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Topics - Halinic

Pages: [1]
Games / Duke Nukem 3D GIVEAWAY CLOSED
« on: January 12, 2015, 07:50:46 PM »
I own this game all-ready so i figure id give it away.
so here is how it works ill add the first 20 people who say Give me the Duke to a list and ill role a dice depending on the nuber of the dice depends on who gets the game. side note its steam only. THE WINNER IS PWNFULZ

Games / Puzzles and Dragons
« on: December 10, 2014, 02:26:02 AM » Japanese download guide to download if on ios
The American version is in the regular store.
There are a couple of good sights to help you figure out monster but the main one is this
When you start the game you will have to go about in any average tutorial then you will get your first pull. It will all ways be a silver egg or a average rarity
Gold Eggs are the best that you can get from the machine while white with a green star are the worst
What you should be looking for are gods.
You will also get something
 in the game called magic stones.
You should use them for the rare egg machine and expanding your innovatory anything ells is foolish.
The best time to pull The rare eggmachine is during Godfest.
so horde them gems.

If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask.

So I was informed that it wouldn't be a bad idea to make my own tread for my ...drawing... but today marks my 3 months of drawing.
any ways so i guess here is the first post.

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