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Topics - LuigiBoi

Pages: [1] 2
The Server
The server is a MASSIVE clusterforget. TreeAtmos constantly D-wands the map, making holes for racers to fall into. TreeAtmos will also raise the lava extrucatingly high.
I dont have any pictures of the destroyed maps but i have a few screenshots.  TreeAtmos and Farpie would teleport ahead in the race, spawn tanks, etc.
He would D-wand the ground beneath racers and people who made it out of their karts.
The Admins
TreeAtmos is just plain a bad admin. He was mostly the one in the wrong here. He would cheat in various ways throughout the ways by teleporting, making tanks, etc. They are truly evil admins. Farpie really didnt do anything wrong except ignore TreeAtmos actions.
I will post screenshots later when i have the Imgur codes.

please help me i dont understand

Help / Left Alt stuck
« on: November 19, 2016, 08:46:26 PM »
When playing blockland, my left alt key will get stuck and i will not be able to chat because it acts as if the alt key is being held down. If i press alt again, that solves the problem, but it comes back again shortly after. Any suggestions? I know it couldn't be my keyboard because it does this on nothing else but blockland.

Drama / sandor2 and internaldoofus
« on: November 15, 2016, 09:08:13 PM »
I was accused of emitter spam and banned for no reason on the neighborhood freebuild server
Here are chatlogs and the ban

Drama / Dr.Doctor (34728)
« on: June 30, 2016, 12:17:38 AM »
Basically, Sugar turned into a streaker on Tezuni's Prison Escape. immediately killed her. Sugar was clearly misunderstood, and said "dr. freekiller". Then, he just blew things out of proportion, cursing and saying death threats.

That image was the only image i could take at the time.

Off Topic / The fontbrother's adventures in Blockland
« on: June 22, 2016, 08:25:29 PM »
Visolator's Minigame Mania

So i was on Deceased Box's Fort Wars, when all of the sudden a guy by the name of Oxy Contin (couldn't catch his BL_ID) joined and started to constantly ask Deceased where he lives. After that he joined under the name of Perkz and started asking again. After this Deceased kicked him using a console command. He kept rejoining and constantly asking. After that he stopped joining and we contunied playing, and then the server ended abruptly with no warning. I don't know for sure if he DDoSed us, but its a possibility.  Photo evidence: I dont have anything after he changed his name to Perkz since the server crashed..

Help / Blockland refuses to load
« on: June 07, 2016, 05:09:30 PM »
When i launch blockland it goes to the main menu screen, but instead of my name at the bottom it says "Loading..." and just stays there and dosen't progress any further.

Drama / Evan Wright and General Gunuric
« on: June 06, 2016, 07:44:50 PM »
Evan Wright has a personal grudge on me everytime i enter a server that he has admin privelges on.

I joined Youhadabadday's server which Evan wright was a super admin on. As soon as i join he says "ew, its luigiboi" I then say "what did i do" and he say's "team killing niga" I dont know what he meant by this, but its probably because i killed him on a deathmatch server which was up last week. He tried to get me in trouble with the admins by saying i teamkilled him even though i was on opposite team. His original name was Graffiti Cat so i said "oh, its you." He then says "you can leave" and i say "you cant ban me here because it would be for no reason" he then says "watch me" and one of his butt-buddies butt in and decide to ban me instead. i could only catch general gunurics ID from the ban photo: 187742. These people are clearly not suitable for moderation of servers and something needs to be done about them.

April Fools 2016 / WHAT IS HAPPENING
« on: April 01, 2016, 09:10:04 PM »

Forum Games / Describe the last stuff you took using a spongebob quote
« on: April 01, 2016, 12:51:45 AM »
I'll start!
Just get out of here you stupid dumb animal!

I'll start.

Drama / Autismo Maxima Prima
« on: March 31, 2016, 12:44:38 AM »
There was an undertale RP hosted by Rendy! which said there was a sans needed. So i joined it and said "ill be sans."
Immediately Autismo said "can i ban the underfriend?" Rendy ignored him the first time. After changing the server name, Autismo also said "can i still ban the underfriend?" He then permanently banned me. Pictures are below.


Forum Games / Money Game V1
« on: January 29, 2016, 06:43:38 PM »
How the game works is i have money and you have to steal it. Once you have the money someone else steals it, so on. You can also make money by doing certain things aswell!
I worked at a general store for 2 hours. I have earned 100$.

Help / Crashing when attempting to host
« on: January 28, 2016, 07:10:08 PM »
When attempting to host, when the "CREATING SERVER" bar comes up it crashes with this:

You can see the console log here, the file size was too big for attachments:

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