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Topics - Lusk

Pages: 1 [2] 3
Clan Discussion / [TEG] The Emerald Gamers
« on: January 07, 2013, 09:48:48 PM »

The Emerald Gamers is a gaming community, who not only plays games, but makes: Mods, videos, skins ect, for the games that they play.

A list of the games we play: Minecraft, TF2, Blockland, Ace of Spades, Call of Duty: Black ops 2.

A few rules:
1: OBEY ME :3
2: Respect others
3: No threats
4: No advertising other groups
5: No random insults
6: No vague topics

Some recommendations:
1. Get a mic, it helps in the long run.
2. Have a fairly decent PC (not required :3)
3. Be nice.

A list of current members:

Lusk: Moderator, Minecraft server admin/Blockland addon-maker.
Blueblurr: Founder. Minecraft server host.
NinjaNacho: Moderator
Zekezan: Moderator
vblaster: Moderator/Minecraft Server Admin
Draconeques: Member
gabehrin: Memeber
Jackvader: Member
FlamingTaco: Member
Slender-Claus: Member
hodototman: Member
TheProdWad: Member

Things we need:

Well, me, and Blueblurr make videos, but what we really need is a guy who can do video effects. If that applies to you, and you want to join, please contact me as soon as you can. Thanks

A bit more information:

A link to the groups steam page:

A link to the groups Youtube channel:

Our forums:

If you would like to join the group, just PM me on the forums, or on Steam.

The application:
Hours you are usually on:
Games you usually play:
Steam name:
Blockland name/ID:
Specialty: (modding, videos, skin making, textures)

Gallery / Cadia Prime. A terrain build.
« on: January 06, 2013, 10:14:02 PM »
Cadia Prime is a fictional planet from the Warhammer 40k universe, so I thought I would make a small depiction of how I think it looks in Blockland. Its a fairly old build, but not bad regardless.
Please note, its not finished, and will probably end up bigger.
Picture time:

Rate it if you want, I might host a TDM at some point on this map if you like. If would like more pictures, I can get some more. Credit to Blockbase for the trees.

Hey guys, im back with some progress. You may remember my old topic, with the same title, but it went down, because I lost all my data. Well, I got past that, and have made a bit of progress.

Picture time:

Lost Planet 2 Sniper (note: its based off it, so its not exactly like it)
By Lusk and A Twig (Twig did most of the coding, fixed animations, and made it have ADS/Scope abilities)
Download for the Sniper:

HL2 Based MP7 (w.i.p):

Off Topic / Possible Live Stream.
« on: August 26, 2012, 11:21:02 PM »
If I were to start doing live streams, what games would you want to see me play, and in what sort of manor..?
And most importantly, would you watch?

Off Topic / What does the internet think of your name?
« on: July 15, 2012, 12:05:33 AM »
Go to this website:
Type in your forums/in-game name, and search.
(don't forget to post results)

What I got:

(not so happy about that)

Off Topic / I can get a few things.
« on: June 12, 2012, 01:44:58 PM »
My dad told me he can get me something because of my report card, and something like that.
I dont know what to get, so what do you think?
It cannot be: research, or Hookers, or anything along those lines.
Im going for a new game, or keyboard, or something. Any other ideas?

Off Topic / Oh look, its my Birthday.
« on: May 23, 2012, 05:04:19 PM »
Its my birthday today. I'm what, 15 now? Anyways, I thought I would tell you guys that its my birthday.

Off Topic / A good screen recording software.
« on: May 19, 2012, 04:32:13 PM »
I need some kind of screen recording software that is:
A. Free
B. Really Cheap.
Edit: Nevermind. I just bought fraps :3

So I got bored one day, and learned to model. So I made some guns. Tell me what you think.

Mini Uzi

Pistol from Lost Planet 2 (basically a USP)

This is based off the Lost Planet 2 MG. (sorry about the picture problem. I know the joints on the MG are off, I changed the size on it for the picture, so I will fix it later.)

Lost Planet 2 Sniper (note: its based off it, so its not exactly like it)
By Lusk and A Twig (Twig did most of the coding, fixed animations, and made it have ADS/Scope abilities)
Download for the Sniper:

Thats about it so far. If I choose to release these, I will have a version with hands, and another without. You can rate, or whatever you like. Note: All of these are work in progress. Not close to done (other than the sniper)

So I got bored one day and had a good idea, that I would make one of those Cubescape things that are getting quite popular around the forums due to the new update and what-not; Anyways here it is. Please note this is nowhere near being done.

    There is the forest.

     What I have of the desert. (Not many Cacti)

   My favorite part. The Tundra. (working on the mountain in the background as we speak)

    And a birds eye view. Its probably one of my largest projects ive made so far.

   So there you go. You can rate x/10 if you like. I don't care that much. Please note yet again. This is nowhere near completion. I still have a lot of Desert that needs to be finished, and quite a bit more of the Tundra. So try not to Flame or anything. Credits to.
Fob 2987 - pine tree
Tophius 3200 - oak tree
Stulle 2989 - ???

Gallery / Lusk doesn't troll a Server. (.Once a Video.)
« on: February 12, 2012, 06:03:31 PM »
Mah new video. Not my best work, but I was a bit rushed to get something out by friday. Link:     (long link?)

Gallery / LuskQuest. [VIDEO]
« on: February 06, 2012, 05:41:07 PM »
My new video:
I try to revive an old fad.. Sorta.
Anyways, I don't make videos often so I try to not make them god awful. Some tips would be nice, seeing how i'm new to making videos.

Music / .Lusks Music Loops.
« on: February 03, 2012, 12:13:24 PM »
So ive been working on some music loops, and they seem pretty good, so I thought "Hey Lusk why not see what other people think!" so I willl.

First we have: Sail by Awolnation (not my best loop):

Second we have: Alex S. Party with Pinkie:
          Alternative version (a bit longer but not by much, and sounds better):

Thats all I have for now, more to come soon. (i do take requests note im not good at making loops with lyrics involved.. Its hard to loop words around)

Off Topic / Stop SOPA and PIPA
« on: January 18, 2012, 09:56:18 PM »
More about SOPA and PIPA
Members of Congress are trying to do the right thing by going after pirates and counterfeiters but SOPA and PIPA are the wrong way to do it.

1. SOPA and PIPA would censor the Web

The U.S. government could order the blocking of sites using methods similar to those employed by China. Among other things, search engines could be forced to delete entire websites from their search results. That’s why 41 human rights organizations and 110 prominent law professors have expressed grave concerns about the bills.

2. SOPA and PIPA would be job-killers because they would create a new era of uncertainty for American business

Law-abiding U.S. internet companies would have to monitor everything users link to or upload or face the risk of time-consuming litigation. That’s why AOL, EBay, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Mozilla, Twitter, Yahoo and Zynga wrote a letter to Congress saying these bills “pose a serious risk to our industry’s continued track record of innovation and job-creation.” It’s also why 55 of America’s most successful venture capitalists expressed concern that PIPA “would stifle investment in Internet services, throttle innovation, and hurt American competitiveness”. More than 204 entrepreneurs told Congress that PIPA and SOPA would “hurt economic growth and chill innovation”.

3. SOPA and PIPA wouldn’t stop piracy

To make matters worse, SOPA and PIPA won’t even work. The censorship regulations written into these bills won’t shut down pirate sites. These sites will just change their addresses and continue their criminal activities, while law-abiding companies will suffer high penalties for breaches they can’t possibly control.

There are effective ways to combat foreign “rogue” websites dedicated to copyright infringement and trademark counterfeiting, while preserving the innovation and dynamism that have made the Internet such an important driver of American economic growth and job creation. Congress should consider alternatives like the OPEN Act, which takes targeted and focused steps to cut off the money supply from foreign pirate sites without making US companies censor the Web.

Gallery / Lusks WWI TDM. (Now with a video :D)
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:07:45 AM »
Hello ladys (and other) Ive been working on a TDM for a while.. But I gave up on that and switched to Slayer and made this! A WWI TDM with %50 less trench foot.. Anyways enough of that.. Im sure you want to see some screenshots so here goes nothin..

There is the middle trench. Looks like the Central Powers have control of it.

Central Powers trench. (I didnt get a screenshot of the Allies one for some reson.. Its the same just less grey.)


Final Picture.

Video: Lusk's World War I TDM Trailer
(big thanks to Cucumber for recording this for my server and whatnot)

And there you have it. My WWI TDM.. If the pictures dont make you happy then you should stop by and see whats what.. Hope you enjoyed the wonderful bit of screenshotness.. I should be hosting this every weekend and possibly weekdays.

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