’m not shamed of it.

Off Topic / Re: recomand a ceiling fan
« on: May 09, 2020, 11:46:34 AM »
  • How big is the room you want to install the ceiling fan in?
  • What is the ceiling height?
  • Is the ceiling sloped or flat?
  • What's your budget?
  • Are you looking for a certain style?
  • Are you concerned about power/airflow?

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