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Topics - John Constantina

Pages: [1]
Gallery / Just a little something I've been workin' on.
« on: December 23, 2013, 06:20:08 AM »
Click image for larger picture.

Not sure what this was going to be but I felt like cube scaping and it turned into this.

Thanks Brighter dark for the medieval buildings.

Also this is not done, any suggestions and constructive critisicm is accepting, rate x/10

Gallery / [VIDEO] ACM City falls
« on: December 18, 2013, 04:22:59 PM »

due to realizing that the video didn't render in the 1080p quality, I have removed the video and am working on better projects.

Gallery / [VIDEO] Blockland POV
« on: December 16, 2013, 03:26:26 AM »

Threw a bunch of clips together with me in first person and added a song.

Song by Kevin Macleod:

Suggestions & Requests / Path Camera Events
« on: December 15, 2013, 05:15:06 PM »
Can someone give me the add-on. the link is not working.

Add-Ons / Amnesia Sounds
« on: December 15, 2013, 01:16:29 AM »
Amnesia sounds, scary.  Make some scary gamemodes.


Off Topic / Snow Drop Gaming engine(next gen)
« on: December 09, 2013, 01:40:55 PM »

Holy forget, this is amazing.

if there was I thread, I didn't see it, sorry.

Off Topic / Changing forums avatar resolved
« on: November 24, 2013, 11:40:55 PM »
Some people already know this, but for the one who don't, here.

1.) Select the image you want.

2.) Then select "Change Profile"

3.) After you have Changed your profile, you need to click "F5".

That updates your cache, I don't know why you have to do that, but there you go.

If that still didn't work, alot of the times, even though your image is 75x75, the image size isn't an issue, I have had this problem to, all I did was save as the image as a JPEG.

Note: This solution does not work with transparent images (ty koopa).

Off Topic / Men's Wearhouse Spokesman's got more issues than NK's nukes
« on: November 18, 2013, 09:04:22 PM »
I personally never supported Zimmerman, and never will.

Off Topic / Avatar upload won't work
« on: November 17, 2013, 06:13:32 PM »
Well since the other thread Stick Man locked, I'll make a new one.

Well, I'm trying to make this, my avatar.

and I get this error message.

Creativity / School Final project script
« on: October 14, 2013, 11:37:21 PM »
For part of my English final exam, I had to write a radio advertisement, and I chose the topic muck boots.

Title: Joe's Muck boots
Type: Radio advertisement

Announcer - Hey parents, are you tired of your kids getting their brand new pair of overpriced $120 shoes dirty? Try Joe's Muck boots! Keep them in the garage, and they can slide them on before they jump in the mud like little piglets.

Parent -*enthusiasm* Joe's Muck boots are great! I can't afford football cleats for my son, but with Joe's Muck boots, they only cost $19.99, and are on sale right now for $13.00! all the kids will be jealous when he's getting touchdowns with Muck boots!

Announcer - Joe's Muck boots are on Main Street near Pizza Hut. Or call 1800-blah-blah, and get a second pair of Muck boots for $8.99!

Any thoughts on writing improvements? Or rate it, sure.

Pages: [1]