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Topics - Netherwolf

Pages: [1]
Help / Music Making Help
« on: March 21, 2015, 08:24:57 PM »
I downloaded a song, loaded the song into Audacity, cut it to less than 12 seconds (did some trimming to the music), changed it into a Mono (from Stereo), exported it into Ogg Vorbis file, and put it into the Blockland Music Folder. Blockland still will not process the music file into the Music menu under Start A Game.

Help / Music Creating Help
« on: January 16, 2015, 03:04:00 PM »
I need to know the requirements for music to process through Blockland.

Suggestions & Requests / Advanced Painting
« on: October 06, 2014, 06:42:58 AM »
I was thinking if we could have advanced paint; Painting on all 4 sides of a brick.

It should work on all bricks in the Brick, Round, and Ramp categories. I don't if it would work in Special bricks (Different colored vehicle spawns could cause a problem with colored vehicles, different colors on a tree could be impossible, and possibilities of errors and glitches on different bricks that make another Category, such as Zone, Wedges, etc.)

This would really help in building, such as in houses, making the inside have different colors than the outside, and other things. (Don't judge me, it was really for houses when I came up with the idea.)

Please make it if possible.

Help / MAS Trasnport: Enabled Yet Missing
« on: September 10, 2014, 01:49:10 PM »
I have the MAS Transport add-on enabled. For those who don't know what that is, it's a transport hovercraft posted on RTB and it can only be downloaded through RTB. My problem with this add-on is that it IS enabled, checked 5 times to see if it is, and when I pull up the vehicle spawn list, it is not there. I only have 5 vehicles enabled: AA Turrent, Puma, Light Tank, Longhorn, Marauder, MAS Interceptor, MAS Swarm Fighter, MAS Transport, and the Plasma Tank. The problem cannot be because of a conflict with another vehicle because I've already tried enabling only the MAS Transport and nothing else and it's still not there. Before RTB Shutdown, I had this downloaded and it worked fine. The only recommended/required add-on was the Height_Support which I always have enabled no matter what.

Suggestions & Requests / BlackDragonIV's Brick and Filler Pack
« on: April 11, 2014, 04:55:18 PM »
I remembered when RTB was still working, BlackDragonIV had a brick AND filler pack containing much needed bricks. I lost it due to a reset because of a problem. I loved that brick/filler pack because it obviously took time and hard work to create a lot of bricks. It completed Blockland's default brick set. Please post a link to a download of this awesome brick/filler pack in the comments section.

Help / Constant Problem: Authentication Failure.
« on: April 07, 2014, 09:59:22 PM »
I'm having a very constant problem since I've gotten onto my PC. I start up Blockland. My authentication from the Bottom Name Bar passes. I join a server. Auto kick, Reason: Could no verify your Blockland ID. Wth??? *Rewind* Before tht. I tried to host. 5 mins later, while I was AFK, the server disconnects due to Authentication Failure. ??!!?

Drama / Banned for 'lying'
« on: March 15, 2014, 11:52:08 PM »
I joined a spaceship rp, and found out that the spaceship they used was my spaceship back in 2013. So I asked the host madly where the heck did they get the spaceship; they didn't know the name. So I told them the story of how it was stolen.
It was during late 2012, when Deadmau5 joined my server. He liked the way I built, so he gave me a job of spicing up an old spaceship. I looked at it and named it Galaxia I. One fishy thing though: it looked like it was stolen. It had a clan, DyCorp, on the side of it, but I took the spaceship anyway. A couple of weeks later, I joined a different spaceship rp and saw this other DyCorp ship, Argos III, and admired it. I liked how it was run and other stuff, so I exchanged with the host: I save his, he saves mine. We got close, then he back stabbed me. He stole all the credit, build, and everything I owned on Galaxia I. And I was ruined; every time I used it on MY spaceship rp everyone says its stolen. So, I gave up and deleted it because it held too many painful memories. I told this story to the host.
Now, after that, I get kicked by OfficialInformanic , and admin on the server (By Password), for being "On everyone's nerves" for telling a sad story. That was admin abuse. So I get back on and figured out that Larsey12 (the host) Authorized it EVEN THOUGH HE WANTED TO HEAR IT. that doesn't make any since, but I didn't care. Oh, yeah, I forgot to mention; OfficialInformanic kept screaming and spamming that I was lying. So, I used Client Sided Mute in retaliation. After that, I went down the hallways of the spaceship and list all of the edits done by the host, and by the thief. After that, I get kicked for 'lying' even though my story is perfectly true. I asked him, "Give me one thing that I said that was a lie" he started going off into the BL_ID discrimination and the fact that "You didn't build this." I said "I didn't build this. It was a present from Deadmau5, a player of Blockland in 2012." So he went to Bl_ID discrimination  and wanted me to state the time I joined BL. Who the heck remembers the month/day/year they joined? I said, "Around July 2012" I sortive lied there because I got the demo in 2012, and joined in July 2013. So I was a little off. After that, he said "That's impossible." so I asked him and he said 2012 of December. His BL_ID was 33k so it fit, compared to my 35k. So I tried to fix it and he acted like I've been lying all the time. So after that, it started becoming clear. I joined in the middle of 2013, and I got the spaceship, Galaxia I, in Novemeber, and it was stolen in December. So, I randomly disconnect with the random code and I was like, "Screw this, if he wants Drama, I'll give him some Drama."

Suggestions & Requests / Old Tanks
« on: March 03, 2014, 08:50:05 PM »
There was a Domination Server back then. I think it was Bushido's server. It was past the Map Removal but before...this... and before we got steamed. I remember some unique tanks on that server, like a Flame Tank and a couple of Personal Carriers. By a slim chance, does anyone still have a file of those tanks? If not, can someone make them? They look like this....wait a minute.... This looks familiar FROM the server the tank was on... 30kers should know what I'm talking about.

Suggestions & Requests / Vehicle Request: Pirate Galleon
« on: February 09, 2014, 12:03:07 AM »
Okay, this request is for all Pirate RPs, tired ship builders, and Galleon Red VS Blue (Which was ripped from Roblox, take that DDos Hackers!)

Drawing/Pic (Ripped off from the Eternet):

While I was host my Explosive FortWarz! everyone says that OnActivate is Admin only. That first wasn't really a problem, until a lot of people started rage quitting. I need this problem fixed or I'll have to start hosting dead servers.

Suggestions & Requests / Blockland Manual
« on: December 31, 2013, 10:52:26 AM »
I know this isn't really necessary, but could someone make a Blockland Manual for the new players?
I keep getting new players and they are so annoying because they don't know what to do!

Suggestions & Requests / Add-On Request: Handcuffs
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:41:53 PM »
I was watching Cops Reloaded one night and I came up with an idea of Handcuffs. I was thinking it could be like two items, handcuffs and handcuff keys. Can anyone make this? It could be used in Prison RPs and City RPGs.

Suggestions & Requests / Vehicle Request: Patrol Boat
« on: December 08, 2013, 09:34:01 PM »
I seriously need a PT boat with a machinegun on the back and anti-air cannon on the front. Something like Battlefield Vietnam's PT boat.

Expecting something like this:

Suggestions & Requests / Need a Battleship and PT Boat
« on: October 21, 2013, 03:37:20 PM »
I need a battleship and PT boat for a Team Death Match I'm making.


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