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Messages - St. Francis Xavier

Pages: [1] 2 3 4 5 6 ... 26
someone make me a really gay profile pic

When you try to use logs on the tinderbox (not the tinderbox on the logs) you get this error message:
Nothing interesting happens. (Server_Runescape/items.cs :: onItemUsedOn not defined for RSItem_Logs)

lmao this is great

General Discussion / Re: Building Tips n Tricks v36
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:54:27 PM »
i thought that style died 8 years ago
i thought DarkLight's achievement mod died 8 years ago

Drama / Re: Who needs to be banned?
« on: May 01, 2018, 09:23:12 PM »
I think everyone in this thread should be banned.

Off Topic / Re: who else has their original blf registration email?
« on: April 12, 2018, 09:46:34 AM »
your id is 164k how is it from 2009
I've been banned a lot of times but fortunately I am not like I used to be.

Off Topic / Re: who else has their original blf registration email?
« on: April 11, 2018, 11:46:54 PM »
I printed mine out in 2009, still have the paper and it looks like i printed it yesterday.

Drama / Re: list of forumers who admit they have autism
« on: April 10, 2018, 08:17:02 AM »
Why is this needed? Everyone can tell who has autism here, no point in putting them on a list for everyone to forget with them

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: March 27, 2018, 07:16:46 PM »
Often people think game designers are those who program the game...

Programming and Designing a Game are two distinct challenges.

While Programming requires you brain to think, Game design requires you brain to be creative

??? There is most definitely a creative aspect to programming as well as a 'thinking' aspect to game design

Gallery / Re: barrier system
« on: March 27, 2018, 07:15:31 PM »
off topic, but wow I haven't heard about the clan TKE in years OP.

Creativity / Re: Game Design Megathread
« on: March 27, 2018, 05:11:57 PM »
i changed the way the game loaded certain files

instead of being one executable altogether

the game can load certain sounds and backgrounds in different chunks so that the filesize for the EXE isnt too big
Date Modified: 9/29/2001

9/11 Impact sound??? :thinking:

It's a sphere, I really don't need to do a double or triple integral when I can just spin it around the x-axis with:
π * ∫(F(x))2dx

All I need for it is just an integral of one quarter of the circle.
(I'm about to leave high school so I wouldn't know about double or triple integrals anyways)

You'll probably like this then

/r/learnmath would be a great place to ask this if you don't get your answer here.


I really need to get a NAS, stop blindly following install wizards that install to my SSD, and get a bigger HDD as well.


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