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Topics - MrLoganator111

Pages: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7
Off Topic / Problem Solved
« on: November 28, 2012, 10:22:42 PM »
Its not letting me split it? Idk why. Here is a pic of what i see.

Music / MrLog's Music v5 [32 songs]
« on: November 26, 2012, 09:46:44 PM »
MrLog's Music Packs

What is this?
I just learned how to make music and I wanted to make some for the Blockland Community. This is a place where you can get a variety of different music packs for different servers that you host. If you want me to loop a song, give me the youtube link and a 30 second period within the song that you want.

Known Sponsors
This Music Pack is sponsored by Kong123 and Wink's Deathrace. The server uses almost only my music. My music pack is also used by Clone2 and his 6 Years of Building server. Thank you guys.

Now lets get to the Music.

Jimi Hendrix
Purple Haze

Ozzy Osbourne
Crazy Train
Mama Im Commin Home

Red Hot Chili Peppers

Van Halen

I Only Wana Be With You
Magic Zone
Sad Man's Tounge
Sad Man's Tounge (Intro)
Halleluja Goat

Cherry Pie

Act On Instinct
Radio 2

Funker Vogt
Killing Fields
City of Darkness

Meg & Dia
Monster (Remix)

Some Nights

Enrique Iglesias
Finally Found You

The Wanted
Chasing the Sun

Youtube Rewind Style

Jackson 5

Carley Rae Jepson
Call Me Maybe


Jackson 5
Santa Claus is Commin to Town

Unknown or Classic
Monster Mash

Oblivion 1
Oblivion 2
Oblivion 3

My Little Pony
Rainbow Factory

Killing Spree

Unknown Author
You Are A Pirate
Barrel Roll
Removed Due to Copyright

Code: [Select]
1. Download
2. Unzip Folder
3. Take music out of folders
4. Move music to Addons then Music
5. Enjoy

That is all for now, but be expecting more weekly

Off Topic / How many times to repeat in Audacity 4 BL music
« on: November 25, 2012, 09:27:30 PM »
I was going to download Audacity to make some music, but when i opened it my computer said that it didn't trust it to be safe. Any other mac users use this on your mac? Here is the link where i tried to download it.

General Discussion / MrLoganator111's Minigame Planet
« on: November 18, 2012, 03:23:18 PM »

What is This?
This is a server with many different mini games in it. Once it is done, there should be about 5 or 6 mini games.

What kinds of Mini Games?
Here are some that I have already planned:
Soccer (2-4 players) - 0%
Action Pong (1 player) - 50%
Challenge (1-4 players) - 0%
Dodgeball (2-8 players) - 0%
Whack-A-Mole (1 player) - 0%
Free Throw Challenge (1 player) - 0%
Duck Hunt (2 - 8 players) - 0%
Slingshot Shootout (1 player)

No pics at this time.

Forum Games / Gone [Zombz]
« on: November 12, 2012, 07:09:26 PM »

Logo by Navaro

Current Items


Day: 2
Time: 8AM
Time of Year: Early Summer

Other Stuff
•Sleeping = Better odds in battle
•Hunger = 25% (-5% Every hour)
•Current Effect: WellRested; x2 odds in battle

The Story Begins

You wake up in a cold sweat. The only thing that you can think of when trying to remember what is going on is "gone". You sit up and look around. It seems to be about 3:00PM and there is nothing around but trees and a small 2 inch butterfly knife. You stand up and walk in one direction for about 20 feet. Still nothing to see. You will probably need a weapon that can kill any threats from a further distance away.

Suggested Actions:
•Check your pockets
•Shave a branch down into a spear (-2 hours)

General Discussion / 40k BL ID Era incoming!
« on: November 03, 2012, 11:00:49 PM »
I just checked the RTB list and the latest one is 39,998. Discussion activate!

Off Topic / TheWalkingDead
« on: October 21, 2012, 08:07:07 PM »
Just talk about TheWalkingDead, characters, flaws, and upcoming episodes.

Next Episode: Season 3 - Episode 2

Suggestions & Requests / Cowboy Hat
« on: October 14, 2012, 06:00:21 PM »
I am doing this The Blocking Dead thing based on the Walking Dead and I need a cowboy hat for Rick and Carl. It would be nice if it was an item but I'm not picky. It would be nice if I could get this within a week or so. Thanks.

Help / T+T Not Working
« on: October 14, 2012, 12:43:38 PM »
Not the WHOLE T+T just Rifle Skins and Magnum Skins. I have Tier 1 and Tier 2 enabled. Any ideas on how to fix this? The only important one that i really need fixed is either the Magnum or the Cowboy Magnum.

General Discussion / TheBlockingDead [Structural Builders Needed]
« on: October 13, 2012, 09:03:28 PM »

Logo by Navaro


Due to my lack of wanting to work on this project (this was my decision), I have handed this project over to Furdle. I will still be an Admin in the server and will help from time to time. Furdle need more help though. He wants a person or 2 to help him with building structures such as houses, bridges, and whatever else he feels fit. Please apply with your Name, BL ID, and some pictures of buildings/structures.

What is this?

The Blocking Dead is the new RolePlayGame, with 82 weapons brought to you from the Tier + Tactical pack!
-Explore the regions of Northern Georgia, collecting weapons, hunting zombies and creating groups.
-Killing someone will make you wanted, collect bounty's of wanted survivors to make money!
-Find weapons, buy weapons and swap weapons!
-Role-play your way though these beautiful maps


Furdle - Buildings + Planning
MrLoganator111 - Terrain
Navaro - Logos + Decals
TomTom - Scripting
Sylvanor, Herecy, Ladezkik, Fob, Tylerman - Trees We may not necisarially have permission from these builders ;)

Positions Needed

Builder (Structural Details)


TBD Add-ons
Glenn, Dale, and Hershel Decals by Navaro - Here

General Discussion / MrLoganator111's ThrowMod [Abandoned]
« on: October 06, 2012, 10:33:27 PM »
Topic Locked due to Conflict. Ill be hosting a CTF soon.

Gallery / Terrain River v3 [Saved Released pg 4]
« on: September 29, 2012, 12:40:13 PM »
Here are some pics of about 2-3 hours of work so far. Its just a little river and a lake. Idk why i made it, i just feel like it. NOTE: It is NOT done! Yea, ik that the water sticks out, but that will be covered by terrain.

You can also post some pics of your terrain here cuz i wana see it and maybe i can get some ideas.

Also, inb4conan.

General Discussion / Kong123's Falling Tiles [Official Topic]
« on: September 27, 2012, 08:55:07 PM »

What is Falling Tiles?]

Well, if you don't know what falling tiles is by now, you have been away from blockland or you are living under a rock. Falling Tiles is a game mode where 1 person picks what color tile the players have to go to and the players have to go to that color tile within a few seconds.

Why another one of these!

Recently there haven't been many falling tiles for people to enjoy, so kong decided to bring back his original falling tiles server.


Help / Blockland Crashes every time.
« on: September 25, 2012, 08:50:18 PM »
I was JUST on then i hit some button and the blockland window disappeared. I went into options then hide, and it did nothing. So then I hit show, and still nothing. Then I quit it, and tried to restart it, but it didn't work. It crashed every time. I have tried 10 + times.

Clan Discussion / TheRedWariors [LMS, ThrowMod, Knifing]
« on: September 24, 2012, 10:16:01 PM »


10/03/12: Delrind has turned back from his evil ways of being a rival of the clan!
10/04/12: I have decided to start a Tournament. It will probably take place 10/13 to 10/14.
10/07/12: Decided to cancel because of lack of interest.

What is TRW?

TRW is a clan for Knifing, LastManStanding, and Throw-Mod servers that uses red outfits and is made for the best players. NEW: Now includes ThrowMod Servers!

How To Join

Fill this out,

Blockland Name:
RTB: (Y/N)
When can you show us your skills:

Clan Supported Servers

Cat123's Grapple Knife TDM
MrLoganator111's ThrowMod

Clan Builds



Clan Uniform

Current Members





The Ghast Leader
The ThrowModNinjas Clan

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