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Messages - Deadzone

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Off Topic / Re: Net neutrality shenanigins are happening.
« on: December 16, 2017, 10:36:45 PM »
Came back to say,


Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 04:33:09 AM »
Those five thousand hours you've invested are on you, not the game.
I don't hate the game. But I personally wish that I didn't choose to spend that much time. Ike, I am well aware that choice is on me, and I wanted to extend that personal experience to others. Okay?
With everyone trying to act like everyone else's daddy, telling them how they're wrong or whatever, I never claimed that it is the game's fault and  if anyone else wants to play Blockland, go ahead its a fun game.

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 04:16:30 AM »
If you felt the same as me, you wouldn't have made a video about an argument :v
I feel a lot of things.
After tonight I think it'd be best if I did in fact leave, I distract myself too much. If any of you REALLY did want to have an actual discussion, about anything, you have my youtube channel you can contact me there.

10 years and I just wish I didn't...

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 04:01:08 AM »
it's pretty okay.
I am not that mad, what 'caused me to be so stressed; the forums was the cherry on top, really. I am a naturally obsessive person, which I can control on any normal day, but that stress made it worse than usual. During that day, and up till now, all I feel is concern.
Ultimately I feel the same as you. That is why I came back. lol

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:58:23 AM »
holy forget how do you get this buttblasted on a lego game forum
I'm a pro, apparently.

Off Topic / Re: do you have insomnia or some sleep conidtion
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:50:48 AM »
Blockland Forums is my sleep condition.

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:50:11 AM »
How is this relevant to what I was saying?
Its becoming a meme!
So something that is relevant to what you said, I didn't think I appeared really angry in my video. I just wanted to be honest, because everyone else so far has shown they're too afraid to have an actual debate.

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:42:32 AM »
I will go ahead and break down my "clarification" response, piece by piece.
Here I admit that I wasn't clear enough. I do in fact believe loveuality is NOT a choice. I can extrapolate WHY I believe that, but keeping it short
Ok I guess I should have been more specific. I was AGREEING with Renderman in a Bowl about the point he was making, not the words he was quoting to make the point.
Small segments on my personal opinion of MY loveuality. I do not like Masculinity, and only go for Femininity; however, I have some wiggle room for richard, because I feel its such a small percentage of the Whole Man and Masculinity as a whole. If you want me to I can elaborate, but we are REALLY going into subjectiveness at this point.
I personally find the idea of having love with MOST men repulsive because I'm not attracted to masculinity.
If you checked my internet history, you'd see mostly curvy women.
These are not Mental Gymnastics as some have put it, rather me attempting to explain my feelings. I am not a black/white individual, and its tough for me to be for most things. Much less put it into words. Sorry.

Probably not. I'm a 20 year old man, I can't really afford to get that angry about anything, never mind what loving teenagers are saying on an obscure Lego forum.

You need professional help before you kill someone over burnt toast, lmfao
Well just like how anyone disagreeing with me is "toxic", anyone who you find incorrect is "handicapped".

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:30:42 AM »
"I don't want to have any heartfelt discussion because nobody actually really cares"

If nobody cares, they wouldn't respond. Nobody's going to get so personally involved with discourse over the internet but you can't exactly use nobody caring about the thing to cop out of explaining your point when everyone's asking you to elaborate.
I'm not trying to use it as a cop out. I already did elaborate, twice and over, nobody cares; they just want to pick you apart and make fun of you, and ignore everything you have to say.
Take this video as an invitation for an actual discussion. Bring up a topic, stop dancing around something you call "nonsensical".

imagine being this stressed out over getting banned
It wasn't really about the ban. Just me thinking of what I should say, like I said I started to care about you fellas and I worry.

I wonder how your employers would've felt if they found out you uploaded a video talking about how you wanted to murder your co-workers because you read mean words on the internet
Probably wouldn't like it. If you were me, you would understand why I felt that way. The long build up of tensions.
Again, I would enjoy explaining all god damn night long, but you will use ANY excuse to miss the point, and go for the punchline as long as your buddies can see what you post.

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:27:36 AM »
oh god hes being unironic
There was a point where I was being funny, and just dumping off random stuff. Then I got concerned... Now I'm in my feelings because of it.

< calling in sick so you can stuffpost on the blockland forums
That was after I got banned. I left work early because I stressed out too much over nothing. Bare in mind that would have been my 8th day of work in a row...

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:23:32 AM »
you wasted your time with this video. instead of whining about the situation you could have actually elaborated what the forget you were going on about in the thread but no you want people to talk about it in ~private~, kind of defeating the point of using the forums for discussion
This video is part of the point, that nobody wants to have a debate.
I'm not going to elaborate on my mess of statements, because it was a hodgepodge of information from my opinions, badly translated into a topic. If you want to talk about a specific point, go ahead and bring it up here.

Off Topic / Re: This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:20:15 AM »

Off Topic / This cuck makes a video.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:14:41 AM »
TRIGGER WARNING: If you have no remorse, watch to pick a fight, insta-dislike, trolling; probably not worth your time then. I'm up for an open convo.

A lot of this stuff stirring started with me. Since its been implied by others that I'm trolling, or that I'm a mouth-foaming moron, I wanted to show myself and just make a genuine, open-ended video. Quite a bit of it is rant, but that is part of the point. I didn't want to write a script, because I felt that it would be cheating you guys out

Update: 3 dislikes.

Off Topic / Re: Post real life pictures of yourself.
« on: November 28, 2017, 03:06:11 AM »
New profile picture. Is me in 3017:

Also me:

When you hit up real life pics:

Off Topic / Re: Women cannot be trusted
« on: November 28, 2017, 02:03:07 AM »
Final word before we all get chain-banned. If you want to debate, message me or start another topic, otherwise no responses further in this thread from me. Will be sleeping soon, because I need to go to work, so if I don't respond immediately just be patient...

Things would have been okay if you just explained yourself without getting passive aggressive about it. I said mean swear words in response but that's because you called me a troll right out the gate and lumped me in with stuffheads for not getting your post.
Yes you are not part of the circle jerk, just wanted to put the quote in there to highlight how much of a reaction there was, for those just coming into the thread. Hence further why I can acknowledge that you been on topic.

I'm lost. Why is everyone attacking dead zone?
Because everything I touch turns to gold.

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