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Topics - Jetlok

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Off Topic / Disconnecty Mouse Volume stuff
« on: July 08, 2011, 12:27:55 AM »
forget why is jetlok's computer so terrible.

okay. so. Jetlok's mouse was buttforgeted to death and the cord is almost ripped out of the USBthing and the mouse.

like this sort of.
so Jetlok has to adjust the cords to make the mouse work because it's super stuffty.

sometimes when the mouse disconnects, like when I nudge the cord, the max volume for different programs (like Minecraft and Skype and stuff) go all the way down so I can barely hear it. I don't see how that makes any loving sense, but it does.

what do.

Off Topic / ANTS WHAT THE forget
« on: July 06, 2011, 09:26:57 PM »
stuff BALLS richard.
I got Subway earlier and put it on the nightstand in my room so I could eat it while I was on the computer, and I only ate a half, and when I looked at it a few minutes ago, it was motherloving swarming with ants. they're tiny too. first thing I did was try to spray them with cleaning supplies. I don't know why I did it. then I took the sandwhich and threw it away, then I got a big ol' hammer and killed most of them, but I can tell there's gonna be way more

what do :< this is so terrible how long have they been there have I eaten any forgetkool kids klub

Off Topic / What's your favorite element on the periodic table?
« on: July 04, 2011, 05:25:46 PM »

mine's molybdenum!
no no it's arsenic.

for obvious reasons.

hey look jetlok needs more help.
you know that little friend at the bottom of the keyboard.

yeah, this douchebag.
it just suddenly stopped working for me. I press it but it's just like "LOLNOPE". this happened before, but I don't remember what I did, I must've fixed it on accident. this is really irritating and tigger nits bluh.

help pleases.

new forgetwaht
I tried opening for something silly, but I can't click on anything on the desktop. I can't even draw the cursor around to make a square and stuff :< friend COMPUTER. I HATE THIS.

fix pleases.

Off Topic / Plugged in, not charging
« on: June 30, 2011, 05:15:29 AM »
My laptop has been plugged in for about 4 fours, and I noticed it hasn't been charging at all. It says it's plugged in but not charging. How do I make it start to charge?

Off Topic / everywhere!
« on: June 20, 2011, 01:43:18 PM »
okay, so whenever Jetlok starts up his computer and opens his browser which everyone seems to hate even though there is no difference between the 3 browsers, a buttforgetmondaystuffbucket ton of windows of pop up. look at this friend.

you see that, boy? that is indeed a buttforgetmondaystuffbucket ton of them, right? so how the mondaytit do I make them stop popping up like this?

Off Topic / Total Lunar Eclipse?
« on: June 15, 2011, 04:55:35 PM »
Google's icon thing today has an interactive eclipse thing, and when you mouse over it it says "Total Lunar Eclipse".
what is this about.

Forum Games / Troll Cops Adventure!
« on: June 13, 2011, 04:25:43 AM »

yaaay! Together, they are... TROLL roosterS COPS!

okay, so Jetlok sees people doing this kind of stuff and thinks it's pretty neat, correct? Jetlok also thinks Troll Cops is a pretty neat song.
so then this terrible abomination of an idea was created! this is your basic stuffty "rape ROCK MAN" like adventure. just say what you think the troll cops, Terezi and Sollux, should do.

OTHER IMPORTANT stuff: This is a joke. learn that. you're either thinking "this makes Homestuck look bad!" or "I think Homestuck is bad!" shut up. Jetlok is a very terrible person and nothing he makes should influence your opinion.
also I didn't make Terezi/Sollux/any other homestuck elements, Andrew Hussie did.

You are the TROLL COPS! Terezi and Sollux, two trolls who have commited their lives to solving crimes, are TERRIBLY loving BORED. YOU ARE TERRIBLY loving BORED. You, as Terezi, express your TERRIBLE loving BORED-ness by turning your smile flip ways. Sitting in your white boring room which serves as your office is always boring, and on the floor of this very office, a walkie talkie is buzzing like an angry bee. What WILL you do?

REMEMBER: This is stupid. Do not let this influence your opinion of Homestuck at all.

Off Topic / Reccomend drawing tablet
« on: June 12, 2011, 08:42:27 PM »
Jetlok is looking for a drawing tablet. he has $80.
don't have it be really small or something.


Off Topic / VRISKA POTATO BABY Updated Again
« on: June 03, 2011, 06:01:19 PM »
The huge 8itch in potato 8a8y form. After fighting with Jack, he turns her into a potato 8a8y. I heard this str8 from Andrew himself! Watch out, the next upd8 will show you.
We have to take care of potato 8a8ies for school, so I got a girl and we got to decorate them. I sprung for the chance to turn this 8itch into something not so manipul8ive and more potatoy.
(forget you low quality camera, piece of stuff.)
Introducing, Potato Vriska!

Just Vriska chillin'. Like a 8oss.

Oops, she fell on the trampoline. Why the forget am I 8rining 8a8ies on a trampoline.

more pics!


Raa8! Where did you find Vriska?1

Glass head's favorite meal are 8a8y potatoes.

moar pics.

Oh Nic, I adore your hunk rump!!!!!!!!

Yummy yummy Vriska.

forget i'm sending you 8ack to your dead8eat father Kira!

Potato 8a8y Vriska and Doc Post Scratch.

8ar8eque 8itch.


Taking a 8r8k after exploring.


(that cat is neutered 8tw, so no 8iggy.)

Off Topic / Big nose bluh bluh
« on: May 19, 2011, 11:03:18 PM »
I looked back at pictures from me about a year ago, and my nose was normal sized, but now it's like a motherloving snowman carrot. my nose is also really red around the edges, so could that mean it's swollen or something? this is a weird question but I hate having a huge honker, and normally I like to honk :o[

some smart doctor-y person explain my nose fiasco and possibly how to make it not swollen and godzilla sized.

and no i'm not a jew.

Games / Fable
« on: May 18, 2011, 05:59:19 PM »
since I got a kickass new computer I decided to get Fable:TLC for it too. so yeah. woo. I played it a long time ago but I think there was lots of secret stuff. share secret stuff please D: i'm incapable of finding hidden things.
I always be good cause who doesn't want a motherforgetin butterfly

discuss awesome game. no info for you. it is unneeded.

Off Topic / More computer stuff
« on: May 16, 2011, 09:38:31 PM »
Yeah bluh bluh i'm stupid and got the fake Windows Security virus thing.
apparently using malwarebytes can get rid of it, and I finally found a way to be able to actually run malwarebytes and had to wait 2 hours or something, and the virus is still there. i'm in safe mode right now and god everything is so loving big I hate it ahhhhhhh.

how to actually get rid of virus.

also how do I make everything not so big loving ahh it's like my computer turned into Hugums.

another thing. when I try to go into Google Chrome, none of the pages work and it says something like "Your computer was set up to a proxy to support a network and Google Chrome cannot connect to that proxy." fix it fix it fix it.

Off Topic / Computer forgeted up
« on: May 14, 2011, 02:13:41 PM »
I was just doing normal stuff, browsing forums, blah blah, then Firefox(lol) closed and Windows XP Security stuff pops up and says Firefox has a super dangerous virus. I tell it I don't give a damn and try to use Firefox anyway but the thing that scans for viruses pops up and tells me to buy and register some stuff to delete the viruses. I can't open Chrome and Yahoo Messenger won't log in. I restarted my computer twice and there was a ton of different processes open that I've never seen before and there was about 10 "eqi.exe"s open. When I tried to open Firefox/Chrome eqi.exe also came up in processes but only once. Windows XP Security Whatevertheforget likes to make my computer totally unable to connect to the internet. How do I fix this?

tl;dr stuffty default virus scanner won't open any browser or let me go on the internet.

Typing this on mom's tiny labtop, btw.

Off Topic / Kid at school died :c
« on: May 13, 2011, 05:39:04 PM »
so today, the staff at our school announced an 8th grader at my school died last night. people were crying, but I didn't hear about it until 2nd hour so I was confused about what was happening. I didn't know the kid, but it sounds really sad ;c I don't know if it's disrespectful to post this or anything.

Discuss peer deaths :o

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