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Topics - ScratchTehEPICSpaceDude

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Help / Quit to Desktop will not work.
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:57:37 AM »
When I press it it does nothing.

Help / Slayer is not shwoing up?
« on: August 10, 2012, 11:49:19 AM »
I can't see the Slayer Create and Edit GUI even thought it's enabed and executed.

Suggestions & Requests / Anti-Self Ban for admins.
« on: August 09, 2012, 11:14:23 PM »
I have been seeing this way too much on my server.
this prevents admins from banning themselves.

General Discussion / Badspot posted about v21 on the Blockland website!
« on: August 09, 2012, 09:31:04 AM »

It. Is. Coming.

Off Topic / Robot and Monster - Brand new cartoon on Nick!
« on: August 08, 2012, 10:44:51 PM »
Robot and Monster is an American CGI animated series created by Dave Pressler, Joshua Sternin and J.R. Ventimilia. Main characters Robot and Monster are voiced by Curtis Armstrong and comedian Harland Williams, respectively. It began production in 2009 and was ordered for a full 26-episode season in 2010. The show premiered on August 4, 2012.

Working at the Blinking Light Factory is basic for Mechanicals and Organicles, but Robot and Monster make an odd couple, since Robot is serious and Monster is always goofy, but that doesn't keep them from being best friends. They do everything together, such as testing gadgets out, dreaming of JD, taking care of their pet Marf, avoiding both the annoying Ogo and Robot's arrogant brother Gart, and eating tons of bacon.

Cast and Characters

Robot (Curtis Armstrong) is an orange robot that is the main protagonist of the show that is the Quality Control Inspector at the Blinking Light Factory. Robot always feels like the world is trying to keep him down, even his know-it-all brother Gart doesn't help at all. Luckily, after meeting Monster, who believes in him all the way, Robot is now best friends with Monster.

Monster (Harland Williams) is a purple minotaur-like monster with a floating bowler hat on his head and the show's deauteragonist. Monster is the eternal optimist living by the motto that "Good things happen to good people," and that all people are good. Monster is an extremely outgoing Organic that is endlessly fascinated by the little things in life. Monster is driven to make everyone happy, and the need to explore the "shiny thing." But because of Monster's fascination with the world, he is very easy to fool. Unlike Robot, Monster feels like everything goes his way, although it doesn't, making him a very good friend to have around.

Marf (Harland Williams) is a pet of Monster. He is a block of metal that acts like a dog, and only says "marf". Gart (Maurice LaMarche) is Robot's arrogant, overbearing older brother and his supervisor. He runs their father's Blinking Light factory.

J.D. (Megan Hilty) is a cool, rebellious biker chick whose best friend is her equally hip robotic bike, Spitfire (Cree Summer). They are inseparable best friends and regulars at the local bacon joint, Makin' Bacon. JD can be hot-headed at times, while Spitfire is more rational and willing to avoid fights. Both Monster and Robot have crushes on JD.

Ogo (Jonathan Slavin) is the third wheel of Robot and Monster's friendship. He constantly tries to involve himself in the duo's doings, and just can't seem to grasp that he isn't part of the team.

Off Topic / HellsSpot got banned!
« on: August 08, 2012, 03:49:32 PM »
Its his server, don't like it, then get off it. Problem solved.

User was banned for this post



Seriously, I'm confused. :/

Ok, so after whole Kalar ordeal, I decided to start a new dedicated server service which was not meant to be competitive. I was with Pacnet's service so I sent him this PM.
Pacnet, I'm sorry to say this but I am running the hosting service myself and will no longer be your client. Thank you for the server. I can assure I have nothing hateful against you.

He then starting overly critisizing me that the server sucks and the server will fail.

Here are the posts he made about the service failing and stuff like that.

Why would lugnut partner with this guy?
Quality service right here, folks.
Seriously. Lugnut, partnering with out of all people, Saxophone? It doesn't seem right.
I have one day night to make my topic.
The internet may be good, but the specs are horrible.

This is going to fail.
I have a quad core server-grade CPU with 3.1 ghz compared to his desktop dual core, and I am constantly upgrading RAM, I saved up $24 so far for a new 4 GB stick so far.
Don't tell me you support him. Danny Boy and Lugnut are getting tricked in to believing this will work, just because it is a dedicated server.
2.something ghz dual core is not good for a small service, and everyone says mine sucks although I have much better than this and my CPU is better than Kalphiter's old service.

Here are the PMs he sent me.

Close your failing service, you have horrible specs and the only good thing is your internet.

Shut it down, you have no hope. Horrible specs.
If you really wish me luck then close your service
I'm making it, and yes it is competitive. Clinr is fooling you. The specs are nothing good for a service.

Especially with your 2 ghz dual core cpu.
It is, yes. Those are the exact specs.

And it is competitive. You're trying to get more people by leaving out these horrible specs you have and tricking people like Lugnut to help and support you without knowing how much of a fail it is.

You host that Lt. guy or whatever and if his works, you think everything will go right.

Wait till you get more clients and see how much you fail.

Instead, let me host them and have them happy,.
Alright go and fail

Pacnet, please leave me alone. I do not want it to be competitive. I wrote you a simple nice message about my own service and then you do this stuff.

Drama / Saxophone's Dedicated Hosting Service! [SHUT DOWN]
« on: August 04, 2012, 11:26:14 AM »
For some reason, Kalar is taking down the server.

This service is dead.

Sorry to all clients.

- Saxophone :(

Off Topic / The Jody Grind
« on: August 03, 2012, 10:25:30 PM »

Help / I have trouble joining the server Pacnet2012 hosts for me.
« on: August 02, 2012, 11:06:25 PM »

I got a server from Pacnet2012 recently. The port is 50300 and he doesn't port forward, he uses UPnP. Now my router doesn't support UPnP, keep that in mind. For some reason, I can't join the server when I start Blockland.

HOWEVER, I get ping and I can connect like 15 minutes after. Still this is extremely annoying. Please help! And don't give me jackstuff about "Oh, Pacnet's hosting service sucks ass!"


Can someone please make this for me?

I can't get my game off the ground without this event.

Please! I give joo a cybercookie. :cookie:

Off Topic / I would like to apologize to you guys...
« on: July 31, 2012, 07:55:18 AM »
I'm sorry for being a moron and posting all those stupid dramas.

I know, I do have a tendency to overreact, but I promise you guys I will never make a drama ever again.

I would really like to have a second chance to fully start over, can you forgive me?

And yes I get my name is the stufftest ever, I registered with it stupidly thinking I could change it and I've been trying to change it ever since.

Off Topic / Possibly malicious imposter Blockland Forums
« on: July 30, 2012, 11:13:29 PM »

As you may have noticed, when you search Blockland in a search engine, this comes up. The secruity creditencals are not valid as detected on devices such as the Kindle and this could possibly be malicious.

I am not sure what this is, but I think this should grab your attention, especially Badspot's.

Name: Night of Death
Notes: 314
Latest update: Version 1.1 7/30/12

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