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Topics - Kobewarrior

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i've been thinking about making some kinda weird small throwback rpg to emulate the early ~2010s era for nostalgia and scouting around for some old add-ons/models to give them some script fixing and potential model fixes, which means broken mediafire links. worst case scenario i can remake them or make fully original models but ya gotta have the classics for the full experience yknow

Add-Ons / [New Years 2016] Glowstick Launcher & Spicy Italian
« on: January 01, 2016, 05:17:53 AM »

i was hesitant on releasing these but due to popular demand here they are

Glowsticks & Glowstick Launcher

* the glowsticks you hold don't emit light because mounted lights only work for hosts?? idk. the glowstick projectiles seem to glow though.
* as i've only tested in singleplayer so far, it seems like only a few of the glowstick colors actually emit light for the host.

* if you just want the glowstick launcher, disable the glowsticks in the server.cs

Normal Version (236kb)

Reggie Version (272kb)
* original version; includes reggie.


Spicy Italian & Spicy Suit
the last minute add-on that probably needs cleaning later

* very spicy, very italian. thrown like a spear.
* spicy suit equips as an item; looks best without backpacks or shoulderpads

Download (697kb)

i'm not completely familiar with torquescript so a lot of my jabs at it are lucky guesses when using other script references.

the basic idea is i'm trying to make an event that toggles a vehicle like the gravity jeep to connect to walls and stuff or not. i modified some speedkarts to add this same gravity effect. is the event not correctly targeting the vehicle because it's regarding an obj? is vehicle.obj a thing?
the solution is probably painfully obvious and i'm just not understanding it because i'm dumb. thanks in advance

edit: also another thing i was wondering: the bool stuff for the event i found had the outcomes as true or false. does it matter if i use %obj.isshiftinggravity=1; over %obj.isshiftinggravity=true; ? i'd imagine it wouldn't but just making sure
Code: [Select]
registerOutputEvent("Vehicle", "ToggleGravity", "bool",1);

function ToggleGravity(%obj, %bool)


the script from the gravity jeep:
Code: [Select]
$GravityJeepTypemasks=$typemasks::fxbrickobjecttype | $typemasks::interiorobjecttype | $typemasks::terrainobjecttype | $typemasks::StaticObjectType;

datablock wheeledvehicledata(GravityJeepVehicle : JeepVehicle){
 uiname="Gravity Jeep";

function GravityJeepVehicle::onadd(%this,%obj){
 %obj.grav="0 0 -0.5";

function shiftgravitycheck(%obj){
 %ray=containerraycast(%pos,vectoradd(%pos,vectorscale(%obj.getupvector(),"-4 -4 -4")),$GravityJeepTypemasks,%obj);
  %obj.grav=vectorscale(%normal,"-0.5 -0.5 -0.5");
 %obj.setvelocity(vectoradd(%obj.getvelocity(),vectoradd("0 0 0.5",%obj.grav)));

« on: September 08, 2015, 07:30:11 PM »

“As of January 2016, the epic fantasy action-RPG Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen will be available on Windows PC for $29.99 / € 29.99 / £ 23.99, with full Steam platform support."

"The PC version will feature stunningly high-res graphics and improved fidelity, as well as support for both the Xbox 360 and Xbox One controllers, as well as a traditional keyboard and mouse control scheme."


i can go sell my xbox now

Suggestions & Requests / onBotDamage/onBotDamaged for Bot Holes
« on: January 19, 2015, 11:55:16 PM »
marble man's version was non-functioning trash and i have no idea why these weren't included with the bot holes in the first place.

the old bots are pretty much broken at this point so i can't really use that as an alternative. :(

Had it laying around in my add-ons for a long time, should have released it. It was on Kong's deathrace for awhile since it kind of needed it for the new maps it had.

Unfinished Projectsland  pt. II
or how I learned to love a helmet without looking really weird

hey look shortcuts! (very cool) ( i need to make more eventually)

for those of you tuning in, this thread is basically where i stash all of my stupid and slow progress updates on these current projects. while it's not a complete representation of my saves folder, these projects are probably the ones that are recent and worth showing.

it's that time of the year again. like always, the community poll ratings influence how much progress is going to be put into each of these builds. (it will this time). if you want to vote for multiple builds, go ahead and post something about it idk. i'll also probably keep this topic updated on new things I add to builds and stuff. the pictures here will either be a. new, or b. be the same pictures from the other topic. that usually means nothing new was added. let's get this started.

Additional help from Nano and Zanlue.

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Rentaria RPG is a combat-based roleplay game set in a mysteriously dark medieval fantasy world. Players follow a storyline full of custom lore and decision making to change your outcomes while braving the world and its expansive bestiary kind that await weak travelers. Dungeons can be braved by yourself or friends and territories and economy can be controlled and held by players.* Crafting skills can be practiced to better yourself in combat and there is plenty to see in the world while you explore.

* Not finalized.

The Great Obstacle
vce frICKIN sucks when it comes to handling many players. the real solution to this whole project is going entirely by scripts and interfaces rather than events. work on this will be severely limited until this is sorted out.

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Selective is a single player or cooperative horror gamemode with several RPG elements such as armor and equipment upgrades, resource collection, and vendors where the player can purchase necessities.

Welcome to the EDEN Project, the last effort to save Earth's most precious fruit... humans. Not a god, deity, nor supernatural being, the tree of humanity knows right and wrong equally and does not choose favorites. The tree gives but in return asks for something to take. The generations of countless reaping, consumption, and abuse to the planet's vital resources only comes with a price. What's humanity to give? Everything. Where do they go?

Civilians exceptionally experienced in their professions were organized a boarding to inhabit the new human controlled climate inside the EDEN space station. Every few cycles around the sun, the inhabitants of EDEN and its eight sectors of study select four representatives from each housing to set foot on new located environments and settle to populate mankind. Sector 2, home to robotics and cybertechnology, went quiet and an emergency lockdown was issued.

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DWELLER is a survival RPG gamemode designed for one to four players where they must survive in a world haunted by an apocalyptic cloud. The Dwellers are forced to roam the depths of the Earth after unexplained disasters bring the surface to its knees. While the surface is available for exploration, the risk of catching disease or worse remain at its peak.

"And with time, every day, each passing hour, the world evolves."

The world is done for. The surface is no longer inhabitable and many are forced to stay underground, hidden like shadows.
Heavily influenced by Metro and S.T.A.L.K.E.R.

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Deep in the dankest darkest depths of the world, the screams of the forbidden souls resonate through the ground like waves of terror. The evil we don't know and don't see rests at the center of the world waiting for a group of travelers to best its skill. What is down the dankest darkest depths anyway?

Classes (11 other classes to be listed later)

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There's hardly anything to talk about here other than your normal cliche horror story. Inspired by Corpse Party.

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I've been working on too many projects recently and I'm not really sure which one I actually want to complete the most. I picked out a couple of builds that I think had potential for something good and decided to compile them in one main topic and see what the community would rather see the most, as well as providing ideas towards the projects which can boost my oh so poor motivation towards the builds.

Selective is just the name for the project and it doesn't have much of a meaning behind it other than following a point in the story. I was aiming for a sci-fi-ish feel as well as major Dead Space influences. It's a singleplayer campaign gamemode with a few RPG elements to keep things a bit interesting such as upgrading equipment and armor, collecting resources for various things, etc. The entire setting takes place on a human-supported space station named EDEN, with eight sectors scattered in a planned division in the area all dedicated to separate points of research.
(Click images to expand.)

This is something that I actually wanted to finish but it still felt too small to be good for a gamemode at the moment.

Branched Projects:
Selective TDM
just a TDM thing with a lot of planned new elements to make it more unique in a way.

a defend the castle kind of thing with many planned upgrade stations and resource gathering.

CLOCKTOWN (or maybe an entire recreation of Majora's Mask)
Doesn't need much explaining. I only have a portion of East Clocktown done but I had some ideas to maybe expanding and trying to rebuild the entire game. The Stockpot inn is almost complete and there is a small area of the Trading Post somewhat built.

also wall patterns are a richard to do.

"Untitled RPG 372"
A RPG that you play with a top down camera view that doesn't leave its position. There isn't much of the build but it's mainly inspired by the old 2d RPGs that were on handhelds, but simulated in a 3d style. Originally planned to have a coop feature with three/four players, but require all players to wait at exit to leave an area together.

nothing much to it yet though.

Rentaria RPG (RRPG)
A revision and replan of an old RPG thing that I posted quite some time ago in the gallery. Unlike the other past RPGs that I've built years ago, this doesn't have hints of Runescape Syndrome, meaning you don't hit rocks for days and level up. Most of the leveling is done via combat, quests, and different activities scattered in the area. The main highlighted features are the custom combat system done via events to introduce player stats that can greatly affect your power in combat with other monsters, as well as randomized damage done to the monsters to always keep battle fresh. This required an inventory system using a different area the player can access via teleport that lets them manage their gear and use items. A lot of other features I originally planned are not mentioned here but I could edit the post later and provide more information if the community shows interest. (also gg ebenezer. I'll retake that picture later.)

something I started last night. don't have much to say about it other than having major influences from Dark Souls. most likely going to be a singleplayer gamemode with difficulty and boss fights if I can. :)

so yeah that's all I prepared for sharing. if anyone wants more specific screenshots or more details about the other stuff, I'll get to that.

Gallery / Serene - Brickscape Terrain Test
« on: August 15, 2012, 04:01:29 PM »
After looking at the terrain thread and fascinated by the way brickscape was made, I gave one of them a try and see how well they looked with the new shaders.
The build took around 7 hours to build and is currently 3530 bricks. I plan on probably adding trees (though I'm horrible at them) and possibly more plant life but for now this is just a little test with the terrain.

Tried fixing the arch.

And uh... I guess that's it. Rate, discuss, the usual.

Off Topic / Birthday Today! (17 now) give love to menen too
« on: July 03, 2012, 03:06:41 AM »

Well it's 12:13AM at the moment and now it's my birthday. One more year and I can purchase all the hookers I want. <3

so uh
I don't know
discuss I guess.

Gallery / CHERNOBYL: Zombies (Somewhat WIP)
« on: May 24, 2012, 08:51:03 PM »
"Ooooooh! There's conversion gel EVERYWHERE!" ~ LilRobot

This was a project abandoned long ago. My friend CJ and I began to work on it some more and brought the project back to life. The server is heavily based off of the national socialist Zombie gamemode in Call of Duty. It is a little bit into a work in progress but works like a gem currently.
There are two different working drink machines (except we don't know what to do that involves Vodka :c) and working doors with an optimized zombie spawn system. (and you can't jump either. c:)
The build is only the Chernobyl facility right now. As of now we are building the moon (yes you're sent there) and must fight off the final boss (which Lil begs to be). Feedback would be great.
zombies in Chernobyl.

STORY so this all makes more sense.
Seeing how powerful the explosion was, a company under the name Vytru-Vistra tried rebuilding the mechanism into their own nuclear weapons for war. Nobody offered to work, thus resulting them to brainwash innocent people to work for them. The workers hauled many boxes into the facility to store all of the nuclear containers.
The plan was to harvest the remaining liquids and take them for future plans. The company suddenly disappeared with blood traces all around Chernobyl.
Some people reported workers walking around like zombies, sleeping in the facility. Boxes and nuclear containers mysteriously appeared inside.
I only bothered providing six screenshots.

Kobewarrior (9806) - Building, Eventing
CJwarrior (30647) - Building, Weapon script modifying
LilRobot (1272) - Easteregg guy

rating is allowed.

Games / Kobewarrior's Gaming Livestream (Offline) - NOTHING TO PLAY.
« on: April 26, 2012, 08:43:27 PM »

The room isn't validated yet so there is a 50 viewer limit but that doesn't matter.
Suggest me some games please. :C
Come listen to my lovey voice. <3


Off Topic / I need some Fraps help - More FPS!
« on: November 18, 2011, 07:22:10 PM »
My friend(s) and I want to make some Minecraft Let's Play or whatever and so we got Fraps.
The problem is that I can't film with at least 20+ FPS.

The FPS looks fine on options!

Seems decent!

When I record: Awww.

My Fraps settings:

Some specs and covered un-needed things:

GREEN - What I close before filming. Only puts FPS at like 16.

« on: November 07, 2011, 02:30:14 AM »
The Team

- Kobewarrior (Doctor / Leader)
Educated from Imagination Height College and received the non-existent Doctor Award and Duct Tape certificate!
He runs this crap yo' and the doctor is always right. His assistants Gojira and Kingdaro are great members to the group and Megan is great with all the guys for whatever reasons!

- Megan (Nurse / Slut)
Currently known for sleeping with twenty guys and has been checked for STDs - No results.
She was educated from College College and has received an award in nothing!

- Kingdaro (Nurse / Assistant)
The second nurse in the team! Most of the information unknown but hopefully we can get hands on it soon.

- Gojira (Assistant / Doctor)
Gojira, information currently unknown, is Kobewarrior's assistant and also a doctor himself.
He was educated from Imagination Height College and was suspended from his former college Tyrantian College for kicking the teacher!

- CJwarrior (Undercover Doctor)
An undercover doctor that dropped out of college after he was about to fail his experiment that would make something come to life.
He apparently used it on a car and didn't get good results.

- Trogtor (Main Security)
I am the Hospital Officer
I just failed my police test due to anger issues. If a patient has a "boo boo" i get too agressive

Need help?
We can solve those issues! Just reply here and we'll try our best to fix them.

« on: November 03, 2011, 12:13:19 AM »
Eggnog, or egg nog, is a sweetened dairy-based beverage traditionally made with milk and/or cream, sugar, beaten eggs (which gives it a frothy texture), and liquor. Brandy, rum, moonshine, or whisky is sometimes added; and the finished serving would be garnished with a sprinkling of ground cinnamon or nutmeg.

If you don't like eggnog, just try Hood's golden eggnog.
it'll blow your loving mind.


Off Topic / People who constantly hit and why I hate them.
« on: October 20, 2011, 10:09:43 PM »
This is beginning to irritate me.
Really, does it make someone feel better for hitting someone else even if it's just a "joke"?

Recently during art, about three friends began pissing me off everyday.
One guy repeatively smacks me across the head and pushes me while doing work.
Hey, glad you feel better for hitting me with no reason at all!

Another guy pulls on my hair for three seconds and goes to his seat.
Am I the lever to open the imaginary door to his seat?

Lastly some other guy flings paint water at me.
Thanks for the free shower but I took one this morning!

What also leads to my irritation with this? The teachers and their great care to others who get bullied.
"I'll go talk to them." Doesn't mean walking up to them, telling them to stop and whatnot, and have them crawling back and begin pissing me off.
This pushed me to the point when I was about to rip my notebook, throw it on the floor, and stomp out the door. (everyone walk the dinosaur.)

Is anyone else pissed off by this?

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