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Topics - Gordo12699

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Modification Help / Valid Replacement for AiConnection? [SOLVED]
« on: March 09, 2015, 02:34:18 AM »
Is there a valid replacement for the removed AiConnection function? I'm trying to create a fake admin client that cane manipulate environment settings.
Code: [Select]
new AiConnection(FakeAdminClient);
FakeAdminClient.isAdmin = 1;
FakeAdminClient.isSuperAdmin = 1;

serverCmdEnvGui_SetVar(FakeAdminClient,"DayLength", ($RP::pref::game::tick * 24) * 60);

But it won't work anymore as per the update. Any ideas on what to do?

Edit: I just realized I can use my own player client, but I would like to be able to do this when I am off the server as well.

Help / Saving bricks in singleplayer not working?
« on: November 20, 2014, 04:04:52 PM »
Every time I try to save bricks on my own Blockland game, whether single player, LAN, or online, I get stuck on the message box "Saving: Saving bricks...". During this time, I am able to move my mouse and open up the esc menu as well as the console, which says
Code: [Select]
Usage: saveBricks("savename", save events, save ownership);That usage text comes up every time I try to save bricks in my local games. I am using Blockland on steam if that helps as well, and this is with the default add-ons while tring to save a 32x Baseplate.

Modification Help / value always returns false? [SOLVED]
« on: November 16, 2014, 01:13:48 PM »
In this case, when checking to see if %obj is an object, it returns false even when what I believe to be the object (a brick) is there.
// Activate Data
function JobBrickData::Activate(%datablock, %client, %obj)
   if (!isObject(%obj))

   messageClient(%client, '', "\c3Employment Office");
   messageClient(%client, '', "\c31. \c6Job list");
   messageClient(%client, '', "\c32. \c6Specify job");
   messageClient(%client, '', "\c33. \c6Get job");
   messageClient(%client, '', "\c34. \c6Apply for Shop-Keeping License");
   %client.activateDatablock = %datablock;
   %client.activateState = 0;
   return true;

the function for that brick is defined here and it IS in a package
function Player::activateStuff(%player)
      // Retreive target
      %obj = %player.GetObjectFromPOW($TypeMasks::fxBrickObjectType);
      if (!isObject(%obj))
         return 0;
      %client = %player.client;
      if (!%client.isInRP())
         return 0;
      // Avoid player press too many times
      if (!%client.CheckLastAction(%obj))
         return 0;
      // Brick
      if (%obj.getType() & $TypeMasks::fxBrickObjectType)
         %datablock = %obj.getDataBlock();
         // Info brick
         if (%datablock.isInfoBrick)
            %mods = %client.RPGUIMods;
            %mod = strlwr(%datablock.mod);
            %cmd = %datablock.guiCmd;
            %name = %datablock.getName();

            if (isFunction(%name, "Activate"))
               if (%datablock.Activate(%client, %obj) != false)
                  messageClient(%client, '', "\c30. \c6Exit");

            // Invalid
               commandToClient(%client, 'centerPrint', "\c2Invalid clickable brick.", 2);
            %client.lastAction = $sim::time;
      return 1;

Drama / Spam on the forums
« on: November 10, 2014, 01:45:20 AM »
What was that spam on the forums?

General Discussion / Gordo12699's CRPG
« on: August 16, 2014, 07:57:14 PM »

Server Info

     What makes this different from any other City RPG?

     Well for starters, this is a major overhaul of RP Content add-ons, such as RP_Core. I edited them heavily to use new models for the bricks, a government system and even drugs. Plus, everything is fixed up so there are almost no bugs that were associated with the vanilla version of RP Core. The bugs that are present aren't major and will not effect the gameplay drastically. There is also 40+ new jobs. I also improved upon RP Content by adding new commands that improve gameplay for a more fair environment. Also, the crime system has been improved a lot! There is bankrobbing, arrest warrants, stealing, breaking into safes, and more to come! We also have custom models for some of our bricks, such as our ATM and safe.

Please post your thoughts HERE! It will have a higher chance of actually being added to the game! We want to hear what you want! Make your text be seen!

If there are any issues you can contact me:

Server Guidelines
This was mainly copied from Jasa's CRP Server Guidelines.
Code: [Select]
1. If a player disconnects to avoid being jailed, you are allowed to jail them next time they spawn. (However if a player is caught doing this multiple times will result in a ban.)
2. It's impossible to pickpocket in an admin lot.
3. Harboring criminals will allow an admin to give you demerits. To avoid criminals in your builds, you will be able to install security that will alert you when a criminal has entered your home.
4. An Admin or Moderator has the right to alert players in the server if they're flagging builds with a red sign to enforce building rules.
5. An Admin or Moderator can ban you (any unlisted reason) as long as they are reasonable.
6. Any threats or any similar scenarios will result in an indefinite ban.
7. Do not criticize the staff publicly in the server, send a private message to Gordo12699 to discuss those manners in private. As it is grounds for a possible mute / ban.
8. Last of all, use common sense. If you think if its against the rules (EG: Cheating / Exploiting) don't do it, as it will result in an indefinite ban.

Server Rules:
1. No abusing bugs (Cheating / Exploiting). Report all bugs to Gordo12699 or Ozmar.
2. No spamming or abusing to lag or break the server.
3. Be respectful to all players, all unneeded drama and fights will be determined through fist fights in a bar on the server.
4. No spawn killing or spawn jailing.
5. No ghostkilling or ghost jailing, unless they leave and reconnected into the server to avoid going to jail.
6. No baiting. You don't want to lose your stats.
7. No being annoying. Rapid hammering, wanding, etc.
8. No leaving the city limits to avoid getting jailed.
9. No scamming of any sort. Scamming will result an admin to remove the stolen funds from you to the vicitm.
10. No multiclienting.

Building Rules:
1. All lots are required to be in line of a 16x16 grid, out of line lots will be removed.
2. Buildings/Houses are to be kept inside of the city limits.
3. Work In Progress lots can't be inactive for more than 4 days.
4. Finished lots can't be inactive for more than 8 days.
5. No box builds (or Boxxy Builds). A sloped roof does not count.
6. No spammy bricks. this includes excessive 1x1x5 walls, 2x1 brick walls, etc..
7. No excessive emmiters or lights. You are only allowed 4 lights per 32x32 area (EG: Medium lot).
8. No abusive, spammy, or laggy events. Abusable events will result in an indefinite ban.
9. No lot reserving. If you buy a lot, build on it as soon as you can, otherwise it will be removed.
10. Vehicles are only allowed in the first floor of the surface, No vehicle spawns on roofs unless it is a flying vehicle.
11. Hotels/Apartments/Condos are only allowed to be on a residential lot.

Appealing a ban information:
If you've been banned off from the server and wish to appeal your ban, You will have to contact Gordo12699 by sending a PM on the Blockland Forums. Now what you will provide in the "reason" section is why you were banned, and what you will do differently in the future, please provide every detail that you can think of to get an idea why you want to be unbanned, and not criticize the banning moderator, talk about your own story. Here is your format we're expecting from your part:

Title: (yournamehere)'s Ban Appeal

And for your description, you will need to fill in the following format (Feel free to copy this but DO NOT COPY THIS):

In-game Name:

Failure of providing these fields, your appeal will be automatically denied. Now you will have only one chance to appeal your ban, if you blow off your appeal, or send a threat, your appeal will be automatically denied and if warranted prior not having an indefinite ban making a threat, your ban will be set to indefinte (IE: Permanently banned from the server) with no chance to appeal anymore, no exceptions!

  • Auto saver that saves every 5 minutes! Your builds will never be lost!
  • Trying to Self Delete will respawn your character
  • /Reset command for when you're ready to begin the game anew
  • /Reincarnate command for when you're ready to challenge yourself in a new way
  • Suggest/Report anything that happens in the server

  • Set bounties on other players and watch as they get hunted down!
    Baton has a real baton model
  • Hide money in safes, just be careful if it's stolen money and a cop finds it!
  • Commit your crimes in secluded areas, if there's no witnesses, who's to say you did the crime?
  • Lock your cars so that no one can steal them while you're busy
  • Your doors are safe! Police can only break into homes legally if they have a search warrant

  • Choose your career path and move on within the ranks! You need both work experience and career experience to get promoted
  • All jobs spawn with no weapons, go buy some you if you need it to fulfill your job!
  • Choose form over 40 jobs that decide how players interact with you. Be a friendly Grocer or become the notorious criminal in your neighborhood, you choose!
  • Certain jobs carry certain responsibilites. For example, if you are a medic or a doctor, be sure to carry around your defibrillator and keep an eye out for any troubled citizens. Revive them if they are in a critical condition or have died!
  • Talk within your job group by using team chat!
  • Dynamic paychecks! Get payed only certain hours of the day which are considered your 'shift' hours.

  • Financially troubled? Take a loan from the bank or rob it, it's your choice!
  • Keep your money safe in a safe! Safes can be stored in a players home and can be used to hold money!
  • Use the bank frequently! When you die you drop all of the money that you are carrying and ANY player can pick it up. Be careful!

  • Use your resources! You need resources to build and make items, so make sure to keep the government in stock with any resources they need.
  • Chop wood, Mine ores, and Fish fish, the city needs all of it. You get paid for it too and the price fluctuates depending on demand

  • Keep track of time! The game uses an hourly tick system instead of a day tick.
  • Time flies! Each tick is only 1 minute long, but it still takes awhile to get through the months and even a whole year.

What I'm trying to do is make a brick set to a certain print when the build loads. I tried using trace but it didn't give me the parameters, it just gave me the variables it used for the parameters. I'm looking for serverCmdSetPrint(%parameter1, %parameter2), and I need to know what parameter 1 and 2 are.

Modification Help / [Model] Blocky Heart
« on: August 04, 2014, 12:51:11 AM »
A blocky heart model for all your heart needs.

I'm looking for constructive criticism. I also will be posting other models as I complete them. If you want me to give this thing a purpose (add-on/item/brick/playertype) let me know and I'll work on it, right now it's just a blank model. I'm also taking request for models.

heart.blend (463 KB)

Is there a way to detect what kind of damage was done to a brick when the brick is damaged? I want to have a check to see that if a brick is damaged by a certain explosion, this will happen, else nothing. So for instance; there is a door and someone plants C4 on it. I want certain functions to activate only when the C4 explosion damages the brick, not when a vehicle explosion damages the brick. Im guessing it has something to do with the ::Damage function?

Modification Help / Getting a client's data while they are offline?
« on: June 21, 2014, 01:48:26 AM »
If I have their BL_ID is there something (like a brickGroup) I can use to grab data that is tied to their client as if they were online?

Help / Door events reload even after being cleared?
« on: June 20, 2014, 09:44:54 PM »
Whenever I clear the events on one of the default door bricks (so that the doors can not be opened). I save the bricks and then when I load them the events come back. Is this something with the game or some mods im using?

Modification Help / Help With Daycycle
« on: May 12, 2014, 09:29:59 PM »
Okay, what I'm trying to do is create something that announces what hour it is in game every 5 minutes, so in the game I made the hour last 5 minutes. Therefore, 5 Mins = 1 Hour In Game, and I'm trying to set the daycycle to sync up with that but I'm not sure how to do it. If anyone knows anything about syncing the daycycle to position the sun to be in a certain spot in the sky during every time a 5-minute long hour passes, that would be greatly appreciated!

I saw a double sided 1x1 Print Brick a long time ago. I never downloaded it now but I need it now, would anyone happen to have a link?

Modification Help / Brick Loop
« on: March 27, 2014, 11:07:55 PM »
Can someone write up a quick script or a loop that searches through each brick on the server similar to loops that go through each client on the server? I would preferably want a script that if the brick has a certain color, it deletes it. I know this is a request rather than asking for help, but still, please do not disregard this post.

Add-Ons / Gamemode Stranded GUI
« on: March 23, 2014, 06:42:37 PM »

Modification Help / Event parameters? [SOLVED]
« on: March 02, 2014, 10:12:45 PM »
For an event with
Code: [Select]
function fxDTSBrick::RPJail(%brick, %client) as its function with those parameters, how do I get data from someone who is touching the brick when the function is triggered with onPlayerTouch->Self->RPJail?
What I'm trying to do is when the function is triggered, it's supposed to grab data from the player who triggered it (the player touching the brick) what variable do I use for that or how do I get it?

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