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Topics - Ipquarx

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IDs 7353, 7289, IP address

This is a follow-up drama to Topic: Melissa (BLIDs: 35457, 101299) Attacking My Blockland Server in which it was discovered that Smooth had distributed the hacks to Melissa, who then attacked Tezuni's server while drunk. I will be presenting all of the previous evidence, and adding on new evidence.

As we can see here: Topic: /Ty maliciously abusing SA to drive people away He has a history of appointing terrible admins, and in general not caring about his server.

On top of that, he once attacked a server by spamming it with join requests and then lied about it to draw suspicion away from him. I believe this to be a script that he made himself, and there's proof to follow: Topic: Smooth - "I was just clicking reconnect!" 18,000 times? As you can see, he has 2 IDs on there connected to his IP: 7353 (his main) and 7289. This will become very important.

Here's the part where I present the previous evidence against him:

Last post of the page. Woooo. Hope this doesn't get buried by the next page.

So I got a freind request by someone of the name of "Mel" on steam.

Appears to be melissa.

Gave me a link to the addon he used to DoS the server.

This was the readme:
Code: [Select]
Thank you for downloading the Blockland Denial of Service, or DoS tool.
this isnt a grade A high quality DoS tool but its still a very affective lag tool.
inshort, what it does is it continuesly spams the server IP that of your choosing with join packets that you want to DoS.


1.Go into Spammer .cs and you will see something that looks like this on lines 22, 23

connectToServer("IP:Port", "password", 1, 1);
connectToServer("IP:Port", "password", 1, 1);

2.Change IP:Port to the server IP and Port you wish to DoS

 you can obtain the IP and Ports for blockland servers from

3. now go into your blockland console by pressing the ~/` key below the esc button and type,


this will now load your IP and Port you wish too DoS.

4. you can start your DoS by choosing a Keybind in the controls tab in options or typing
toggleDoS(1); into console

How lines should look 22,23
connectToServer("", "password", 1, 1);
connectToServer("", "password", 1, 1);


IF the server you are trying to DoS is passworded and you know the password, change the arguement ,Password, into
the password you know, it may still work without password but it will not be as effective.

How it Should look

connectToServer("", "IDoSYou", 1, 1);
connectToServer("", "IDoSYou", 1, 1);

Happy DoS'ing! -Smooth

As you can see, smooth is a dipstuff and made an addon to DoS people. The addon itself is quite stuffty even, you have to manually put in the IP and password if there is one, and then run another script to update it. Probably gonna contact badspot about it in hopes that creating a DoS addon and distributing it is a revokable offense

He also gave Melissa a complete pack of BLhack dlls and an injector, including the no-longer-functioning one that has the crash hack in it. Even the antidote for the crash hack.
If you want the part of the chatlog where Melissa linked it to me, I have it right here. Links are blurred out:

And the part right before that: "5:16 PM - Smooth: alright
5:16 PM - Smooth: lets say i did
5:16 PM - Smooth: anybody could go prnt scrn that and use it as proof
5:16 PM - Smooth: there we go
5:16 PM - Smooth: we got a connfesion
5:16 PM - Smooth: now i dont want that"

"You betrayed my trust" "Why the forget would I say I enabled this" "Prob not gonna say until your drama blows over ;)" Does this not sound suspicious? Now we know he's not only capable of creating an addon, he even explained exactly how the DoS addon works in a PM to tezuni to try and draw suspicion away from him:

So now we know he has the capability to create a DoS addon, and has definitely used one in the past (To crash Pah123's server), and someone else claims they were given a DoS addon by smooth. He also said himself that he has an aimbot addon, that, and this is important, he got it working himself. Further proof that he could very easily code the half-baked DoS addon.

They also claim they were given BLHack and a bunch of other stuff by him. This is very easily backed up with evidence, as earlier today, Smooth was giving out BLHack DLLs under the name "BLHACK" using his alternate ID.

Here's the proof:

As you can see (And this is also important), the two have the same clan tag. This isn't a client-sided thing, this is server-sided. This means the client has joined before and someone gave him that tag. The same tag, that smooth has. As well, he seems to have accidentally pasted some client-side execution code for his aimbot into the chat. Further proof he has an aimbot and is trying to use it on servers.

Not only is that not enough, now he's going to be making an ESP hack. Bragging about it in public too, stay classy Smooth.

On top of that, more proof that he's the guy giving out BLHack. My friend asked the admin to look in the clear bricks menu for BLHACK's ID.

ID 7289. Smooth's alt.

So there you have it. Permaban the IDs or IP ban him. If you can, block the IP from your router even. You do not want him on your server. Trust me.

Modification Help / KeyUtils - Open-Source Key Recovery
« on: April 23, 2015, 03:39:32 PM »

Currently V0.6

What is KeyUtils?

KeyUtils is an open-source program to assist in players recovering their lost keys, to help people understand more about the keydat system, and in the future to give players a more secure way to store their key.

KeyUtils is written in .NET C#, using the 4* framework. That means the program will be compatible with almost every version of windows.
If you don't have have the .NET 4 framework, you can download it here.

What can it do?

At the moment, it doesn't have all the features that are planned for it. So far, it has:

  • 3 Decryption Modes:
  • The first (and default) mode allows you to decrypt the keydat from your own blockland installation, assuming you can still play the game normally. In the future you will be able to decrypt your keydat if you have recently changed processors as well. An admittedly rare, but possible scenario.
  • The second mode allows you to decrypt multiple keydats made on the same computer, if you have a keydat to which you know the key it contains.
  • The third mode allows you to experiment around with keydat decryption. You input a raw MAC address and a processor name (Case sensitive) and it outputs the raw decrypted result in hexadecimal.

  • Fake key generator (Just to clarify... They don't work. It's theoretically possible for them to work, but the chances are... 0.00000000000000008%. Sooo... Not that good.)
  • Key to BLID converter
  • Check for updates automatically!
  • More features to come!

How do I use it?
The program is incredibly easy to use. However if you can't figure out how to use it on your own, you can click here to get a tutorial on the basics.

How do I know it's safe?
The program is totally open-source! This means you can be sure what the program does. For the more technically inclined, you can take a look through the complete source code over at and verify that for yourself. After you download the zip file with the program in it, you can also verify the hashes of the file to ensure that you've not gotten a faulty download. Finally, on top of all that, you can decompile the exe file provided and ensure that the download itself doesn't contain any source code not in the Github repository. You can do this using one of many tools, like Telerik JustDecompiler, Red-Gate Reflector, and ILSpy.

Where can I download it?
You can download the program right here.

I whole-heartedly encourage you to spread awareness about this program. If you know someone who is having troubles getting their key, try directing them to this program! The solution could be as easy as that.


forget yes. Send this to all your friends n stuff, I want this to get big.

Games / 5 GTA games for $10
« on: April 10, 2015, 04:00:40 PM »
like holy stuff if I weren't trying to save money I would forgetin buy this immediately

It has GTA 3, 4, Vice City, San Andreas, and Liberty City all for 10 bucks. That's 2 bucks a forgetin game.


They have a steamapp registered with "Valve GDC App Package"

Could it be Source2? Is HL3 going to run on source2 and be amazing and awesome?


Off Topic / Melanie's Marvelous Measles (It's a real book)
« on: February 10, 2015, 12:17:35 PM »

"Melanie's Marvelous Measles was written to educate children on the benefits of having measles and how you can heal from them naturally and successfully. Often today, we are being bombarded with messages from vested interests to fear all diseases in order for someone to sell some potion or vaccine, when, in fact, history shows that in industrialized countries, these diseases are quite benign and according to natural health sources, benficial to the body.

Stephanie Messenger lives in Brisbane, Queensland, Australia, and devotes her life to educating people about vaccine dangers and supporting families in their natural health choices. She has the support of many natural therapists and natural-minded doctors.

Melanie's Marvelous Measles takes children on a journey to learn about the ineffectiveness of vaccinations and to know they don't have to be scared of childhood illnesses, like measles and chicken pox. There are many health messages for parents to expand on about keeping healthy. For an information pack on vaccinations to be sent out free in Australia, people can email and provide their postal address."

Some god-teir reviews on amazon:

I'm waiting for the sequel: Emily's Exciting Ebola.

Games / Besiege Alpha: Conquer the World! (Alpha .09!)
« on: January 26, 2015, 12:24:47 PM »

Besiege is an upcoming physics based building game (currently in alpha stage) in which
you construct medieval siege engines and lay waste to anything that stands in your way.

Build a machine which can crush windmills, wipe out battalions of brave soldiers and transport valuable resources,
defending your creation against cannons, archers and whatever else the desperate enemies have at their disposal.

shamelessly ripped from their homepage

Keep in mind, Besiege isn’t feature complete yet - the Alpha is for those who want to support us!
(And I highly recommend you do!)

Currently in the alpha v0.09
• Windows, Mac, and Linux support!
• 20 fully destructible/flammable campaign levels, depicting regal castles and battalions of knights
• Many block types : flamethrower, motors, explosives, hinges, sliders, armour and much more
• Sandbox Mode
• Limitless Build Mode can be activated in any campaign level
• Super slow-mo and Super fast timescale options (Slow down time however much you want, down to 1%!)
• Combustible livestock!

Changelog for v0.09

Changelog V0.09


Added Large Cog Block
Added Small Wheel Block
Added Shrapnel Cannon Block


Reorganised Block Tabs
Created Locomotion Tab
Redesigned icon for Mechanical Tab
Created new texture for Blade block
Grip pad is now more rigid


Fixed birds being killed by machine whilst in edit mode
Fixed balloons being popped by machine in edit mode
Fixed Buildings & Fences breaking whilst in edit mode
Fixed insignias triggering whilst in edit mode
Fixed torch out of bounds issues
Fixed floating roof bug in Level 16
Fixed Freighters exploding with rapid timescale changes
Return to level select button in Tolbrynd now takes you to correct menu


Save & Load menus now blur the UI background elements



Besiege Alpha Trailer
Nerd³ - Besiege
Jacksepticeye - Besiege Alpha #1
And many more! Just search "Besiege" on youtube and you'll get a myriad of amazing videos!


Game Website
Now on STEAM!

How much does this amazing gem of a game cost?
$7! It's a steal!

Modification Help / How to programatically change timescale
« on: January 19, 2015, 07:20:09 PM »
Now that clientCmdsetTimescale and AiConnection have both been removed, how do you change the timescale programatically for all clients? Preferably without a message.

Help / Cannot right click while shift is held down
« on: January 13, 2015, 07:45:38 PM »
I've been having this issue for around a month now. Whenever I hold down the shift key (Left or right) I can't use the right mouse button. If I right click and then use shift it works fine.
I've not recently installed any software or gotten a new mouse or keyboard. Any reason why this might be happening? I've checked through my console.log and nothing of interest appears.

Drama / TreeAtmos: 13
« on: January 02, 2015, 10:06:56 PM »

Has the key of his BLID (28023) in it. WTF?

Off Topic / Looking for best quality headphones under $100
« on: December 24, 2014, 11:38:13 PM »
So BLF, I'm looking for some headphones to replace my aging and worn-out Sony MDR-ZX100 headphones. My budget is around $100 and I'd prefer on-ear headphones.

I've been looking at the Sennheiser HD 229, which are incredibly good looking, but I've been getting mixed reviews on their sound quality.

Any suggestions?

General Discussion / Anti-Crash Patch Source Code & A Brief brown townysis
« on: December 05, 2014, 12:37:29 AM »
EDIT: If you just want the DLL, PM me and I'll give it to you. The source code is also available in the topic.
To use the DLL, download a program to inject the DLL into blockland. This can be done using, for example,
(Many antiviruses like Norton will detect the program as a trojan. This is a false positive. Many will detect it as a "HackTool" since it can be used for hacking, and that's all it is.)
After that, start up blockland and open the injector program. Select the Blockland process, select the downloaded DLL and click the Inject button.

So Computermix has given the source code of his recent Anti-Crash DLL, which has been the recipient of many complaints about its legitimacy and safety.
This DLL, which is injected into the game using an external program, will prevent malicious users from crashing your server with the widely-distributed crash hack DLL.
This topic is made to prove that there is a safe version of the DLL available to download, along with the source if you want to compile it yourself.

The entire source code is really just 90 lines of code in total, and I'll put it all right here:

Code: [Select]
#include "MologieDetours\detours.h"

typedef void(__cdecl* PrintfFn)(char* szFormat, ...);
static PrintfFn Printf;

typedef void(__cdecl* SetVariableFn)(char* szName, char* szValue);
static SetVariableFn SetVariable;

typedef char*(__cdecl* szGetVariableFn)(char* szName);
static szGetVariableFn szGetVariable;

typedef char*(__cdecl* szEvaluateFn)(char* szString, bool bEcho, char* szFileName);
static szEvaluateFn szEval;

typedef void(__thiscall* ProcessFn)(DWORD dwThis, DWORD dwConnection);
static ProcessFn Process;
MologieDetours::Detour<ProcessFn>* Detour_Process;

void __fastcall Hooked_Process(DWORD dwThis, void* blank, DWORD dwConnection)
int iArgc = *(int*)(dwThis + 16);
char** szArgv = (char**)(dwThis + 20);
bool bIsCrashing = false;

if (!(*(unsigned char *)(dwConnection + 288) & 1)) //this just checks if its a client on a server (in contrast to hosting in-game, where packets are back and fourth)
for (int i = iArgc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
char* szArg = szArgv[i + 1];

if (*szArg == 1) //tag?
//check numbers bigger than table size or less than zero

int iHax = atoi(szArg + 1);

if (iHax > (**(int**)(0x7F4254)) || iHax < 0)
bIsCrashing = true;

//dont return just yet- let the loop fix the spam from buffer overflow
if (i > 19)
szArgv[i + 1] = 0;

if (bIsCrashing && atoi(szGetVariable("$Pref::Server::AntidoteMode")) == 1)
char szBuf[128];

sprintf_s(szBuf, "messageAll('', SPC \"(BLID \" @ %d.bl_id @ \") attempted to crash the server!\");", *(int*)(dwConnection + 192), *(int*)(dwConnection + 192));

szEval(szBuf, false, 0);

sprintf_s(szBuf, "serverCmdBan(0, %d, %d.bl_id, -1, \"Attempted to crash the server. (Perma'd)\");", *(int*)(dwConnection + 192), *(int*)(dwConnection + 192));

szEval(szBuf, false, 0);

return bIsCrashing ? 0 : Detour_Process->GetOriginalFunction()(dwThis, dwConnection);

//not using sigs cuz chances are an update will fix the crash anyways
Printf = (PrintfFn)0x4A8040;
szGetVariable = (szGetVariableFn)0x4A7620;
SetVariable = (SetVariableFn)0x4A6DB0;
Process = (ProcessFn)0x5813D0;
szEval = (szEvaluateFn)0x4A8260;

//hook the func that causes the crash
Detour_Process = new MologieDetours::Detour<ProcessFn>(Process, (ProcessFn)Hooked_Process);

Printf("Anti-crash injected, all set! :)\nYou can edit $Pref::Server::AntidoteMode to do different things corresponding to this list:\n= 0: Simply stop the crash and nothing happens to either the server or the user.\n= 1: Permaban that starfish.\n(default is 1)");
SetVariable("$Pref::Server::AntidoteMode", "1");

//no need to delete Detour_Process, windows will wipe my ass for me (3548)
return 0;

int WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE Instance, DWORD Reason, LPVOID Reserved)
CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)dwMainThread, NULL, 0, NULL);

return true;

I'll be brown townyzing this code later on, but even just giving it a quick skim can verify that this code does not contain anything malicious.

If you want the source code so you can compile it yourself, you can find it here. (

If you want the compiled DLL that was made from the source (Which is entirely comprised of the code I posted and the library found here: ) just PM me and I'll send it to you.

Now for an brown townysis of the code.

Code: [Select]
#include "MologieDetours\detours.h"

typedef void(__cdecl* PrintfFn)(char* szFormat, ...);
static PrintfFn Printf;

typedef void(__cdecl* SetVariableFn)(char* szName, char* szValue);
static SetVariableFn SetVariable;

typedef char*(__cdecl* szGetVariableFn)(char* szName);
static szGetVariableFn szGetVariable;

typedef char*(__cdecl* szEvaluateFn)(char* szString, bool bEcho, char* szFileName);
static szEvaluateFn szEval;

typedef void(__thiscall* ProcessFn)(DWORD dwThis, DWORD dwConnection);
static ProcessFn Process;
MologieDetours::Detour<ProcessFn>* Detour_Process;
This part simply defines things for the code to use later on.

Code: [Select]
void __fastcall Hooked_Process(DWORD dwThis, void* blank, DWORD dwConnection)
int iArgc = *(int*)(dwThis + 16);
char** szArgv = (char**)(dwThis + 20);
bool bIsCrashing = false;

if (!(*(unsigned char *)(dwConnection + 288) & 1)) //this just checks if its a client on a server (in contrast to hosting in-game, where packets are back and fourth)
for (int i = iArgc - 1; i >= 0; i--)
The code where the dots are is coming next.

The code here seems to define a couple variables and then the variable bIsCrashing, which indicates if a crashing packet was detected.
After that it checks if the packet was received by a client on the server, and then loops through all the different parts of the packet.

Code: [Select]
char* szArg = szArgv[i + 1];

if (*szArg == 1) //tag?
//check numbers bigger than table size or less than zero

int iHax = atoi(szArg + 1);

if (iHax > (**(int**)(0x7F4254)) || iHax < 0)
bIsCrashing = true;

//dont return just yet- let the loop fix the spam from buffer overflow
if (i > 19)
szArgv[i + 1] = 0;
This code first checks if the part of the packet is a tag, and then checks if the argument is greater than the total size of the netstring table, or less than 0. Either of those would cause the server to crash. If it's detected it sets the variable to true and continues on.
I'm not entirely sure what the if statement and the line after it does, but it seems based on the comment that it cleans up the console spam that would otherwise be left by the crash attempt. (If you have any insight into this, lemme know and I'll edit it in)

Code: [Select]
if (bIsCrashing && atoi(szGetVariable("$Pref::Server::AntidoteMode")) == 1)
char szBuf[128];

sprintf_s(szBuf, "messageAll('', SPC \"(BLID \" @ %d.bl_id @ \") attempted to crash the server!\");", *(int*)(dwConnection + 192), *(int*)(dwConnection + 192));

szEval(szBuf, false, 0);

sprintf_s(szBuf, "serverCmdBan(0, %d, %d.bl_id, -1, \"Attempted to crash the server. (Perma'd)\");", *(int*)(dwConnection + 192), *(int*)(dwConnection + 192));

szEval(szBuf, false, 0);

return bIsCrashing ? 0 : Detour_Process->GetOriginalFunction()(dwThis, dwConnection);
This code checks if there has been a crashing packet detected and if the "antidote" mode has been activated through a getVariable function.
If both are true, it evals 2 lines of code that say that a certain player has tried to crash the server, and then permanently bans them.

After that, if a crashing packet was detected, it returns 0, completely skipping the other packet processing code. If not, it goes through the regular packet processing code.

The remainder of the code is just setting up the functions like the eval and getVariable functions, and handling injection into the exe.

On another note, when I compiled the source code with the same options that Computermix used (He told me which options to use as I'm not totally familiar with it) and the DLL was slightly bigger than the original that I got from wrapperup. He's explained this in a steam chat to me:

Take that how you will, but the version that is obtained from compiling this source is safe.

Drama / Bloxers (BL_ID 32717) - Crashing multiple servers
« on: November 19, 2014, 05:47:25 PM »
Bloxers joined several different servers and crashed them. This includes Glass's Trench Wars, and Nal's Rising Lava. I've gotten console.logs from both of the hosts.

Glass's Trench Wars:
Code: [Select]
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Zufallig
AUTHCHECK: Zufallig = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
BL_ID 138984 is banned, rejecting
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 447650
AUTHCHECK: KhertmonXD = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Continue Successfull: KhertmonXD
Client 410800 disconnected.
Issuing Disconnect packet.
CDROP: 410800
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server
Got Connect challenge Request from
Got connect request from
  net name = Bloxers
AUTHCHECK: Bloxers = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: Bloxers
CADD: 447847

Nal's Rising Lava
Code: [Select]
Auth Init Successfull: Bloxers
CADD: 4807
 +- bl_id = 32717
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to rtb server

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (91): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (92): Unable to find object: 'WaterZone' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (93): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'sendUpdate'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (91): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (92): Unable to find object: 'WaterZone' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (93): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'sendUpdate'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (91): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (92): Unable to find object: 'WaterZone' attempting to call function 'setTransform'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

Add-Ons/GameMode_Rising_Lava/src/main.cs (93): Unable to find object: 'WaterPlane' attempting to call function 'sendUpdate'
BackTrace: ->RL_LavaContinue->RL_SetLavaHeight

The crash hack most likely caused the page fault in Wine on Nal's server.

Off Topic / Post your music player V2 (+POLL)
« on: November 18, 2014, 01:34:44 PM »
Let's get this stuff going

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