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Topics - Beanisawsome1

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Off Topic / Is there any Windows XP sound recorder download
« on: July 22, 2011, 03:40:44 PM »
I could try audacity but I'm trying to save memory on my PC. :3
I try google and all I saw was... nothing.
(The help thread is for Blockland only. :P)

Off Topic / Don't waste your time reading this
« on: July 16, 2011, 11:32:14 AM »
I forgot I'm not logged in yet. LOCKED! :P

Off Topic / I'm really this hated? :(
« on: July 15, 2011, 12:53:40 PM »
I'm really this hated? :(

General Discussion / I'm back... On Blockland! :D
« on: July 13, 2011, 11:07:10 AM »
Here is the video of my new avatar:

Games / The worst game you came across to
« on: July 10, 2011, 12:36:37 PM »
What is the worst game you came across to.
There is no limits, as long as it was released somewhere in the world, it counts.
I'll start. The worst game I came across to would be Nintendog (A stupid simulator that insults dogs, my suggestion, get a real dog. xD)

Please, if you find out a game that you liked on this list, it their opinion, so please don't troll. =3

Which game (that was not meant to be scary) is scary to you?

Off Topic / Something weird from Google Translator
« on: July 07, 2011, 06:32:03 PM »
This is what happens if you were to mess around with Chinese letters in google translator. I used the input option that allows you to type Chinese letters to make this but let me warn you, IT'S MESSED UP!

The translation:
The ball into the penalty Hong Min Ji-degree synthetic ceramic blocks with tree oil will help slow Xi Rong as the degree of rice and had to stomach by spiral groove group Bamyan thieves wild ritual toast chicken Ming Qing Yu Chun Wah Ming Temple singing group held after-sun behind the scenes in Hong most insects have to be after the early birds Chang Department of chicken hidden color version of the eagle as the stomach known as land which, although initially the potential financial Chau plain chicken farms are the number of potential consortium Pakistan vine group flow Yan Huan yesterday as the amount of down clothing from the highest degree you book gift sales are learning, as the version of the eagle County to help with teaching Jin Lu Youqing Ze Yu Ching Chi Wang Jinghan read as often ban the public that the Department of hope Kitty King of the stomach Jun Jun Xu Jun field treatment of gastric Candu Ying Jun Wang Xiaorong boundary and then commit to teach workplace tip Note tip of the amount of latent heat Hwan Chun fever right to levy according to those workers the right to wear a secluded Panwang Hui Xu hot rod treatment Badi Suo heat flow relative to take the dagger and then right by Jun Qing Xun Chi lucky smoke ring to try driving with the amount of oil quiet noise of bird's wings

Now the Chinese letters used in Google Translator:


Games / Crimzon Clover
« on: July 03, 2011, 06:12:14 PM »
The download link to the game:

What's your opinion on this game?
(Please don't just rate, give reasons too please. ;) )

btw, I am having trouble on blockland. Link to my trouble:

Help / I can't play blockland :(
« on: June 30, 2011, 07:41:50 PM »
No, this is not a hardware or software issue, it's actually an email problem.
Here is the story. I bought Blockland and used my email address. Yesterday, I Factory Restored my PC because it was as slow as a snail due to there being a lot of crap software on my PC. Now, I have to use that email but it is suspended by another Email account. Any Ideas.

Badspot. I do own the game, I have another yahoo account: (That is not the email I had when buying the game, it was made due to the other account suspension)

Any Ideas?

Off Topic / Scarry Lost Tape Creepypasta
« on: June 28, 2011, 07:31:35 PM »
Which one is creepy.  :cookieMonster:

I don't have the money with me (I'm 13 and no one around the area I live want help with their yards) and I really want to play the game. I did google for one but I got nothing. If you don't know what I'm looking for, the game have to be:
 1. 2D (My PC have the Intel Craphics Card so it can't play 3D)
 2. It have to be legal. Please don't promote pirates
 3. It have to be for Windows XP/Vista/7
 4. Please don't give me RCT 1 Trial
 5. No torrents, I don't trust them, not at all. They carry illegal viruses
 6. Please no Rapidshare links. I'm not waiting 30 minutes just to download a game
 7. Please no download links that required me to do a survey
 8. It have to be a Roller Coaster tycoon, please don't give me a tycoon that simulate something else

Thanks for reading. ;)

Off Topic / Which Mountain Dew flavor is BEST?
« on: June 24, 2011, 02:43:10 PM »
I loved mountain dew ever since I was 5 years old. I heard of this soda while playing Rush 2 (That game have Mountain Dew advertising). If you don't know what Mountain Dew is, Mountain Dew is a soda made by Pepsi as a Lemon Lime soda. Pepsi recently also made Sierra mist (Due to that soda being lemon lime, I'll add that to the list).

Also, post screenshots of games that would go best with Mountain Dew since this topic is on a forum based on a game. ^_^

Games / The hardest game, available to DOWNLOAD! Thats right!
« on: May 28, 2011, 01:23:38 PM »
No, its not Mushihimesama, but a game that is as hard.
I was searching the web and I found Crimzon Clover.
In Crimzon Clover, you control a ship which have 4 different laser.
Two on each side and the other 2 in the middle together.
I will tell you the control:
     Z: Fire
     X: Lock
     Y: Break Mode (You will need to charge it, but its awesome for hard to get enemies)

Here is a screenshot:


Here is the download:

If you have another game to share that is as brutal as this game, please post, all bullet h*** games (Games like Crimzon Clover) are welcomed! :D

Off Topic / Intel Graphics Card Rant
« on: May 07, 2011, 11:33:21 PM »
Don't get me wrong, Intel is the best processor manufacturer out there but the part that make me want to rip my hair out is their crappy Intel Graphics Card. I got one unfortunately but that why I post this rant.

Now, you may be saying "What is wrong with them?  :cookieMonster:"
Here is what is wrong with them.

Strike One:
I found a copy of the beloved game named Fallout 3. Guess what!
THIS MESSAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I felt like as if I was a volcano that was about to erupt.

Strike Two:
This one is the infamous BRICK LAG in Blockland. Yes, Blockland. I been playing it for god know how long because it is the only mmorg game that is available to me. Keep this in mind, I am not going to get Team Fortress 2 only to get GMod, that is stupid, and yes, I REALLY DO WANT TO PLAY IT but having to buy another game plus having to buy Half Life 2 for other models and features don't fit my taste. Every single time I go on a server that have god know how many bricks, I am going to lag, BADLY! Want to know why?

Strike Three:
I love POLYBIUS. It just my blood but imagine that EVERY SINGLE TIME YOU GO ON A LEVEL THAT IS TOO INTENSIVE, YOUR COMPUTER START TO SLOW DOWN POLYBIUS AND THE GAMEPLAY IS SLOW AS SNAILS. That means that you are going to be in that one level for a long time and that not all, in these levels, I'm used to fast paced so I think about moving left or right, then this big butt laser hits me and I'm frozen (Part of game, there is a laser that goes from the center shape that freezes you in lvl 5 and up) and I die. Nice Intel. Just Nice.

Here is some links to some REAL GRAPHICS CARDS:

Also, if you have similar experiences, PLEASE POST, This will help show Intel to STOP making graphics card and focus on Processors.

Help / Blockland is lagging...HARD
« on: April 18, 2011, 01:41:42 PM »
Whenever I play a City RP, Blockland start to lag so bad, it start to slow down my PC all together!  :panda:
Is there anyway to stop that without having crappy graphics or reformatting?

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