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Topics - Tophat2

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / What makes you flinch/but only in certain conditions?
« on: March 18, 2015, 12:29:14 AM »
For instance, when someone mentions the word blood nearby, I flinch, but I see my blood all the time because of getting my sugar readings.
When I see someone give themselves an injection or are given by another, I have the same reaction of flinching, but I'm giving myself injections on a regular basis. Diabetes related of course, type 1 if you're curious.

Surprise bugs are another, ick

Was curious if anyone else had these moments

Did anyone else see Battle of the Five Armies today or do you plan to?

also thank Georges for indirectly reminding me of this

Off Topic / How was your day(or night) so far?
« on: December 09, 2014, 02:07:07 PM »
Share how your day's been, rate it if you want

I had a bit of a toss-up, morning I didn't get good news but I had a nice lunch at the mall. So it's pretty good for the time being, how about the forums?

General Discussion / How do you select your admins?
« on: October 24, 2014, 10:49:16 PM »
I've had this floating around in my head for a while about the administration systems a decent few use, which are applications(as far as I've seen). If you had the ability/time/interest to host a server, or you already do, how do you select your admins? Do you have ideas of other systems than what most use? How strict do you like your admins to be? I'm curious as to how others manage this, or if they administrate solo, etc.

I think I would have very few admins, but all or most of them super. Probably have close friends that I can trust with the server, and almost no one else. In the case of dealing with people, I honestly think it depends. Some deserve a warning, while others an outright ban if they're known to disrupt the place.

Suggestions & Requests / Mothra Model (weapon)
« on: August 18, 2014, 06:48:09 PM »

Talked with Trifornt recently, and we're wanting to make this a weapon. I don't know them, but for more details contact him via his Steam

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