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Topics - Otis Da HousKat

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Drama / A Chriz Discussion
« on: November 02, 2008, 01:23:02 AM »
Discuss Chriz and his immense friendry here.

Quote from: Chriz
People like you pollute the society and all who inhabit it. Locking time.
I laughed out loud.

You're such a pinnacle of moral and social perfection!

Was I wrong to question your might?

Please, guide me towards salvation; for a better tomorrow for humanity.

...I'd snip this, but I'd have to bring it up again. I got my first miniature, immature laugh today.

Off Topic / New Pepsi Logo
« on: November 01, 2008, 09:16:56 PM »
So Pepsi has changed their logo to a curvier more modern looking design, and this is the first thing I thought of when I saw it:

Obama: Change for America

Pepsi: Change for Cola

Coincidence? I hardly think so.

Off Topic / Another snake topic
« on: October 29, 2008, 12:04:10 AM »
Foreskin, yay or nay?

Myself, I'm not circumcised and I wouldn't do it to my kids.

Off Topic / HAY GUYZ: Socialism
« on: October 25, 2008, 01:00:36 AM »
Ranted about this a bit on Iban's server. It's late, I may say some incomplete things or things that make little sense.

I'm sick and loving tired of hearing about how evil socialism is. It's all Republicans bashing Democrats in an attempt to make them look like they hate America. The same loving tactic they use to make it sound like they hate the military too.

Fun Fact: Most Democratic Senators have voted for bills increasing military benefits. Many Republicans have opposed such bills. For example, The Post 9/11 Montgomery GI Bill. It basically grants free tuition to colleges for serving military personal and their families under certain conditions. People like McCain opposed the bill based on the fact that a study showed it would decrease current military enrollment, but that same study said recruitment would increase by the same percent.

Socialism is stability. Here are just a few major example of socialist acts preformed by the US government.

Federalism and the establishment of a standardized currency between the states.
Child labor laws.
Recognition of labor unions.   
Theodore Roosevelt's progressive policies.
Agricultural subsidiaries
Anti-trust/monopoly laws
FDR's New Deal programs(Transfer payments, welfare, social security, etc.)
The recent $700 billion bail-out

Businesses cry about the "evils" of socialism whenever it hurts their bottom line, but as soon as the crCIA hit many of them went crying to daddy because they were in trouble. The bail out plan sure sounds like socialism to me, if we kept a true capitalistic mindset the government would have just let the banks fail. I believe socialism brings order when chaos starts to emerge. When businesses under a capitalist ideology grow very large, they can start asserting a government like control over the economy. When unfair trade practices emerge and many are hurt because of it, our government has consistently stepped in to regulate it.

The lovely Sarah Palin has been vocal on her opposition to socialism. Palin is the governor of the state that benefits the most from government transfer payments. Many of Alaska's industries rely on those payments to survive. She says socialism like that is OK though, it helps the state!


So socialism is evil when it doesn't benefit you in some way? Sounds like the same mindset the corporations have.

The Republicans have been labeling everything the Democrats support as evil socialism. Do they even understand what it really is? Or are they just using it as a scare tactic to fool the ignorant undecided voters to support their side? Disgusting.

I don't understand why so many people are bitching about people making over $250,000 getting taxed more. NEWS FLASH: You probably don't make that much. And the extra amount those people are charged is horribly misrepresented by Republicans.

Quote from: Some Guy
Let's do simple math here. Let's say you're Company X and make $250,000 in revenue for the year. You are taxed at 36%. $250,000 x .36 = $90,000. Therefore, your income after taxes is $160,000.

Now, let's say you're Company Y and make $250,001 in revenue for the year. You are taxed at 36% for the first $250,000, and at 39% for anything above $250,000. $250,000 x .36 = $90,000. $1 x .39 = 39 cents. Therefore, your income after taxes is $160,000 and 61 cents.

What exactly is the problem here? I'm not understanding.

America isn't capitalist, and communist countries like China aren't true communists. We all have major socialist aspects to our societies. We need to stop half-assing it so we can actually get somewhere.

Off Topic / Diarrhea
« on: October 23, 2008, 10:04:14 AM »
Sitting on a school toilet with a bad case of the Hershey squirts. Torrent after torrent of wet sloppy stuff flows from my star fish.

I had to bolt out of my chemisty lecture or I would have fudged my huggies.


Drama / Zaie
« on: October 22, 2008, 09:40:57 PM »
No, stop it.

That is all.

Drama / Hawiin Guy
« on: October 21, 2008, 04:36:28 PM »
For the love of god, I hope you didn't mean for your name to be Hawaiian Guy.

If you did, I'm sure you'll get along with people like buldier(enginner).

Drama / Robo Noob is really tribal
« on: October 20, 2008, 05:53:42 PM »
Look at what he said in Iban's server:

He's gonna post some bullstuff in here with me whispering that stuff. I was just repeating what he said in a PM to him. He's a loving douche. Ban him. ID: 4693

Gallery / Halo and Blockland: Together at Last
« on: October 18, 2008, 09:51:57 AM »

I spent a few days making this, enjoy.

Drama / Rest in peaches in light syrup.
« on: October 16, 2008, 09:07:26 AM »
Quote from: Twin[NL]

15 october..
In memory of Chelsey Heldens. She was founded dead in her room. The reason was an heart attack. She became only 15 years old. :(

Rest in Peace Chelsey Heldens. You was a very good girl with much trust, rest in very very peach. :(

This is why im sad.
I suggest you get help from an English speaking friend before posting serious or important things.

AoT General / Best fan sites?
« on: October 13, 2008, 09:51:49 AM »
Myself, I prefer the Hebrew Age of Time guide. It has all the information I need presented in a clear understandable fashion.

Drama / Rykuta
« on: October 12, 2008, 04:33:41 PM »
I don't know you, but I know I hate you.

No one gives a stuff you didn't get 5000 :cookie: s from noobs for porting over work that isn't yours.

General Discussion / V10 Mac is not uploaded.
« on: October 07, 2008, 10:50:13 PM »
Both links on the Blockland page return with a 404 error.

Off Topic / Does this motherboard make you erect?
« on: October 03, 2008, 09:45:22 AM »
If it does, you have a loving problem.

This too.

We obviously don't know how well these boards preform yet, but at least they are creating new designs. I had a Gigabyte mother board in like 2004 that was some boring green thing. My current eVGA 750i is another basic green pcb with a few shiny leds and generic cooling.

You may think they look ugly, but I think they're neat.

Help / Dedicated Server: BLID + IP concern.
« on: September 30, 2008, 05:32:20 PM »
I'm going to be setting up a dedicated server soon for Blockland. The server will not be located in my house, and thus will be on a different IP address.

I'm wondering if I will be able to connect to the server. The server is running off my account on a different IP than the one I will be using to play on it. Will this be a problem?

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