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Topics - XR-7

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Off Topic / Having issues with browsers "not responding" repeatedly
« on: November 21, 2015, 01:50:37 PM »
/title basically sums it up.

Not really sure why it's happening but Firefox and Edge are always freezing up. Granted, they only freeze for about 5 seconds, but it's happening at least once every minute or so (with Firefox doing it as much as once every 15 seconds) and it's very annoying. I have barely any processes running at all (Edge, Firefox, Steam, and WPS Writer) so I'm not really concerned about low memory, but at the same time I know about as much about computers as Obama does about being a good President. It does seem to only happen with the browsers because I can run games and stuff without them freezing at all.

Any ideas for me?

Off Topic / Kansas City Royals are the 2015 MLB World Champions
« on: November 02, 2015, 12:46:34 AM »
After fighting back from a scoreless two run deficit against the Mets and tying the game in the 9th inning, the Royals rallied in the 12th inning to win 7-2.

And now I can laugh at Nal again because a Missouri team still won the World Series and the Cubs didn't.

So hahaha

It was a good season. Regular season games restart anew in April 2016.


Now although this is very horrific and I'm sure his death is hard on his friends and family, you gotta admit that this was one cool way to die. I'm now wondering what that would've looked like from a witness perspective.

Off Topic / XR almost got severely injured/dead
« on: October 27, 2015, 11:57:14 PM »
But I'm not dead so don't worry.

Today, I was leaving home on my way to work. It was raining pretty hard and had been doing so all day long. I reached the end of my street and pulled onto the highway behind a white Ram. About 1/8 mile later, he turned on his signal to turn left and stopped in the middle of the highway, but he couldn't because there was a lot of traffic and no gaps to get through. I slowly rolled to a stop behind him.

I noticed a semi (full size 18 wheeler) approaching behind me but thought nothing of him, since I was focusing on the truck in front of me so that I could continue. Suddenly, there was a loud rush as more than a dozen tons of machinery shot past my passenger side. My car jostled back and forth and water crashed against the windows. I saw that the semi had blasted around me using the shoulder that was at most about 18 inches wide (and at more than 50mph (80ish km/h) compared to my dead 0mph). He had to use someone's front yard for the rest of his truck's width clearance. Once everything settled and I gathered my senses, I noticed a couple mailboxes right next to me. I wanted to get out and see just how close they were because I could see no way that a full size rig managed to rush through that gap without wrecking my car and/or the mailboxes.

Once the Ram managed to slip through a gap in traffic, I skittered and slid my way back up to speed (I have bad tires and the road was like wet glass). Of course, when I caught up with the semi, he had drastically slowed down to 15mph under the limit. I edged my bumper up to his trailer intentionally tailgating him and driving on the center line looking for an opportunity to get around him, but I had to keep retreating due to too much traffic. Eventually, the road widened to a divided highway so I shot around his truck, slowed at his window, and honked at him before taking off.

Had he been just one foot over to the left when he shot past me (quite a small amount of space for driving a truck at 50mph in heavy rain), he would've pancaked my car against the Ram in front of me and sent us sprawling into head-on traffic on a 55mph road. I really don't think my chances would've been too great if that had happened.

Help / "Server could not verify your BLID"
« on: October 16, 2015, 11:36:57 PM »
Been having this issue for several weeks now. Any time I try to connect to a server on any computer connected to my AT&T hotspot, I get a "Server could not verify your BLID" message and immediately get disconnected from servers. I'm very certain that it's an Internet issue likely blocking me from connecting to servers, but I'm not sure how I can fix it. I can connect to Garry's Mod and TF2 servers just fine, so it's not like I'm blocked from playing online games.

I posted the console.log since I figured someone would want to look at it, but it doesn't reveal anything special. Anything you guys can recommend me checking would be appreciated. Thanks.

Off Topic / WBC makes the news again
« on: October 16, 2015, 10:57:55 PM »

These people seriously need to stop.

Lol at this comment:
The church says she is a “proud, self-righteous hypocrite”

Off Topic / BK black whopper makes your poop green
« on: October 09, 2015, 10:57:53 PM »

Hooray for dyes, guys. I don't think I'd be too interested in eating a black burger anyway.

Off Topic / XR goes through his first sobriety checkpoint
« on: September 28, 2015, 11:41:33 PM »
and I failed and got arrested And I passed and didn't get arrested. You can tell because I'm not on prison WiFi and I didn't have my tablet in the car anyway.

Anyway, so my mom wanted me to run out to get some ketchup, mustard, hot dog buns, apple juice, grape juice, chips, and peanut butter from the store. I was driving, see, and it was kinda dark out? Like no seein nothin without headlights guys no foolin. I was just driving along in my car, listening to some oldies, when suddenly outta nowhere I see flashing lights ahead! I'm like whoa man this gotta be a big wreck! But I get up there and see orange construction worker signs what??? All the cars are stopped on the highway. The Grand Am right in front of me makes a quick u-turn on the two lane 55 highway like I'm outta here bro! As I get up there I see a sign saying sobriety station but they stop checking my lane and let me mosey right on through! I get my food all cool pay like $13 and something change. I leave. I backtrack and wind up coming the other direction towards the test. Mfw they're checking my lane. I crawl up to the officer at 25 in a 55 and stop next to him. Hi how are you officer??

uh uh running errands for my ma

uh uh I came from dollar general

uh I'm going home

WHY ARE YOU OUT AT THIS TIME??'s only 9:00 officer but I didn't really say that I just said I'm running errands haha

haha no officer I'm not old enough to drink hehe

uh huh uh huh you too officer bye

And I drive away like wow that was so stressful man I can't breathe. I got home and I'm all cool and stuff but man wow.


Happened once I got to 36:00 onwards, especially around 37:45. Basically I was watching the Mega Disasters series from the History Channel and this modern day depiction of an enormous meteorite hitting the Earth has done everything to me except for absolutely drenching my pants. It's so unlikely to happen in my lifetime, even millions of my lifetimes. Even so, just the thought of everything described has me going insane. I have goosebumps in places where I didn't even know I had places. The top of my head feels like a rough carpet from them. My eyes are so full of tears from all the cringing I've been doing, which is weird because it's not like I'm sad or genuinely frightened thinking my life is in jeopardy or something.

This is so cool but so freaking scary just to imagine it happening. The visuals make it 10,000x worse than just reading about it. I'm just sitting here imagining someone who didn't leave California seeing the bright "star" getting bigger and bigger each and every night, knowing what it was (omg my eyes are starting again help) even seeing it in daylight. Then once it ignites on its final journey to the ground, realizing how bad this impending death that you can't escape is going to majorly suck.

I hope I can sleep tonight.

Off Topic / '15 MLB Division Series [10/13: STL* @ CHC**, LAD* @ NYM**]
« on: September 20, 2015, 02:29:31 AM »
I made a thread like this last year that I kept alive all the way up to that super ultra gay world series that the giants won the end of the World Series, so since the first Major League Baseball team has clinched its right into the playoffs, I figured now would be the time to make the thread for this forum that's totally overrun by exuberant sports fans and athletes.

In the following list is the full current standings separated by league and division. The teams that lead a division in wins will advance to the postseason to play in the division series.

Crossed out teams are too far behind to catch up by the end of the season

National League

National League East Division

New York Mets (division champion)
Washington Nationals
Miami Marlins
Atlanta Braves
Philadelphia Phillies

National League Central Division

St. Louis Cardinals (division champion)
Pittsburgh Pirates (guaranteed playoff spot)
Chicago Cubs (guaranteed playoff spot)
Cincinnati Reds
Milwaukee Brewers

National League West Division

Los Angeles Dodgers (division champion)
San Francisco Giants
Arizona Diamondbacks
San Diego Padres
Colorado Rockies

American League

American League East Division

Toronto Blue Jays (division champion)
New York Yankees (guaranteed playoff spot)
Baltimore Orioles
Tampa Bay Rays
Boston Red Sox

American League Central Division

Kansas City Royals (division champion)
Minnesota Twins
Cleveland Indians
Chicago White Sox
Detroit Tigers

American League West Division

Texas Rangers (division leader, guaranteed playoff spot)
Houston Astros
Los Angeles Angels
Seattle Mariners
Oakland Athletics

Teams that do not or cannot get a division lead are not necessarily doomed however. There are two wildcard spots in each league. The top two teams in the leagues that do not have division leads possess a wild card. The two teams from each division that have a wild card at the end of the season will play the other wild card winner in one game. The loser is done for the season. The winner advances to the division series.

National League Wildcard Standings

Pittsburgh Pirates (Wild card 1, clinched)
Chicago Cubs (Wild card 2, clinched)
San Francisco Giants
Washington Nationals
Arizona Diamondbacks
San Diego Padres
Miami Marlins
Cincinnati Reds
Colorado Rockies
Milwaukee Brewers
Atlanta Braves
Philadelphia Phillies

American League Wildcard Standings

New York Yankees (Wild card 1, clinched)
Houston Astros (Wild card 2)
Los Angeles Angels
Minnesota Twins

Cleveland Indians
Baltimore Orioles
Seattle Mariners
Tampa Bay Rays
Boston Red Sox

Chicago White Sox
Detroit Tigers

Oakland Athletics

Any team that is crossed out on both lists is guaranteed to die at the end of the season (first week of October). In this thread, post your predictions for the playoffs, the team(s) that you want to see in the playoffs/winning world series, etc.

I'll be posting here and updating the titles if teams fall too far back to make the playoffs, a team guarantees a spot into the playoffs, or whenever postseason games are scheduled to take place.

As for what I want for this postseason, I want to see a rematch of the 1985 World Series: Cardinals vs. Royals.

Off Topic / About to buy a laptop, need thoughts/suggestions
« on: September 15, 2015, 11:19:37 PM »
Yeah I'm a college student and very much need my own computer now. Keep in mind that I'm a college student. I am a college student that does not want to spend $1000+ on a laptop. So in other words, do not even suggest laptops that are insanely expensive just because they are popular or come from a hit manufacturer. I'm not very experienced in the field of computers and I know this is a rather hostile environment towards people who don't know the basics, so bear with me.

My first choice at the moment.
- Intel Pentium N3540 processor (2.16GHz)
- 4GB memory (I need to know if I can add more, FAQs contradict each other)
- 500GB hard drive
- Windows 8.1 (I'll probably get Windows 10 though, if I do get it)
- 15.6" screen (not touchscreen, don't care)
- CD/DVD player/burner (definitely need this)
- SD card reader
- 1 USB 3.0, 2 USB 2.0, HDMI port

Clearly not the best laptop out there, but I think it's really good steal for $263. Feel free to request other computers, preferably under $500. I won't buy something that's barely any better than this one if it means that I'd have to pay like $200 on top of it.


Why are you buying from Wal-Mart???: Because I don't care.
Why aren't you building a computer???: Because I want a laptop, I have no build experience, I have very little computer knowledge, my brother has a build, I don't want to wait for shipping/assembly, I can't carry a desktop with me, etc. Do not suggest that I build.
Don't you know that this computer is not the best for gaming???: Yes. But I'm being a thrifty college student and FPS is not a huge deal for me.
Why don't you know as much as I do about computers?: Don't post here.

Off Topic / I might have an opportunity at a second job
« on: September 15, 2015, 12:44:37 AM »
Basically I'd be willingly trying to juggle two jobs and college classes so I'll have to see how that turns out, but I'm giving a shot at employment with a car dealer about 8 miles from my college campus. I went in there today and asked if they had any porter (parking cars, washing cars, moving cars to and from where needed, maybe gassing them, cleaning trade-ins, etc) jobs available. I'd probably only be able to work early mornings and days when I'm not working, but the extra cash flow would be very helpful in paying bills, restocking my savings account that has been taking huge dents from car trouble, and paying school loans.

They apparently have several spots to fill and were extremely enthusiastic at my asking. Also by random coincidence, I happened to walk into their Ford dealership wearing my Shelby Automotive Club shirt so they were excited over that. So much in fact that they randomly gave me a full sized Shelby GT350R wall poster (lol). Even better, they have used Corvettes there so yay. I'm planning to turn in the application tomorrow so my fingers are crossed for an interview.

Off Topic / I just saw my college on FOX local breaking news
« on: August 26, 2015, 11:27:26 PM »
Literally seconds ago. Camera crews are just arriving and fire trucks are all over the place. I was just there a few hours ago and I'm supposed to go back tomorrow morning. News people don't even know what's wrong yet.

Place your bets on what you think happened. I don't even know yet.

So today, I was at work. I wasn't really expecting severe weather today, but knew rain was going to be in the area. Even if it had gone severe, I definitely didn't expect it to come near me. The dining area was shut down due to an order to boil water after the water main broke yesterday, so I didn't have to interact with customers at all and just spent time cleaning.

After working maybe an hour, I got an alert message for the county to my west for a severe thunderstorm. Since I live right on the county line, I get messages for my county as well as over there. I looked out the windows and it getting kinda gray, but the clouds were too close for me to get an idea of their structure. About a half hour later, I got another message for a continuation of that warning. I had no access to radar so I just had to wait and see what happened.

Now comes the good part. While I was mopping in the glass enclosed dining area (quite a good vantage point with 270° of view), the storm came in very fast. The wind began things and was whipping trees around and twigs and leaves were swirling around in the air and over the highway. The clouds were moving very fast to the northeast. The clouds were a sickening grayish green (although I never got hail) and I could see the underside of much of the cloud structure due to lack of initial rain. I got quite a treat when the clouds passed over some trees and into my view (pardon the nauseous quality, only had my crappy phone):

Both of those lowerings in the clouds were rotating fairly quickly. The one on the right is a definite funnel cloud, but never touched the ground at least in my view. The lowering on the left was much larger but was not quite as low. It could possibly have been dual funnels though.

That was definitely the highlight of things, but other things happened as well. First off, the wind began blasting rain against the west side of the building causing water to go under the door. All we had were paper towels though, so the water flooded the entire door well as well as the entire right side of the dining room, which I had just gotten done sweeping, scrubbing, and mopping. Mfw

When I got off work, the first storm was gone but there was lightning to the north. I went to Dollar General (same area as Hardee's, where I work) to buy ear buds and an audio jack. A girl and a guy, probably both 20 or under in age, saw my Hardee's shirt and asked if I'd seen the fire on the other side of the highway.


Apparently, lightning had struck some trees maybe a couple hundred yards from Hardee's and started a fire and I never noticed. I showed them this picture that I took and they just stared in awe wondering how they never noticed it.

When I came out, I could see another storm heading in, only noticeable in the darkness due to lightning illuminating it. And I had to drive in that direction to get home. So basically, I was driving head-on towards another storm not knowing what lay inside due to being so dark. I drove fast and managed to get home right when the lightning was getting more numerous and thunder was audible. I'm home now and it's still storming hard now.

Hall of Fame:

It's amazing how one day you're just at work like XR and then bad weather happens without you really knowing. He must've caught wind of the situation a bit late!

were you saving that joke for a rainy day?

Off Topic / More and more problems at work + home
« on: August 08, 2015, 07:10:03 PM »
Blah blah introduction can't think of anything to put here.

It's always one thing after another at work. None of it is my fault but I'm the only one suffering for it. Today, I drove all the way to Hardee's (where I work), parked, and walked to the door. Locked. I saw a sign on the door reading "Temporarily closed, sorry for the inconvenience". At first, I thought it just meant the specific door, especially since the drive thru was open and serving. I started walking around the restaurant but noticed that the chairs were all up on the tables, so for some reason the dining area was closed. I walked back to the door and peered inside to the door on the other side of the building and saw a sign over there too. I got out my phone and called them inside. An employee whom I've never met answered and told me I wasn't needed. He told me to come back tomorrow. He didn't even tell me why the restaurant was closed so I asked him and he told me that a water main broke. Granted yes, the restaurant should be closed, but I drove all the way there and back home for no reason which could've easily been avoided if someone cared enough to communicate with me.

This was not the first time either. The very day I was hired, I was told to come back the next day to start training. I did. I even showed up ten minutes early, but the manager was gone. A waste of gas right there. I was told to come back the following Monday. No manager, wasted gas again. By now, I was getting extremely upset since I had such a small time frame to save for a car (that void was miraculously filled by my uncle....temporarily as you'll see further along). I eventually did get to work...almost two weeks after I was hired.

On top of all this, my manager is barely giving me any hours. I'm working only about 10 hours a week (only 6 this week) and there is absolutely no way that I can pay car insurance, phone bill, and student loans at such a pace, so now my parents are continuing to fill in where necessary. As soon as I see my manager, I'm going to ask if I'm getting more hours. If not, I'm going to try applying at a second Hardee's that's not too far away.

Now even with this doozy, I'm now having car trouble. My uncle's car that he gave me is now having issues bad enough that I can't drive it now. The "Service Engine Soon" light came on temporarily last month and then disappeared, but just a few days ago the car wouldn't start in a parking lot 20 miles from home. Thankfully, my dad managed to get it to hold an idle long enough to get it home so we could work on it. Well today, we cleaned the EGR valve and replaced its gasket. The error code back when the engine light was on indicated that the valve was stuck opened, so we cleaned it hoping that it would fix the problem (symptoms line up almost perfectly from what I'm reading too). There does appear to be an issue where it could leak a little bit, but I don't think it's nearly enough to completely prevent the engine from holding an idle. Nevertheless, now I can't drive my car which is an enormous problem especially with college starting on Aug 17 and my need for wheels to get to work.

Current goal right now is that I'm going to call work every single time before a shift to make sure that I'm still on. I don't care if I'm annoying because they simply do not communicate at all. As for the car, I may have to buy a new EGR valve. Not gonna be easy since my parents keep delaying letting me get a checking account so that I can cash my checks, which I now can't do on my own without a car. I have a tiny stack of useless pieces of paper now entitling me to money that I can't even use.

tl;dr - My life sucks right now and absolutely none of it is my fault.

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