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Topics - StarHawk

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Gallery / Catamaran Yacht - Oceanco "Motorcat 3"
« on: April 28, 2018, 01:41:02 AM »

Inspiration for this vessel was derived from the Powercat 47 by Leopard Catamarans.

The Motorcat series is a collection of engine-powered non-sail catamaran yachts. This model, the Motorcat 3, features three staterooms: one master stateroom on the starboard side, and two small rooms with queen size beds to port.





Comments and constructive criticism are always welcome.

Gallery / Large Private Jet - Airco SK190
« on: December 15, 2015, 07:37:31 AM »
I've been trying for like five years to finally make a decent looking plane and I believe I finally succeeded with the SK190. This is an elite private jet with seating for 18, dining for 10, and sleeping for two. Enjoy.

Ratings, feedback, and suggestions for future builds are all welcome.

Gallery / Oceanco's Bigass Cruise Ship WIP - Bridge In Progress!
« on: September 30, 2013, 10:22:04 PM »

View the LAST PAGE for the most recent updates!

This is the build topic for Oceanco's flagship project, codenamed X01. Upon completion the ship is to be christened OCS Crown of Light.

So far decks one and two complete, deck three is nearly finished, and decks four through six are just barely started.

Here's the overview.


Help / Duplicator ruins directional relays?
« on: May 25, 2013, 03:47:26 PM »
Whenever I duplicate something with directional relays it changes the directions up. For example, something listed as fireRelayWest will instead be changed to fireRelayEast, even if I don't rotate the bricks at all.

Anyone else have this problem?

Gallery / A Ranch-Style House
« on: April 29, 2013, 04:28:39 AM »
Hi everyone. For a while now I've been working on this ranch home. Hope you all enjoy. Feel free to rate /10.

Click here to download the save files to your computer. Simply extract the .zip file to get the JPEG and BLS files, which you then copy into your saves folder located in your main Blockland folder.

All credit goes to me, StarHawk.

Suggestions & Requests / An Update to the Hammer
« on: February 28, 2013, 01:06:58 PM »
I'm sure I'm not the only one who's ever had the problem where you want to smash a brick with the hammer, but the brick won't break because it would also break more bricks and you can't for the life of you figure out which goddamn brick is the one causing the problem.

The duplicator, when you use it, highlights all the bricks that you've duplicated in a bright white for a second or two. It would be awesome if the hammer did the same thing, temporarily highlighting in glowing red whichever bricks were dependent on the brick you're trying to break. Doesn't seem to me to be to hard to do. Thoughts?

General Discussion / Anyone Ever Made a Palmtree?
« on: February 03, 2013, 05:13:56 AM »
Trying to build palm trees out of blocks for a tropical-themed build. And I'm struggling. Anyone have any pics of palm trees made out of blocks so I might get the general idea? Just want to get a sense of how others have done it.

Off Topic / Need Help with a College Assignment
« on: January 29, 2013, 12:20:33 AM »

Interior design is floor plan design. Interior decorating is picking out furniture. Interior design is figuring out where to put the lobby of a building, where to run electrical sockets, where to position ventilation ducts, and where to strategically place bathrooms. Interior decoration is figuring out which drapes match the wallpaper. I am an interior designer. Not a decorator.

So for my Intro to Interior Design class we need to conduct a random survey based on interior design consisting of a single question. This is my question. Obviously I have my own thoughts and opinions but I am not allowed to share them with you until the survey is over. Feel free to discuss why you think what you think via responses but please don't forget to vote!

Finally, please don't troll me with comments of interior design versus interior decorating. I'm trying to conduct serious data for a college project.

Suggestions & Requests / Flight HUD?
« on: December 12, 2012, 07:50:16 PM »
Searched around and couldn't find anyone who made a proper flight HUD. I know people have made some of the individual components (compass, speedometer etc.) but I haven't seen it mashed up into a proper client-side HUD. Here's what I mean.

Done in Paint.NET to represent what I would want. Not a screenshot of the actual mod.

This mod would ideally be client-side and able to bind to a key.


Off Topic / Sounds that Piss You Off
« on: November 14, 2012, 01:58:41 AM »
Misophonia. It's a condition where every little noise annoys the absolute forget out of you. I believe I have this, because every little noise annoys the absolute forget out of me. I don't mean, "Wow, that sound ticks me off..." I mean "OH MY GOD I WILL DESTROY ALL THAT YOU LOVE IF YOU DON'T STOP MAKING THAT NOISE."

Here are some sounds that annoy the absolute forget out of me (no prejudices intended).
   Note: this is assuming I am awake. If I am trying to sleep, then every noise that exists annoys me to a fury.

Purple signifies forumer contribution.

1)   People chewing
2)   Persistent scratching
3)   Snoring
4)   People whistling out their nose when they sleep
5)   Heavy breathing
6)   ANYTHING that comes out of a baby
7)   Muffled voices or bass kicks  coming from a faraway room
8)   Jocks screaming “OOOOOOOOOH” because something cool happened on Xbox Live or American Football
9)   Asian languages
10)   High heels on the floor above me
11)   Dripping faucets
12)  Chalk/chalkboards
13)  The underdeveloped voices of children
14) "YOU'LL MAKE A FINE RUG, CAT!"  (I swear I'm not joking I kill bandits especially hard when they exclaim this)
15) Microphone feedback
16) Young girls screaming with delight
17) "Like" or "um" after every word
18) The terrifying shriek of your speakers when they're only plugged in half way
19) The sound Windows makes when it encounters an error :C :C :C

What sounds annoy the absolute forget out of you?

Suggestions & Requests / Fill Can/Auto Wrench Hybrid Thing
« on: November 01, 2012, 02:13:12 AM »
So. Today I made this big massive complicated pile-of-bricks-overlapping-each-other curved window. It took me a good deal of time to make and I am rather proud of it.

EXCEPT  :cookieMonster:

I forgot that I wanted to make the window tint and un-tint with the push of a button using events. So now I have two options: (1) destroy the thing I just spent ages on and systematically rebuild it while manually naming each and every brick I place, or (2) begging for someone to make a fill can/auto wrench hybrid thing.

Basically what I'm asking for is a simple concept to understand. Let's say I have a BIG stack of red blocks all connected to each other. One of the blocks in the middle is named Herp. However, I want ALL the red blocks to be named Herp! So I go into the wrench window for the block named Herp, check the little box labeled "copy" next to its name, and then whip out my handy dandy fill can/auto wrench hybrid thing and spray ANY one of the red blocks that I choose and PRESTO! All of the red blocks now sport the copied feature. (Obvious note: this would work for any of the wrench menu things, like Raycasting, Rendering, Collision, as well as item spawns and lights/emitters).

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: Same red pile of blocks, all of which are now named Herp. Now I want to make it so that if you click any of the blocks they ALL turn blue. So I go to one of the blocks and enter this wrench event line:
onActivate >>> NAMEDBRICK (Herp) >>> Self >>> setColor >>> (blue)
THEN I check the little box labeled "copy" in the upper right-hand corner of the event menu and whip out my handy dandy fill can/auto wrench hybrid thing and spray ANY one of the red blocks that I choose and PRESTO! Now clicking ANY of the red blocks will turn them all blue!

Hopefully you can understand what I mean by now. Last note: I can see how this would be a spammer's best friend so maybe some in-game preferences (RTB preferences?) that allow it to be set as admin-only, flood protection etc. would be nice to include.

If you can see a usefulness in this proposal please support! Looking forward to seeing this made/hoping it's possible/easy! K that's enough StarHawk out.

Suggestions & Requests / Elevators that work? (SOLVED)
« on: August 21, 2012, 08:52:29 PM »
Not sure if this belongs in S&R or Development but I'm going with S&R.

V21 seems to have broken elevator events and it'd be sweet if those could get fixed or someone could make new ones since they were quite useful. Just saying :P

Click here and save to your add-ons folder (overwrite the old server_elevators) to fix Kalph's elevator events.

Many thanks to jes00 for the solution!


So the super-secret surprise is our flagship, the X01 codenamed "Cathedral." It's 573 bricks long and 64 bricks wide and scheduled to boast six stories of living space. Rooms will be available to all Oceanco members.

And here are the teaser pics of current progress:

Here's the model seen at our booth at Blockoworld:

So far we have the first floor completely finished.

One of the crew bunks (there are 16 rooms supporting 32 crew on this floor)

The aft garage:

Feel free to provide suggestions for what we can include!

Gallery / SHS Sol Dynasty (Yacht) [VIDEO TOUR!]
« on: June 04, 2012, 11:22:59 PM »

Holy crap I built another yacht :U


So this is the SHS Sol Dynasty. It was built by me, StarHawk, BLID 3623, as part of the Oceanco fleet. Not much else to say. Not too many pics; make sure to watch the video tour to be able to see many many parts of the ship not featured in the pictures, as well as listen to my amazing voice give great commentary!

The Hull

Sitting Room

Dining Room


Living Room

One of the Many Staterooms

VIP Room

Owner's Suite

Engine Room



Thanks for viewing.
Feel free to rate.
No save will be released.
Go check out the Youtube video!!

Add-Ons / Oceanco [OCNC] Colorset
« on: April 22, 2012, 08:20:58 PM »

Oceanco is releasing its colorset! Here is the simple, neat, organized, and multipurpose colorset used by the professional naval design team at Oceanco. Designed by StarHawk, Oceanco Admiral and clan creator, BLID 3623. Click the picture to download, save the .zip file to addons folder to use. Enjoy!

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