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Topics - general offtopic

Pages: [1] 2
Gallery / Bonster Hunter Tri
« on: September 26, 2010, 01:32:53 AM »


well if any of us used to have, have, or wants to have a PSP, or maybe a wii, we have heard of this epic adventure called "Monster Hunter". since "tri" came out, I've wanting to make a replica, in blockland, of course! and making it all by myself would just be plain silly. so I've came to you guys, for help on making this epic adventure possible.

stuff TO DO

Weapon System 80%
(I've thinking in using the new RPG set, and variables for forging, upgrading)

Carving 95%
(I'm gonna use RollDice and AddVariable "on BotKill"... because crafting bots is not really possible:P)

Armor System 10%
(not so sure on this... I'm thinking Variables, with each variable setting your health higher)

Terrain >10% (?)
(I've not greatly done the first 3 areas of D. Island... this game is massive)

Monsters (pretty much done) 90% (if no mayor changes are made)
(I've decided to use AIs... bug mode, etc...)

Forging (done when crafting is done)
(just use what you've crafted/gather to make weapons/armor)

Gathering 5%
(Just hit your favorite gathering spot with your chisel and cawham!... just need to fix variables and finis models)

Selling/Buying 0%
(buying is pretty easy... but i'm not really sure on how to sell monster parts :S (Variables). im trying not to use city RP)

Misc 5%
(random things like transportation, weather, etc...)

We Need

  • mild-good experience, i might take your word for it, but in case, show me what you got!
  • creativity and know around city RP and other Large Variable Mods

  • experience with Monster Hunter [kinda optional, but...] or other Medieval Style games/rp's
  • creativity and sociable [communicative, interpersonal, you get the idea?]
  • I'm not sure when, but we are gonna need a scripter at some point
  • disposed [is that the correct word?] and creative, of course.

leave your opinion, changes, a replacement for my 5 sec. photoshop, and request below [must i really tell you that?]


Games / PSP 3000 boundless bundles [I H]
« on: September 22, 2010, 08:15:59 PM »
i have decided to buy myself a PSP 3000 bundle, but i am indecisive in which one to buy. here are my choosing options. (my criteria is about: 33% looks, 33%performance, 33%bonuses in the packs) don't mind the price... currently having my own small (pretty small jeje) business. (i have rolled trough all the PSP shopping sites i found, and could read, in both us and japan. i chose those i liked the most)

option 1: Original PSP 3000, with no games nor starter pack.

(piano black)

(shinin' blue)





option 2: PSP 3000, Peace Walker (Metal Gear Solid) Special Edition, includes the game, a casing and a cleaning towel.


option 3: PSP 3000, God of War Special Edition, includes "Chains of Olympus", "Ghost of Sparta", and "Superbad (movie)".


option 3: PSP 3000, Kindom Hearts; Birth by Sleep Special Edition, includes the game.


last but not least; option 4: PSP 3000... but with upgrades... Monster Hunter Portable Third Special Editon (currently only released in japan... possible release next year in US), includes the game, and special additions to the PSP; a 2200a. battery (1000a more than the usual one), hand grips, a custom brown townog grip, and a unique theme. release is yet unofficial :[. i have my hopes up.


EDIT: i found this thanks to Comatose;
Option 5: PSP 3000, GTP Special Edition, it includes the game, and a PSN card

give me your personal opinion...

PS; i hope this thread helped PSP lover find the love of their life...

Off Topic / slowpoke girlfriend
« on: July 21, 2010, 04:05:52 AM »
i just asked The girl to be mine. she said yes but the process of it was rather awkward. i toldher i liked her, but it was like if she heard but did not notice. so the con wen on for about an hour and i started flirting with her, THEN she noticed. I'm going to Zacatecas, Mexico, tomorrow, for 10 days, so She could not waitfor me to ask her to be my girl. so my friend made me a pic to remind me of this day. it made me LMFAO.

so ill guess ill just dump this here

PS, Marino is my real name, you can figure out who Susana is

Off Topic / my brain!
« on: July 13, 2010, 03:24:56 PM »

first time on /b/.... have not slept in 2 days  :cookieMonster:

what was your face your first time on /b/?

Off Topic / i just...
« on: July 12, 2010, 07:09:01 PM »


General Discussion / where are you from?
« on: July 11, 2010, 03:44:00 PM »
i was wondering... what is the extent of blockland?

as some of you might know I'm from Mexico. and i have a cousin [Cord] that is from Guatemala that also plays. so, from where do you come?

Gallery / 30 min radio controled toy
« on: July 10, 2010, 11:44:10 PM »
i found one of my first saves [flasback] when i was just getting started with the full version [/flashback]

and i foun this :

lol, long lost memories  :cookieMonster:


EDIT:wedges and the turbines where ramps and blocks, until today...
do you want pic of that?

EDIT 2: afeter the ramps, and before the wedges, there were some kindd of beta wedges on a server, witch were  extremely glitchy. so after the wedges came out, i used the to re-re-repair my build :D

Gallery / air purifier. [fixed]
« on: July 10, 2010, 09:07:03 PM »
i was working on my BAN app, and started work on a green-house-thingy, to clean out the air. due to the limited space,i tried  to make it "compact-ish", but it didnt turn out as i wanted. so here it is. yes you can rate, tell me what you think.

ducky :D

i am in doubt of what windows to use, here are my options. im going for the normal window, but tell me wht you think;

oh, and think, dont say its horrible unless you have a suggestion


Gallery / Space-shiap [IMAGE HEAVY] now with save :D
« on: July 09, 2010, 12:32:51 AM »
hallo, remember i am working on a BAN app? the station is pretty small, and i needed a space-shiap to complete it. so i made one. to be my 2nd try, it turned out really well. sorry for image spam, I'm just proud of this. :D

top view

front veiw

back view

ditails  :cookieMonster:

the turbines

my face after this

feel free to rate x/100, and yes i can have your babies  :cookieMonster:

You can get the save HERE

ill get brick packs/ color set in a sec

Gallery / Gen. Off.'s BAN app. WIP
« on: July 04, 2010, 01:38:50 PM »
hallo bockheads Gen. Off. here. i read the topic of this clan which look'd nice and all. so i am making my app. it is a "refuel" and "rest" station, built on top of a [asteroid] piece of de-integrated planet. [/asteroid] so here it is:

360* view


top-down view

so i build my base on the top, fix some small details BLow, post when finished, and hope for the best

feel free to rate this WIP x/10. thanks. [?]

Welcome Blockheads! This is a guide I made to get you started in the forums, and Ingmar. This is just a good way to start; it is not the only, nor the best (or worst). These are things you will learn on your own, so “Spoiler Alert” I guess. So here it is:

1.   First of all, you should read this.

2.   If you have not bought Blockland at this point, buy it. It has extremely good replay value, and it is REALLY cheap when you play for more than a year. You will.

3.   You are not, right now, a skilled builder. Don't get me wrong, you will, I bet my ass on it, but give yourself time. Here are some tips regarding this:   

•   Build in a demo kind of way, with limited bricks, but not too often. The lack of brick makes you focus more on the detail, giving you an edge.
•   Right now; DO NOT spend allot of time looking at other people's builds, if you see something like The Faceship at this point, you can diminish yourself as a builder.
•   You have talent at this point, but you may not notice. When I started playing this game (as well as many other players), I was considered good for a starter, but I thought I was not good enough and worried too much.
•   Post your first completed build as such, if you wish. Maybe even the second one. But don't go overboard. Spend time on your builds, post when you feel OK, or even proud about them.
•   “perfection does not come when there is no more to add, but when there is nothing more to take away”

4.   Make friends, they will help you, you will help them.  They make Blockland several times more fun, and collab builds can be less stressful.. to  start making friend, just pop in some random server and say “hi”. :P

5.   Listen to music. When you listen to music, you get bored less easily, and keeps you busy when you are brain-farting ^^

6.   Learning to event can be fun AND easy to learn, do it; it will make your builds more interactive. Advanced eventers are respected and can get access to clans, without worrying much on design.

7.   Badspot is the creator of Blockland. hes juts a normal guy, wit allot of work. don't criticise his work, we all love it ^^. go to his sever, its one of the few servers which are good for building AND meeting random strangers!

8.   Trolls WILL troll. Even when negative posts are rejected by most blocklanders, negative people, or negative elements in a post will ALWAYS be present. Here are some tips on trolls:

•   Trolling is not pointing out the bad stuff. It is pointing out the bad stuff, and not giving either a solution or a suggestion to make that problem better. Doing any two of these is called constructive criticism.
•   Use correct spelling please, Do Not Talk Like This, 7h3is, 0r tis pLiz. If you are doing it just for a laugh, let us know, point it out; [1337]liek theis pliez[/1337].
•   Ignore trolls, unless they have a REALLY good point, in that case, he/she just can't help being that way.

9.   Thing we will most probably not tolerate:

•   Racism, there is no valid scientific argument that supports ANY kind of racism. so SFTFU and no cookies for Riddler
•   loveism, we HAVE, ARE, and WILL keep having respect towards women, gays, lesbians, and you call it. This is a friendly game, with friendly people. [we might call you gay, but if you show yourself as one, you will be accepted, never the less.]
•   Constant stuff. If you do not want to improve your building skills, and still build as if your first day 3 years into the game, do not brag about it.
•   And all the things signaled as wrong in the rules.

10.   Please, please, write correctly, there is a spell checker, word, and English classes. I am Mexican and use Word for my constant spelling mistakes.

11.   When you are ready, join a clan. Browse them, select one, make an app. Clan tags earn you respect, and clans are a fun and easy [once you get in] way to meet friends and gain building experience.

12.   Be mature. We are mostly “mature people” [ : P ]. But: Be immature. Just chose correctly when. We all can have fun like 1 year olds with a rattle, at the right time.

13.   Nobody cares, well most of us don't. Post your topics in the right section, talk to the people who care most, and you will not be Trollbait.

14.   The art of making add-ons, prints and decals, is a great mystery, only handled by the chosen few. If you know how to script, pack, and model, you are welcome to make as much (good) add-ons as you wish!

15.   Most important of all: Have Fun!! And again, welcome to Blockland.


here are the official rules :

here are some things that might help also:

and here are other guides made by fellow blocklanders

[Suggest more points, changes, or things important to this topic “BLow” (and discuss of course)]
[Trolls: don’t even bother]

is there anything wrong to try and get a good image int he heads off the new people before you guys forget it up :cookieMonster:

Help / Asteroid City pics
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:59:30 PM »
i am working on a small asteroid-building, witch is a building, built on a asteroid. but i am having trouble finding good fictures that work as a reference. can you help me find some? this is a WIP.

um... hallo....

Ok, I’ll go right on the spot: .

This is a collab project designed by me, created by me, posted by me, for me you, what?, you might ask yourself, well this is a project for all of you that:

  • like working with other people
  • have bad internet connection
  • or... are simply bored

what is C-city, well.

C: is a system i will apply to my future collab builds, which lets you download templates, send them to me, and i will add them to the entire build. so all of you who like paying bay your self’s or are tired of n00b duds can also help. all the terrains that you download are (almost) fully editable (with exception of the black stuff) and yours, you can customize the

  • street
  • the red area
  • and the stuff bellow the red area

city: the first of all of these builds, a city, do i have to explain more?

If you want to help you will have to follow these simple 3 steps:
  • download a template
  • edit it
  • and ad it to the build

step #1

the small terrain, ideal for cardboard houses;


the med(ium)-terrain, ideal for a normal house (also comes in side version)


And the side version:


the L- house, ideal for houses with a garage or a pool (this one also comes with an alternate version)


And alternate:


the big terrain, good for small malls and parking lots

Toon Link

and finally, the block, it’s  like your own little city


step #2
edit it

C: is a system i will apply to my future collab builds, which lets you download templates, send them to me, and i will add them to the entire build. so all of you who like paying bay your self’s or are tired of n00b duds can also help. all the terrains that you download are (almost) fully editable (with exception of the black stuff) and yours, you can customize the

  • street
  • the red area
  • and the stuff bellow the red area

step #3
add it to the build

how? well... you can:

send it to me via e-mail

  • finish your buld
  • go to hotmail, yahoo mai, or G-mail
  • send a mail to, with the save as joined (spelling >I ) file
upload it on media fire

  • upload the file
  • post the link here

build it on the server

  • got to the server
  • build your butt off

BE SURE TO TELL ME ALL THE ADD ONS YOU USED IN YOUR BUILD so it can work properly on the server

things you can't do:

  • build floating bricks, cause i might need to duplicate it
  • build OMFG'ing pieces of stuff
  • edit the template, or not building in a template
  • spam me, or other builders

thanks... i supose... and: sorry if i misspelled something.

edit: I WIll post the entire build every time i can here:


edit#2: server (for when we have one, but you can still help via the C- system)

edit#3: please fill the poll guys (updated every week)

sorry for quoting all the posts, i couldent edit my last topic for no apearent reason (could not teke off the poll) , so i re-posted, all of you people who dont believe the post heres the link to the old topic:

Gallery / no
« on: July 21, 2009, 04:44:40 PM »

Off Topic / how to win her friendship?
« on: May 29, 2009, 01:05:02 AM »
thanks to all those guy who helped me, i couldent do it but there are many fish in a ocean.

let this topic die


Pages: [1] 2