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Topics - LegoEggo

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Suggestions & Requests / Default Minigame
« on: June 08, 2009, 01:13:18 PM »
I know it's on RTB but the mod manager crashes mah BL. Dunno why. Anyways, could someone post it?

General Discussion / What makes a good fort wars server?
« on: June 08, 2009, 12:43:13 PM »
I can host now :D
And I'm hosting a fort wars server. What do you all think makes a good one?

roblox :O

Not that I hate roblox or anything. I just found it surprising that the kid next to me was playing a game in the Blockland 'genre'. I was going to recommend Blockland to him, but I don't really know him so I didn't.

Help / Port Forwarding Airport Extreme
« on: May 13, 2009, 08:20:59 PM »
I've messed around with all the settings, nothin' worked. I was talking to Mr. Wallet and he said he has one and there's a setting called Default Host forwards all the ports to one IP or something like that. He doesn't know how to port forward it either, that's all he said. Does anyone know how?


I remember, a long time ago, playing on a "Heat RPG" server. Everyone had "heat bricks" they used to survive. You'd build up a little base, throw down some fires (w/ heat bricks of course), warm up, then go out looking for supplies. It really was a roleplay, though, you just acted like you were getting supplies. I'm fine with doing things that way, but a little more scripting would have been rad. The more dedicated players would build up big bases, make vehicle spawns, get weapons, and go exploring and fighting other groups of players. I would like to expand on this idea. Let me give you a rundown:

You connect to the server, spawn in a sweet arctic map, warm up at the "noob spawn" fire, then head out with some gear. Maybe a pistol and enough supplies to start one fire. You run in to another player - you point your guns at each other, not sure what the other is going to do. In local chat (the only chat available unless contact another player via radio), the other player asks if you want to join forces. You accept, and you both head out to find more supplies and set up a semi-permanent camp.

From that point you could fight other players, join up with other players, become a band of raiders that steal others' supplies, anything you want. Emphasis on the "RP" in survivalRP. The actual scripting/modeling/whatever load on this mod might not be that high, most of it's up to the players. Anyways, here's a detailed list on the main goals for this mod:

Finished - Started - Not Started
Large arctic map that can repeat without being too noticeable. Should contain large open areas, tight valleys, maybe a cliff or two. Cliffs should have their own rock texture for sure, none of this really steep snow stuff.
Heat script. Would include a UI at the bottom of the screen with a number that indicates the amount of "warmth" left, fire bricks to recharge warmth, and warnings when warmth runs low. Once warmth is out, the player dies. Also, a way to acquire supplies to place new heat bricks. Heat bricks die after a time.
Radio script. It's the chat system, modified so you can't talk to anyone anywhere. You have to use radio bricks n such.
Food script. Much like the heat script, down at the bottom of the screen on that same UI a number indicated how hungry the player is. When hunger hits bottom, the player dies. Food needs to be scavenged for, maybe even grown later in the game?
Resource/supplies script. Building takes "material". Each 1x1x1 is 1 material. Material can be gathered from "ruins" - things built before the game starts by admins out of "material bricks". Material bricks can be harvested by a player with the correct tools (I dunno... shovel, pickax, whatever). Weapons and vehicles also cost material. The actual vehicle spawn costs material, actually spawning the vehicle costs material too. Respawns are free [probably, open to change like everything else]). Resources (material & maybe food) can be stockpiled in a "safe" of some sort. A brick a player can place, probably. Resources can be stolen (not sure about the mechanics for when the owner is offline). When a player is carrying resources, a backpack is put on the player's back.
Alliance script/GUI. Players can form alliances, and make these known to other players. The benefits of declaring an alliance are: driving fear into other players hearts, competing for the position of the awesome-ist survivalRP alliance around, etc. We'll need to think up some practical benefits too.
New weapons, specific to survivalRP's needs. This would mean: Ammo (which can be made out of advanced material), reloading, cool animations, good models. Would also include useful weapons, like the flare gun, that could be used (in the instance of the flare gun) to show an ally where you are, for example.
Somehow make raiding very viable. Not only stealing resources, food and heat, perhaps... I dunno... something. We have come up with some ideas, we'll see.
Use the Compass Mod. I'm not very familiar with it, but players need a way to get back to their base, and other important landmarks.

Note: Some of those boxes are links to "inspiring pictures" - not exactly what I want something to look like, just some things I put together on slopes.

This list will be added to and edited in the future.

So, as for making the actual mod? We'll need scripters mainly, some modelers, and one or two really good mapmakers. Please don't volunteer unless you feel very competent at what you're volunteering for. When you sign up to help I'll PM you with some more info.

Design Team:

Scripting Team:

Modeling Team:
Unknown Player

Mapping Team:

Decal Team:

Bug List
- HUD doesn't update
- HUD doesn't always get placed in the top right of the screen when using a larger resolution
- Heat doesn't always work with other add-ons. I'll figure out which soon.
- 2 errors in life.cs:
  - Line 61: Unable to find functions getPlayerSpawn
  - Line 63: Unable to find object: ' ' attempting to call function 'getworldboxcenter'
  - I believe these errors are keeping heat from working. That's what the console makes it look like, at least.
 - Radio brick sometimes has graphics glitches.

survivalRPopen to suggestions

Off Topic / Help with Essay Please :D
« on: April 08, 2009, 10:39:35 PM »
Alright, I need ideas for an essay on the universality of shakespeare. I have some already. Needs to be about 2 pages (double spaced o course).

Specifics (all ideas accepted):
I know there's been some modern remakes of Romeo n Juliet. Names please?
well just give me ideas

Off Topic / Fixed Gear Bikes
« on: April 01, 2009, 08:48:46 PM »
aka fixies. Very fun to ride, I just finished building mine a while ago. Learning how to skid stop, my thighs are dominated. Pretty bruised :/ .

Best videos I could find:

Edit for 100% more definition: A fixed-gear bicycle or fixed wheel bicycle is a bicycle without the ability to coast. The sprocket is screwed directly on to the hub and there is no freewheel mechanism. A reverse-threaded lockring is usually fitted to prevent the sprocket from unscrewing. Whenever the rear wheel is turning, the pedals turn in the same direction. By resisting the rotation of the pedals, a rider can slow the bike to a stop,which will cause the tires to skid,without the aid of a brake. Stopping is sometimes known as "skidding" in the fixed gear world. A fixed gear bicycle can also be ridden in reverse.

However wikipedia is kinda wrong, skidding and resisting the pedals are waaaay different.

General Discussion / Been gone a while, and...
« on: March 26, 2009, 05:44:00 PM »
What's with all the newer people saying EVERYTHING is spammy? "bit spammy tho". Gets freaking annoying. I build something not spammy in the least, noobs start shoutin' spammy. In the gallery, just saw a perfectly fine build, "bit spammy tho" apparently.

So, has Blockland, like, become slower while I was gone?
Or are their just a bunch of noobs trying to be pro?

Modification Help / Houdini
« on: October 19, 2008, 11:15:40 PM »
Has anyone used it? If you dunno what it is, you haven't used it.

General Discussion / What's Blockland Missing?
« on: October 19, 2008, 06:42:15 PM »
I've noticed for the past while BL hasn't been that fun. I remember the first day I got it I had a blast. Now it's pretty boring. Why, you ask? I'm not sure, but here's a few ideas.

The servers aren't as good anymore, IMO.

Lots more servers with high IDs that just go around hammering stuff and not talking.

No good DMs.

All RPGs manage to fail.

Edit: People are so mean to each other :(


Spore Creature Creator gif failed as my avatar :/

Off Topic / Bones' Froggy
« on: October 15, 2008, 09:04:56 PM »
It's funny... last year in school we learned about these dudes in central america, and there were these toads. They licked the toads' backs and it got them high.

Maybe old. Still, drug reference much?

Off Topic / Post Epic Avatar Stealage Quotes
« on: September 29, 2008, 10:50:45 PM »
I took some pics of the most epic.

In this here piccy, I WON.



Edit: Wow confusing. I bolded the picture notes so you can tell what is in the picture :D

Off Topic / Birdman
« on: September 24, 2008, 10:48:24 PM »
Hell. F***ing. Yes. There's some insane videos, check them out.

Off Topic / Yay for me... I got a road bike!
« on: September 22, 2008, 10:15:25 PM »
Tis quite fun! Cost me $520, but it's worth it. Now I'll need to get gloves, a jersey, spandex shorts (yes, I know, but it will be easier to ride with them and moar aerodynamix), shoes, maybe different pedals... oh, the money! Course, I want get it all right now.

General Discussion / Demos?
« on: August 31, 2008, 05:44:46 PM »
I know demos aren't used very much, but I kinda have a use for them, but the "Demos" button is gone on the main screen (V9). It might be cause I'm on mac. If not, where do I play them back now?

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