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Messages - Joekirk

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Help / Re: How do you change your forum name?
« on: March 26, 2013, 02:30:04 AM »
You can try sending a Private Message to one of the forum's admins, asking for a name change.       As long as it's sensible they'll probably change it, for example I asked badspot to capitalize the first letter of my forum name, and he did.

Game Modes / Re: Imscared
« on: March 10, 2013, 04:34:24 AM »
Great.     This is a spot on recreation of Imscared, minus new files being created in the gamemode folder.      I always wanted to do something like this, but never went anywhere with it.       Good work.

Gallery / Re: My car 100 scale
« on: March 09, 2013, 09:00:21 PM »
With something as large as this, you could add secret areas for people to explore, like a hole in one of the seats you can go into, for example.

Pretty good.

General Discussion / Re: So, I just bought a key.
« on: March 04, 2013, 04:59:44 PM »
Welcome to the game, Denizen.       I would suggest browsing through the Add-ons sub-forum for a while, there are quite a lot of good mods out there to try out.

As for over all quality of servers currently, I would suggest hosting your own server, if you want something different.       A passworded free build full of friends can be good fun.

Hopefully you enjoy however long you spend playing this game, as there are a few good servers that crop up here and there.

General Discussion / Re: Tetrahedron's Whitelisted Server
« on: February 21, 2013, 04:47:30 PM »
In-Game Name Joekirk
Blockland ID 18038
Why Join to build stuff in peace, with other like minded players.
Build Idea A combination of bricks and plates, that come together to form something impressive.
I tend to build small scale houses, mostly.      I could try my hand at a boat or island, though.

Gallery / Re: Seattle Default City
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:14:49 PM »
Amazing work Sylvanor and Sleven.       Simply amazing.

Games / Re: i now posses $15 on steam, what should i buy for my possesion?
« on: February 15, 2013, 04:10:29 PM »
I'd suggest getting both Killing Floor and FTL: Faster than light.     Both are solid games that are on sale right now.

General Discussion / Re: What is the best server you've been on?
« on: February 14, 2013, 08:58:44 PM »
I forget the proper name, but Clockwork's city server.      Where you had to run a business and such.

Simple really, we'll have reached blockland's kill screen.       Than, the score will reset and the game will continue.

Gallery / Re: The final Boss of Blockland is hard
« on: February 06, 2013, 05:59:49 PM »
You have a very long way to go, you're no where near the final boss yet.

As for that trash, juggle it with a push broom to keep it off the point while you capture it,
it's a pretty big damage sponge so it is far easier to juggle it then kill it.

Q:How long have you been playing the game?
 A: On and off for roughly four years.

Q: What is the game generally about?
 A: At first glance, Blockland appears to be (and is) a creativity toy.     
 It is also much more then that, which I will touch on later.

Q: How do you get and start the game?
A: Currently, you can purchase the game at
but in the future you may also be able to purchase it on Steam, if the game gets green lit.


Q:What do you do in the game?
A: Pretty much anything.    Honestly.
Some days I just join server after server, taking in all the unique things people have created.
Other days, I go about creating my own little machines, using the robust event-ing system.
Most days, I just start building something, anything, until I feel it is complete.     
Some times it's a small, but highly interactive tent, others it's an entire city.     Made out of jello.    Because I'm hungry.

Q: What is your general opinion of the game?
A: Blockland is an extremely enjoyable creativity toy, with unlimited possibilities for adventure!
It's longevity, I feel, is it's greatest strength.      With a very active modding community, there is always something new to mess around with,
so you can stop playing for a few months and come back, and it'll be a whole new experience.

Q: Has the game influenced your actual life?
A: Quite a lot, actually!     
For one, I've met a large network of great friends over the years playing the game, whom I still keep in touch with today.

From a very young age, video games interested me.       I would play them for hours at a time(And still do), and over time I started wondering more about what was going on inside them, my main reason for learning how to read was knowing the story of the games I so greatly enjoyed.
So, video games taught me how to read.

Blockland, taught me how to write.
Now, the community can be real harsh at times, as with most of the internet and one of the first things people will berate you for is poor spelling.
Seeing this, I took the time to visit the game's forum, where I would post regularly.     Taking mental notes of the way people structured their posts(and messages in game), always improving my spelling whenever someone corrected it.       Had it not been for me purchasing this game four years ago, I wouldn't spell nor type nearly as well as I do today.     Of this I am very thankful.

Q: and why do you like the game?
A: Now, that's the granddaddy of them all, isn't it?
It's a very difficult question to answer and I'm afraid I cannot give just one reason.

I like it, because I can express my own creativity in fun environment.
I like it, because I can socialize with a large pool of very, uh, 'interesting' characters.
I like it, because I can help others learn, either teaching people new and creative ways to build, or to event giant death rays to taken over the earth their own 'mini games'.
I like it, because I can spray paint people purple.
I like it, because as long as I still have ideas, there's still something new to build or experience.
I like it, because I can spray paint people purple.

General Discussion / Re: Things you get sick of seeing in Blockland
« on: January 29, 2013, 07:59:27 PM »
People claiming anything that isn't built on a Base plate is spam, while at the same time using more bricks to build something then needed.

General Discussion / Re: What goes in an attic?
« on: January 29, 2013, 07:55:09 PM »
A fairly high amount of Mold.

Also, expanding on the Holiday decorations idea, you could have different seasonal versions of the build.      With different decorations being stored inside the attic, while the otherwise unused ones are being used.        So in every season but December, you'd see a Christmas Tree being stored, while in December the tree is in the living room or somewhere inside the house itself.       

General Discussion / Re: Builds you lost and wish you had back
« on: January 29, 2013, 07:42:14 PM »
The most detailed thing I've ever created in this game was a Ski Lodge hanging over a mountain side in The Slopes.      Sadly, it was lost when v21 came around.

I sure would love going back and getting screen shots of it, but alas it is lost in time.

I can answer that with another question, why are people so interested in Hollywood actors?
Because they seek fame, but they lack the will to earn it and think by, some miracle, being near a 'famous' person will, in turn, give them the fame they so desperately desire.     A fool's hope, but they still try.

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