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Topics - portify

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Modification Help / (Resource) extraResources
« on: June 16, 2017, 06:30:12 AM »
This lets you add files to the download manifest without having to associate them with a datablock.
It is intended to replace cases where you would create an unnecessary ParticleData datablock just to have people download a bitmap.

Note: This does not let you force people to download files. The client-sided download filters are still respected, this just lets you save datablocks.

addExtraResource(string fileName)
  Add a new file for clients to download. Not all extensions are allowed by the engine.
  You should call this before the mission is created (inside add-on execution is fine).
  If you do need to add files after that, you'll need to call the following to update:




Gallery / Blockland.exe
« on: June 15, 2017, 02:50:30 AM »

Download Info

Show file size when downloading files on a server

Download (677 bytes) from

Off Topic / It's my 18th birthday and Evar's 20th birthday
« on: July 29, 2016, 01:30:02 AM »
Apparently we had our birthday on the same day two years ago as well.

I just wish we hadn't accidentally broken the streak by not posting last year. Or did we? I can't find a topic.

Add-Ons / Look Binds
« on: May 04, 2016, 06:45:13 AM »

Look in specific directions for alignment purposes or remembering what in the world those emitter directions are again.

Add-Ons / Centered Door Bricks
« on: May 02, 2016, 12:22:26 PM »
A set of modified default doors that align properly with 2x width doorways.

Add-Ons / Vehicle Collision Enhancer
« on: April 28, 2016, 06:00:01 PM »
Vehicle Collision Enhancer

What is this?

This add-on increases the work done by the game in order to detect vehicle collisions. This makes it a lot more difficult to drive through things.

What is this not?

This add-on does not fix vehicle collision resolution. It improves the detection of collisions, but it will not fix getting stuck in things (though it'll be less likely, since collisions will be detected earlier) or being employed in the space program against your will.


$Pref::Server::VehicleCollisionIntegration (integer between 1 and 512, default for this add-on is 64)
The amount of work to do for each frame in order to detect vehicle collisions. Most vehicle add-ons use 4 by default, and this add-on will set it to 64. If you're using a dedicated server and it doesn't work well enough, feel free to increase this. This will adversely affect performance. If this add-on is slowing down your server too much and you think you'll be fine with less precision, you can decrease it. If you want to change it while a server is running, enter applyVehicleCollisionFix(); in the console after you change it.


Download from

Add-Ons / Fix Tool HUD
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:55:39 PM »
Fix Tool HUD

Properly updates the item menu for playertypes with more than 5 slots to stop items you actually don't have from showing up.

Download (1 KB) from

Add-Ons / Extra Binds
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:45:18 PM »
Extra Binds

Adds various extra bindable actions and repurposes some default binds.


  • Warp - shortcut for the /warp command
  • Reset Velocity - immediately enter and exit admin orb
  • Destructo Wand - shortcut for the /magicWand command
  • Wand - shortcut for the /wand command
  • Duplicator - shortcut for the /duplicator command
  • Fill Can - shortcut for the /fillCan command
  • Un-Use Tool - Unequip whatever you're holding without needing the spray can or other items
  • Move Up - moves the camera up - you can also use E (spray can) for this
  • Move Down - moves the camera down - you can also use Q (tools) for this


  • The number keys (1234567890) will select/deselect items instead of bricks when in a mini-game with building disabled
  • The spray can and item menu toggles (E and Q by default) will move up and down when controlling a camera

Download (2 KB) from

Add-Ons / Global Music
« on: April 23, 2016, 11:15:30 AM »
Global Music

Adds events to play per-client or per-mini-game music in 2D, globally. Does not require a pre-placed music brick or a client-sided add-on.

Client | setMusic | Music | Volume
MiniGame | setMusic | Music | Volume

Download (1 KB) from

Add-Ons / Default Mini-Game
« on: April 23, 2016, 11:15:02 AM »
Default Mini-Game

A new add-on for changing the default mini-game. It does not use packages to spawn people into mini-games or prevent them from leaving, it just sets the mini-game as default in the same way that game-mode mini-games work. Both commands are Super Admin only, and the default mini-games will behave just as game-modes do.

  Set the mini-game you are in as the default mini-game.
  Unset the default mini-game.

Download (1 KB) from

Add-Ons / Free Teleport
« on: April 23, 2016, 11:14:28 AM »
Free Teleport

Allows anyone to use F8, F7 (admin orb), /warp and /find without being admin.

Download (1 KB) from

This was a random script from over a year ago that I found lying around in my gists. Here's a client-sided add-on with it.

Download from

Add-Ons / New Brick Tool | 1.2.0: Admin orb building
« on: April 17, 2016, 12:23:04 PM »
New Brick Tool
Long-range instant ghost action

Supercharge the function of the default ghost brick placement tool! With this add-on, ghost bricks will instantly be moved when you click somewhere (instead of waiting for a projectile), and it works at a distance (like the admin wand). Additionally, holding down left click will cause the ghost brick to continually follow along with your aim.


  • $Pref::Server::NewBrickTool::AllowRepeat (boolean, default is true)
    Should holding down left click repeatedly move the ghost?
  • $Pref::Server::NewBrickTool::PlayerRange (number, default is 1000)
    The maximum placement range for normal players
  • $Pref::Server::NewBrickTool::AdminRange (number, default is 1000)
    The maximum placement range for admins
  • $Pref::Server::NewBrickTool::AdminOrb (boolean default is true)
    Enable brick tool controls while controlling a camera
  • $Pref::Server::NewBrickTool::IgnoreRayCasting (boolean default is true)
    Let the brick tool place ghosts on bricks with raycasting disabled


Feel free to fork the repository at and send pull requests.
Report issues at


Download from GitLab Pages.

April Fools 2016 / No more
« on: April 01, 2016, 10:50:05 AM »
I hope you enjoyed it :P

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