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Messages - Eagle

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Help / Problem with looking in-game
« on: February 10, 2017, 05:51:56 PM »
I recently got a new computer and haven't been on Blockland in a few months, decided to give it a go again.  With this new computer, I have a new mouse, keyboard, the whole nine yards.  For some reason when I'm in game, every time I move my mouse a little bit, it automatically starts looking down.  This is the only game that it's doing it with so I have no idea what's going on.

How could somebody that has the Surge from BOTS be bad? 

Drama / Re: Frosty1995
« on: February 17, 2016, 08:19:35 PM »

DoS-ing people is just proof you were dropped and can't understand what "block user" or "ignore" means.

The thing about the "block user" or "ignore" that you mentioned is we had no problems with each other.  I thought he was a pretty cool admin, but then he DoSed me out of nowhere.

Drama / Re: Frosty1995
« on: February 11, 2016, 06:59:33 AM »
OP why are you using internet explorer? I respect your choice and all, but i have to say google is the more used and popular browser these days.

Second photo isn't mine, I had WillieWes12 take that for me.  I use Google Chrome.

Drama / Re: Frosty1995
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:41:12 PM »
Seemed like an okay guy, shame it had to go down like this.


I thought so too, but after that first DoS he did on me, I lost all respect/trust in him.

Drama / Frosty1995
« on: February 09, 2016, 06:09:28 PM »
Well, sorry that there's not enough proof to go on here, but I'm tired of this guy.  I've been DoSed by him multiple times now so I'm just going to go ahead and report him here to give you all a heads up.

The first time he DoSed me was on the third of this month (2/3/2016).  I was on Tezuni's server and on the teamspeak that I'm Super Admin on, and Frosty was an admin.  I noticed Blockland was lagging so I was trying to talk to the people on the Teamspeak server to see if they were having the same issue.  I then get disconnected from the Teamspeak while Blockland is still lagging, then I get poked by Frosty on Teamspeak, he said something along the lines of "sorry, i was testing out some software to see if it worked".  I then go to private chat on Teamspeak to see what he meant by that, and he said "I was testing a new DoS software".

Again, I apologize about not having more proof this happening, but I did take a few screenshots of what he had told me.

Games / Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:34:51 AM »
I agree with this line, except for the part that makes the cycler useless.

I may have been exaggerating when I said using it was pointless.

Games / Re: Star Wars Battlefront
« on: October 10, 2015, 01:02:51 AM »
I've liked what I have played so far on Star Wars Battlefront Beta, all but a two things:
-Spawning after you die is weird on Hoth, it's easy for you to get spawn killed over and over again.
-Every single weapon can be used as a sniper, their accuracy at long range is too much.  It made sniping with the Cycler Rifle pointless.

Other than that, the game play is extremely fun, especially on Hoth. 

oh man i want to get spyware'd now just so i can get the pizza

You'll have to pay for the pizza. ;o

Drama / Re: You gotta love Tezuni Prison Escape * cough *
« on: August 06, 2015, 07:06:35 AM »
It appears Akio's ban was unwarranted, I think we've worked it all out.  Thanks for understanding!

You potato, I tried to message you on Steam about that >:c

Drama / Re: child enthusiasts on Blockland
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:03:58 PM »
It was never my intention to come off as an starfish in my post, nor did I see how I was being an starfish.

Drama / Re: child enthusiasts on Blockland
« on: July 23, 2015, 11:52:01 AM »
Man, reading three posts in sure is difficult.

Yeah, sure is, especially when there was already a topic that Fate tried to make about TipTup.

Drama / Re: child enthusiasts on Blockland
« on: July 23, 2015, 07:01:20 AM »
There was no need for this topic, good job OP.

Drama / Re: Hellspy's Spartan RP - Absolute Bullstuff
« on: June 26, 2015, 10:45:31 PM »
i think he is going to keep bullstuffing with cheesy comebacks

Those comebacks will most likely reflect his super biased opinion of every RP server in Blockland, no doubt.

Drama / Re: Hellspy's Spartan RP - Absolute Bullstuff
« on: June 25, 2015, 07:15:46 PM »
Swampivorous, can you stop with the "every rp is a pile of stuff" attitude already?

I'm not too sure he can, Snake.  It would be better if he left this topic altogether, but we can't always get what we want.

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