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Topics - cooldawson3

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Off Topic / Can somebody trans my avatar?
« on: August 08, 2013, 11:02:53 AM »
I have no idea how to make the white box around it transparent. If someone could just guide me in the right direction, or do it for me, or both, it would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Off Topic / Forum Avatar impressions
« on: July 10, 2013, 01:55:23 AM »
Does anyone else ever picture users on here similarly to their current avatar?

Or, if you see a really low quality avatar that you can't even tell what it is, do you immediately take the user less seriously, or assume that he's new to the Internet, or young, or something along those lines?

I can't help but do this a lot of the time, even though it is inaccurate a fair amount of the time.

Back when I used to go to a few other online forums and communities, sure there was the occasional 'problem in my life' sorta topic here and there, but it seems like the BLF gets these kind of topics made much more than any community I've seen so far. When I say "These kind of topics", I really mean those topics where people list a bunch of problems going on in their life right now, whether it be family-related or health-related.

Now I'm not going to list any names, because I don't want to individually point out people because that's not the point of this topic, but there was that one not too long ago about the father lying to him and telling him to take a picture down off his FaceBook. Another one I remember is the topic a while back about the really harsh uncle. I think it was the uncle, at least. Another kind of topic I'm talking about is health-related topics. Like the one where that guy was going insane and was attempting to off himself. Those are just a few examples, there's been a lot more.

Am I the only one that has noticed this? I'm kinda curious to see if there's a reason for this, too. Might just be how it is, what do you guys think?

Games / Games that are random every playthrough
« on: May 26, 2013, 01:51:20 AM »
Does anyone know any not-very-hardware-intensive games that have pre-generated stuff which makes every time you play different? Roguelikes or not. For example, how Terraria's world generation makes the map different every time you make a new one,  how Binding of isaac's rooms are different every time, etc etc.

I quite like these kind of games and was wondering if anyone of you would have any to recommend.

Doesn't really need to be free, I'm not broke currently. It does, however, need to be a game that isn't very hardware demanding.

Off Topic / MP3 player problems, RCA site hates me
« on: March 26, 2013, 09:31:11 PM »
So I get an old-ish MP3 player.

RCA Opal

Model is M4204-A

So it needs updated firmware or something, because my little sister apparantly decides to format the entire thing. Every website I go to tells me: "You can download the Firmware updater / repair tool at LINKHERE"

Except you can't. The site it leads me to is the RCA official site and all, but they don't seem to keep managing older models' files at all. All the firmware for M4202, M4202, and M4208 are gone, just 404 pages in their place. Weird thing is they still have the tutorial file there.

Anyways, so I was hoping I could get a little help by google, and no luck. It all either leads to the tutorial file, the OLD RCA website, which they thought to remove all the files from there too. Or it leads to the 404 file not found pages.

The MP3 player connects to the computer fine, it even is telling me it's charged. But when not connected, when I normally start it up, it says "Initializing..." for like half a second, then a black screen, the controls are still lit, just a black screen. Sometimes there's a little white dot that appears in the bottom right corner, but  it just sits there.

I have no idea what to do now. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know. I will contact their support right after posting this, of course. Or if somehow you find a link that actually has the firmware or a post leading to how to fix my problems, that'd be great too.

I may have left something out, if I did I'll remember soon enough.

(Insert Fancy Header Here)

I feel the need to express our Internet dominance in a sort-of-actually-not-mature way.
In other words we are going to Highlander TF2.

What is Highlander
Highlander is where you put 2 teams, consisting of all 9 classes, one of each class, to fight for dominance, bragging rights, and that's i- no, that will not be it.

Yes, rewards. Bragging rights is simply not enough. Anyone who wants to throw anything into the winning stash is very much welcome.  Basically, whichever team wins the match(es) will split the rewards into their team however they like.

Current Reward: -none-


Currently checking if 7 / 8 EST will work for everyone

9 players per team.
It will be default UGC rules.
Also, any form of communication is allowed of course.


Team 1: (Name to be decided on.)
Leader: Dmanic (cooldawson3)

Scout: Dmanic
Soldier: TheScout
Pyro: Socky
Demo: Paulcall
Engineer:K9 Kid
Heavy: Jenxas
Sniper: Tremrist
Medic: Treynolds416
Spy: ownageburst279

Team 2:(Name to be decided on.)

Scout: Dnitro
Soldier: CopBlock
Pyro: Scars75
Demo: Truce
Engineer: Orange
Heavy: Kyro
Sniper: Tudoreleuu
Medic: Cargon
Spy: Ayxrion
Backup Team

Soldier: Name Is Unavailable

News / Questions

So you can get ready to sign up for the next 2 teams, we dunno what time or map it'll be.

To join

Fill in the below form. It's that simple. CURRENTLY NEED T2 SPY, AND SEVERAL T1 CLASSES

Steam profile Link:
Which team you'd want to join:
Which class you'd play:
(optional) Timezone?
(optional) Do you have a mic?

If you want to be the second teams leader, just tell me. First come, first server pretty much.

Also if you need to contact me for whatever reason, here's my steam profile link:

Off Topic / Do you think it's possible to change my username?
« on: January 23, 2013, 07:47:22 AM »
I have heard so many different things concerning username changes. I've heard Badspot might change your name if it's a good change. Like, not to some terrible name that has 7 numbers in it or something.

My current username was made years back, when I was way less mature.

"cooldawson3". No capital first letter, the word 'cool' in it, and it's just overall very unoriginal. ):
So, how would I go about changing my name to Dmanic (pronounced Dee-manic)? Should I PM Badspot, or hope he sees this thread, or something else?

Off Topic / Someone help me remember this movie's title?
« on: January 12, 2013, 09:02:59 PM »
Ok, it's not too old of a movie. Probably released around mid-2012.

It's about these 3 or 4 or 5 (or however many around that area, I think 3 / 4) guys / brothers who can, by the looks of the trailer, move things with their minds, or telekenesis or something, and at one point in the trailer this guy crushes a car behind him IIRC.

Based on the trailer, they are trying to keep it a secret.

Sorry for the complete lack of details, I saw the trailer like 3 times a few months back. I think the name started or had the letter C in it.

Games / TF2 Freak Fortress Server --Locked
« on: June 29, 2012, 07:04:42 PM »
-Locked, the TF2 Megatopic is a better place for this to be put-

Off Topic / Scientific song that <200 people will enjoy??
« on: March 21, 2012, 06:03:57 PM »
Basically, these people ran a poll to figure out peoples' least-liked elements in a song. They combined them. This is the after-effect. The first minutes is calm,and the rest makes you hate the song forever. It's supposed to be set up, statistically, to have less than 200 people who took the poll out of however many did, will like this song. I can say I am not one to enjoy it. It litterally makes my sad inside. "EASTER TIME!" at around 5 minutes 10 seconds in or so was annoying. I have only listened to 5 minutes 30 Seconds through the whole thing.

this site has the song on it, along with an mp3 download:

ALSO: this might be extremely old to some people. idk exactly when this was released.

Oh my god this song is mental. I am listening to it right now, and I feel like ripping my headphones off my head. I listened to 5 minutes and 30 seconds of it. I should record my self listening to it later.

Off Topic / Going skiing today, after a few hours' drive
« on: February 09, 2012, 07:59:46 AM »
My dad is taking me and my brother to a skiing resort place or something. But I have to go to school first, Then I have, an hour to pack up my stuff, and we are off. I'll try to get pictures when I am there, though I might just post my last year's pictures. I will also update the topic when I get back with better info. Anyways, I probably won't be doing anything crazy extreme, cause I am inexperienced and I don't want my legs/arms ripped from my torso D:

So, discuss skiing or snowboarding.

Games / Giving away L4D2 (10$) for Half life 1 source (5$)
« on: November 24, 2011, 11:58:57 AM »
I have a spare L4D2 that my brother never redeemed, and I want HL:S, but I have no extra money I'm willing to pay. So, if you gift me Half life: source, I will gift you Left 4 Dead 2.

My steam: cooldawson
Pos your steam name, or add me, either one.
I might be gone for today in, maybe, a few hours, so I was hoping for a quick trade then to lock this.

Off Topic / I have seen a post amount of "leet"?
« on: July 19, 2011, 11:19:58 PM »
I will be posting an attachment, and can someone explain it to me? I have never seen it before, am I missing something? Am I crazy?

Games / Xbox Indie game: Zombie Estate
« on: July 19, 2011, 01:11:37 PM »
So, basically, you are a 2D sprite that is in a 3D world, and you fight up to 7 different types of enemies. There is a selection of 30 different characters, and the game can be played multiplayer locally. I think of it as if there are 4 categories of weapons, plus one that doesn't fit in. I do this by ammo types:

And the pistol, which has no ammo...

Cost: 1 dollar (80 MS points)



Games / Beat Hazard or Audiosurf songs
« on: June 24, 2011, 08:53:48 PM »
I just recently got Audiosurf, and Beat hazard + ultra

I have a question: Do you need to port forward or something else to make a game online? Or do you just click the make public/private game?

Anyways: I really would like to hear some input on what the hardest song is or the easiest or whatever.

Sooo, discuss music or enlighten me on what to do to set up online play. Oh, and there is an (updated) poll.

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