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Messages - Facechild

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Drama / Re: RIP
« on: March 29, 2023, 05:34:07 PM »
I was playing a character this entire time for 15 years.

I was trolling blockland since 2008 and now like all good things it comes to and end.

After 15 years this is my first admittance to trolling. Something I refused to admit for 15 years because it would break character.

Bro played a character so long it became his legit personality. (I don't think it counts as a character if no one else is in on the joke)
congrats on getting cancelled, idiot.

Games / Re: Brickadia spiritual successor to Blockland
« on: February 26, 2021, 12:58:51 PM »
Just checking in...
Yep this forum is still handicapped.

General Discussion / Re: [BG Official] Brickadia Hate Thread
« on: September 09, 2019, 11:49:21 PM »
Blockland made my back door itchy.

General Discussion / Re: My worries about Blockland as of now
« on: September 09, 2019, 07:59:46 PM »
Brickadia already has more work into the base engine than Blockland ever did. Blockland died years ago, a spiritual successor is in active development. Need i remind you that there hasn't been an update for blockland in years. The dev is too busy drawing his naughty naughty no-no pictures to work on his poorly coded trainwreck of a game. I for one, welcome our new brickadia overlords. the game already has more soul than blockland ever did.

Off Topic / Re: try to summon any legendary users
« on: March 02, 2019, 04:30:46 PM »
we successfully summoned facechild boys
i have one question: did you survive the great penny war with bones4
I am drowning in pennies. Send help, I can pay you... in pennies.

Off Topic / Re: try to summon any legendary users
« on: March 02, 2019, 04:15:16 PM »

General Discussion / Re: older blockland user check-in.
« on: October 17, 2017, 07:20:22 PM »
good times, good times.

someone get facechild in here

Will someone please funnel a big barrel of baked beans in my back door?

Off Topic / Re: Who would be your god, if you had to choose?
« on: January 21, 2016, 04:07:04 PM »
And Yes The florb was do, and very do! For the great Flodos was Sheep mover for all Followers of the ways of florbulious and all things cubular. In his much smarts, he knows to lead us all to make us all in the bestest even more bester than the rester of every one because enlightenment. This and very Yes.

Praise to be Flodos.

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: October 03, 2015, 10:59:07 AM »
I'm going to marinate my hand in a bag with some soy sauce, brown sugar, roughly chopped garlic, Fresno chili pepper, and some light coconut milk. Then I'm gonna slap the stuff out of you with it.

I will throw endless amounts of tonka trucks of every size and type and your stupid monkey face. you'll have like tire tracks on your loving mouth hole and stuff it will be very ouch. forget you.

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: October 02, 2015, 02:26:48 PM »
Bones I am going to rip off your Gibbleys and shove them way up your nogglybit. You are a god damned piece of shputz covered crumplywinks. If you send me another rudeforum one more time i will take your raunch stick and cleft it in twain. Are you nonny wise to what i'm saying!? You're gonna be in a world of hurt because im going to slip a pointy picker right in your Gusto factory. You're never gonna be able to flump your jauncies the same way again you Brample'd little bung foster.

You best walk along now you frogging dumpler crunt.

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: September 30, 2015, 12:36:04 AM »
You have got too far you twatbubble.

BONES! I am going to eat like 7 hot peppers andplug up my own starfish. then i will drink 41 gallons of milk, and a buch of stuffty taco bell, next i will loving eat a live chicken, beak and all. i will then let that gestate in my colon for approximately 5 months, it will be painfull and i might die but it will be worth it, after 5 months i will uncork my buttlips and let the nasty soupy mess flow into a series of funnels and tubes. during the 5 months i was bulding a pipeline that goes all the way to northsouth dookie town or whatever your stuff state is. it will pipe directly into your dorm house or whatever. and you will drown in my frothy soupy stuff mixture. YOU WILL BE DEAD because you drowned in my starfish sausage chocolate goo stew.

forget you very much. 

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: September 27, 2015, 12:50:21 PM »

I will breed snails in my bathtub for 5 years and then when they are all big and slimy i will put them in zip-lock baggies and throw them out the loving window. then i will spend all of my money on apples and let them just loving rot. Next i will go out to the country and start a farm, get it nice and successful and burn it to the loving ground because forget you that's why. NEXT I will audition for America's got talent but get rejected because i live in Canada but that's alright because i loving hate reality TV. My next step is to invest in Gary Coleman postage stamps. Using an insider's trading tip i will make BILLIONS. I will then spend everything i have made on model train sets and then throw the trains off of a goddamn overpass, i will inevitably start a car crash because i have dumped literally millions of model trains and Model Train paraphernalia onto the freeway below. Ultimately i will be sent to prison for a few years because manslaughter. While in prison i will start a cigarette ring and make literally tens of dollars, when i get out of prison i should be about 50 or so years old, I will then spend the next 25 years making a living carving soap sculptures, and then selling the shavings to soap factories for a minimal profit. the soap sculptures I will keep because I'm getting old and they're almost as god as friends now. by the time i am about 75 i will retire. after which i will look back on my life and reflect on the things I've done, and then punch bones in the loving richard.

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: September 27, 2015, 01:46:03 AM »
everyone else forget off, this is between me and that stuffstain

facechild if you come near me, I will take my richard off and bury it in the back yard next to my old dog waffles and your mom's vag that I destroyed last night

Listen here you stuffHEEL

I will Scrape off my own taint, sew it to your dog, and send him on his way, i will then die from blood loss, but your dog will have my taint sewed to his face, you will have to peel my taint off your dog, and het my DNA everywhere then the police will send you to a federal 'pound-me-in-the-ass' prison. I will be watching it all in hell on my big screen TV with satan and Riddler while we enjoy a hot brew together and laugh about old times.

Off Topic / Re: open letter to facechild
« on: September 26, 2015, 01:36:04 AM »
OH yeah!?

I am going to stuff in a box, and then im going to train a wild ferret to transport limes from the kitchen to new Hampshire, i will then collect approximately 17 slices of cheese, use a blow dryer to partially melt them onto a naked man's body. pay him to carry a disused tuba to the white house and then have the president play Chuck Manjioni on it, it will be pretty low pitched and terribly off key because that's not even the right instrument. but little did you know that is the ferret's key to transport about 2 and a half limes to new Hampshire. meanwhile the box of stuff has been sent to your house via carrier pidgin. when the limes reach new Hampshire it will be payment for a crazed homeless man who has been waiting for my signal to ride the rails all the way to west richardota or wherever you loving live. the homeless man will then take Polaroid pictures of your window and document what you have on your window sill on a day to day basis, using this information i will send a pack of highly trained alpacas to your location to spit on your window. when you open up your window to see what all the hub bub is about i will have a catapult pre-built to fire the stuff in the box at your face hole. you will then have poo on your mouth area and as a result will contemplate your own existence and take up hard drugs.

Gallery / Re: Fallout RPG (WIP)
« on: August 19, 2015, 10:46:12 PM »
I occasionally build richards here when Hellboy is afk

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