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Topics - Zealott

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Gallery / Blockland Screenshot Contest
« on: January 16, 2014, 08:32:11 PM »
Let's have a photography contest. The winner will get:
an inflated ego.

Basically post some of the best screenshots you've ever taken, (let's say a max of 3, you can swap them out at any time).

Please note that none of my screenshots will be entered into the competition, so I'm just gonna go on an ego trip and post my best work.

I built (or had a part in the building of) everything in these photos.

I'll decide on the really good ones, then put them in a poll for people to vote on. I may add a real reward later if the screenshots get good.

Drama / RIP Marble Man
« on: January 12, 2014, 03:53:17 PM »

Took a snip of it inxcase he deletes the image.

I'm gonna miss all the add-ons he posts constantly but honestly I did think he was an idiot.
Not to mention a lot of users got 2K keys normally, not all were resold. It's a reseller so Badspot and the website had an agreement. It's not like it's some shady business operation that can be discriminated against.

Somehow, about an hour ago ago, my front door just flew open. It's blizzarding outside so I'm not sure if that was it. Both of my dogs (Golden retriever mixes, big) immediately sprinted out into the snow, and sprinted as far away from the house as they could get, in different directions.

Seeing as it's 8:30, blizzarding, about -4 degrees, I thought they would realize it's cold and run back to me. I went out, in jeans, a tshirt, and barefoot. I followed them through the snow for awhile until they eventually sprinted down the road in different directions. The only good thing about the weather is that there aren't any cars.

I decided I couldn't keep going like this and got a coat and shoes, then sprinted after them again. I had to go pretty far to find one, and I knew they couldn't find their way back from that far away. When I found the first dog (it had been about 10 minutes since they got out), it was lying on the sidewalk, covered in snow, shivering. It ran to me and I picked it up. I then hauled it all the way to the other one, further down the road.

They had both been shaved a few months previously, and are in no condition for this weather. It was lying down and shivering too. I picked it up and held them both in my hands. They are probably 20-30 pounds each so you can image how much fun that was to haul across the snow and ice. I just kinda collapsed on the sidewalk halfway back, and held them both by the collar while I rested. Keep in mind how difficult it is to haul 60 pounds back in the snow AFTER having to chase them both down.

I hauled them the rest of the way back home, then went to sleep. I couldn't feel my feet. It's about an hour later now that I'm posting this.
That was fun.

Off Topic / I showed the Oculus to employee's at my mom's office.
« on: January 06, 2014, 09:16:09 AM »
eeeeeee I'm so excited. I don't have to go to school since we are snowed in and it's about -4 degrees.

I think it looks great. It might not be practical for shooters and things but with all the neat demos and things I think it'll be awesome.
I'll update this topic when I get it.


The first thing I noticed was that the box was massive. Much bigger than I expected. Think briefcase size. I'm adjusting it right now, and it's really light. Maybe 2/3 of a pound.
This is annoying. The gears to adjust lens location go inwards, and require a screwdriver to use.
It's not terrible, just annoying. You need to get the lenses in the proper position for it to look nice, and you can't adjust them via screwdriver while looking through them. You have to take it off, adjust, put it on, adjust, take it off, adjust, put in on, until it finally looks perfect.
lol. I just had a ton of trouble getting it working. I followed all the instructions and troubleshooted for 20 minutes to see why the Rift wasn't displaying the game. I just found out that it's because I never pressed the power button.


Oh my god. I got the rollercoaster working with it and that was incredible. Leaning over the edge of the coaster and looking down was terrifying. It was also really bad when it plummeted straight down. Some bits made me jump, but nothing made me want to scream or anything like you see in the videos.

Also, about the pixels, I saw none at all during my time using it unintentionally. If you come out of focus and look for them they are very clearly visible, but if you just relax your eyes they can't be seen.

I did get a headache after that, and I'm gonna go rest now. Everything I read said that if you tried to push through it you'd be sick for hours, and you just had to take a break once it started.

Tried the Heli Hell Demo.

This was the coolest demo I've tried so far. It's not the prettiest game but it gives you a really neat feeling of flying through the air, and I actually jumped backwards when I crashed into a tree. When you do a downwards barrel roll or anything like that it really gets you motion sick instantly. I had to take a break after crashing. Suggest things for me to play!


My thoughts on it so far,

If anyone is concerned that it won't work with their glasses, the lenses are at an adjustable distance from your eyes. You can just press them back so that you and your glasses fit in fine. The pixels are not a problem at all for me. A higher resolution would be nice, because everything is a little bit blurry (especially off to the side of the screen) but it's amazing and it's really pretty impossible to describe without playing it.

It's a lot of fun, although it will get you sick the first few times you do it. I'll post some more about it once the novelty effect wears off.

So, my mom wanted me to do some tech support for some people at her office, since they are all 40-55 year old lawyers they aren't really that tech savvy.

Anyway, she called the school and told them I was sick so that I could come down to the office, where I helped them with some router trouble and fixed some people's computers. I brought the Oculus Rift with me, and showed it to some of her friends. The younger people I've shown it to (like my sister and myself and a young intern) didn't really freak out, but they did find it really cool. The older people like my mom and her friends screamed and freaked out, and had to take it off a few times mid demo.

It's been really fun sharing it with people.
(also, yaknow, no school.)

Gallery / Vvanrim Trailer (Island Explore-them-up)
« on: January 03, 2014, 08:30:10 PM »

It's not very well edited or filmed. It's just a bit of gameplay from the server I decided to record and edit together. A few fancy camera angles but other than that nothing is staged.

Never really done this sort of thing before. Tell me what you think and criticize. Feel free to rate.
The only real problem I found with it is how suddenly the music jumps in at the start. I couldn't get it any better.
We are public right now! Please stop by if it interests you.

Off Topic / Blockland Forum Awards 2013 ~ BEST TOPIC OF 2013 ADDED
« on: December 31, 2013, 04:27:48 PM »
Blockland Forum Awards 2013
The most acclaimed awards around.

Please post suggestion awards and people to receive them below. Don't do it in massive font like the official awards, just write it normally, please. Provide quotes or a topic to support your choice.

These awards have been picked out by a highly trained team of chimpanzees for the best selection possible, and are the absolute best picks for each award in this list.

The awards will be in order from worst to best honour, being added over time.



Boo! If son's dad going to explode son, then son and dad going to be dead cause of the bomb range (Or if dad will run). Mom will die too if she's close to bomb
Then maybe you will Ask Pecon7 to Unban me? If no, i will spam more.

User was banned for this post
Can you Shut up?
I Got Night now. About 21 PM or AM (Idk what's the PM or AM for night or day,i think PM,


The Survivors Of Blockland

The entire topic, until closing:

This is a clan with everything apocalypse related from builds, to pro fighters, etc...

 Ranks: Newbie: Someone building application or showing video of fighting or positions. Recruit: Someone just joining. Private: Someone who has been in here for 1 month and has improved. Sergeant: Someone who has been 1 month and 1 week and improved from private. Colonel: 2 months in, professional builder or fighter. General: 3 months in, Champion fighter and/or builder. Commander: Founder only.

Positions: Builder: Builds zombie scenes and survival defense. Fighter: Someone who is well at fighting zombies.
Rescue: Someone who rescues people stranded or being chased by a horde. Air support: Fights zombies from helis and planes. Ground support: Artillery and tanks.

Apps: Application server up soon. If you are building build a scene. Fighter i will set up a zombie defense and judge you.

tip: look at the other topics and try to resemble their layout
try to get a couple of members in-game before posting a topic
(This was the 2nd post in the topic.)



I have a bit of a problem.

I see random people, or people I know, and I just want to... Hurt them inside, for some apparent reason. I want to offend them, and I don't even know why.

Like, I'll see some lady with a baby, or a child, and I'll think to myself hmmm... I wonder what would happen if I killed that woman's baby...

I will sit there, and think of ways to offend another.

Is this normal?
Well, I want to do these things to innocent people and people that are nice to me. I don't know why.
OH i remember this one time i choped up a lizard.
I thought the lizard woupd grow back or something.
I keep having strange dreams about my dead pets.
i'd rather kill people than animals.
He says that he thinks I have problems, anger issues, and that I won't 'open up' to him, so he's sending me to counseling or whatever.
well, one time I had this little dog, and it climbed under the fence and got ripped in half by a bigger dog. the owner of the bigger dog just gave me the dog back like, "okay, here's your dog."

DUMBEST USER 2013 2013

nah I'm just kidding it's Maxx

I like how you call people stupid and you're half autistic.

Anyway, keep the ways of trying to dig up my horrible reputation to foil it even more coming, I'm sorry I tried to attempt a ARG that supposedly copied yours. As you think.
niga niga i wanna joine le gang of block brother brother
(no rasissms intended plse)
Heres the backstory of him thinking i "overreacted".
TeeJay got all mad and stuff when i was spawnkilling his team in CS:S while he was afk,
and I showed TeeJay the IP, I wanted to scare TeeJay a little, like play a prank on him, but it got way too far, I regret doing this.
I cannot do anything with the IP, and don't even know how, plus, I'm not that big of a prick.
sorry i dont do a le ruse epic fune like you do
all humors are different

BEST FORUM Self Delete 2013

Dear, Badspot - Go forget yourself.





HOW DO I FIX THIS???????????


THATS A snake.

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User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post
User was banned for this post


Nienhaus linking child research on tinychat

people who can vouch for this that i know of are tompson, koopascooper, and some other people under names i didn't recognize

here's his address (im pretty sure) to give to police if any of you want to:

2454 Delmar Ave Granite City, IL 62040-3426

Actually it was a chat with Steve where he sent me the images

Guilty as charged. :cookieMonster:

User was banned for this post


The Life and Death of Mr. Nappy

There can't be anything that ba-


Never doing that again.

seto no hanayome is kidna like that

seto no hanayome is kinda like that. the chick(s) are all overpowering him and save his life constantly. hes the real pathetic character.

also one of the funniest animes ive seen XD


Clone v.117


Drama sucks; I'm better

What a great year!

Suggestions & Requests / Whip
« on: December 28, 2013, 12:15:24 PM »
We need this for Slave Management.

Anything else that would work (if you find a good addon somewhere link it below) would be great.

Preferably something that doesn't hurt them, but makes the pain sound and flashes red.

Off Topic / The Right Advice - ROUND 4
« on: December 26, 2013, 10:50:37 PM »
Submit completely serious questions to me in the comments below, and I will give you my best, honest, advice. Do not ask me about video games. Real-life problems.

These include:

Trouble At School
Homework Help
Raped At Work
Raped At School
Raped At Home
Raped On A Plane
Raped On Television
First Aid Help
Social Issues
Girlfriend Trouble
Marriage Counseling
Gay Trouble (Coming out of the Closet/Boyfriend/Girlfriends)

Trust me. I'm a therapist.

The topic will remain locked while I am replying.


Round 1
Round 2
Round 3

On my Hunger Games server, I want to have a Gamemakers team that is in the minigame, and can kill people/die, but cannot win. Is this possible?

Off Topic / Post your highlights of this year.
« on: December 24, 2013, 02:02:17 PM »
Write about the most important things that happened to you this year.

In 2013:

My father won $35000 and became a Jeopardy! Champion. (I got them to show the video of him winning at school too.)

SlaveCo (my clan) hosted Halloweenfest, which was probably the biggest Blockland Halloween Event ever. (

NBC contacted my father and wants to turn one of his novels into an 8 hour TV miniseries. It's in production now, and will air in 2014. I might make a topic about it.

My grandparent's house burned down, and shortly after my grandfather was diagnosed with terminal cancer. He survived through 2 heart attacks, and is in the hospital right now.

My mother was asked to become a Death Penalty Lawyer. There are only a few of these in each state, and they work together to free death row inmates. She was previously a Criminal Defense Lawyer.

Start bragging guys!

General Discussion / who made the blood mod on Victory's server?
« on: December 24, 2013, 11:52:09 AM »

who created it, or does it come with Super Murder Mystery?

this is a neat website i found when searching for a certain thread. it seems to temporarily log forum threads and write info on them.

Even the admins are doing it. Disgraceful.
Quotes from Ephialtes:

Before you have another autism over how badly written RTB is maybe come up with atleast one piece of evidence to present, otherwise you're gonna wind up looking pretty loving stupid.
Kalphiter has some autism-related obsession with me and as a result he habitually stuffposts in my development thread
He says my service is stuff because he's autistic.
I got my iPhone 5 today and Kalphiter's an autistic friend.
Atleast I don't waste my time on these forums floating around being an autistic cunt.

Some people here seem to think that autism is some kind of stupidity or aggressive behavior. Autism is a learning disability and usually gives people poor social skills, but it has nothing to do with stupidity. In fact, many autistic people excel at certain subjects.

My brother is severely autistic, and my parents spent close to a million dollars when he was born, trying to help him. He's 23 today, and while he can be annoying or not understand he is upsetting people, he is incredibly smart. He can memorize entire maps of cities in just a few days, and find his way around them with no maps or guidance. He's also incredible at math.

If you want to see an example of this behavior in someone:

autistic license
You're the one being autistic about it
pretzelz being autistic
you get more and more autistic in this thread everyday.

Obviously I'm not autistic, but it's still offensive and makes you look like an idiot. It seems like nobody here knows what a disability is.

Off Topic / how do people quote posts that are too old to respond to
« on: December 21, 2013, 06:36:56 PM »
i forgot, i knew how to do it before. isn't there some quickpost menu or something you can bring up somehow?

General Discussion / Is it possible to host a "Hidden" server?
« on: December 20, 2013, 08:24:25 PM »
Is it possible to host a server that cannot be viewed from the server list, and must be joined by IP or something else? Just curious.

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