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Topics - AssailantLF

Pages: [1]
Off Topic / Cosbymon Firered and Leafgreen!
« on: July 02, 2010, 02:39:21 AM »
(Click for a larger image)

That's right. I was bored and made these two pictures in about 45 minutes.

Inspiration: Pokemon Cosby Version

Add-Ons / Roblox Colorset
« on: March 21, 2010, 06:09:55 PM »
Roblox Colorset

A colorset with the exact Roblox colors.

I'm actually sort of surprised no one's made this. The last row is simply filler so that FX is completely visible. The colors are from what Roblox used to have back before they added new ones.


Put Colorset_RobloxsOldColorset.z ip into the Add-Ons folder in your Blockland folder. It can be enabled/disabled on the 'Start a Game' window.



I was browsing around the new update when I noticed this ad.

--July 31st--

It's just too funny.

Help / Dedicated Server - Glitch?
« on: July 24, 2009, 08:54:05 PM »
Whenever I try to start a dedicated server, it turns on all my Add-Ons.

I made a thread a few months back and Badspot informed me that any Add-Ons you own that aren't listed in your Add_On_List.cs are automatically turned on. Yet, the dedicated server removes some Add-Ons from my list instead of adding and activating them. Bringing me to the conclusion that the dedicated bat isn't recognizing some of my Add-Ons as Add-Ons. I don't know if this is a problem or meant to happen.

Is there any information, advise, or help someone can give me on this topic?

Help / Starting a Dedicated Turns On All Add-Ons..
« on: June 08, 2009, 11:48:49 PM »
Sometimes, when I start a dedicated server, it turns all my Add-Ons on and loads them into the server. Any ideas why, or how I could stop it?

Drama / Crappy Colorset Add-Ons
« on: April 18, 2009, 07:26:35 PM »
There were two colorsets recently posted in the Add-Ons section, one was a minor-changed copy, and the other just sort of sucked. It's just annoying whenever anyone posts a colorset because there's so many that are either too similar or all around better, making the one posted somewhat like spam.

I really think anyone having a thought about posting a colorset needs to take a look at all of these before they ever post it.

List of the best/most popular:

General Discussion / Recent Colorset Threads
« on: April 18, 2009, 06:13:12 PM »

Drama / Blockland Ad in Roblox
« on: April 12, 2009, 01:53:51 PM »

Gotta love how Google hosts Blockland ads, and Roblox just so happens to use Google Ads for their website.

Help / colorSet.txt Invalid
« on: April 02, 2009, 07:25:30 PM »
Ok, so I created a colorset for myself. I know that it isn't my colorset's doing for this error because I've compared it and checked for any flaws over 10 times, plus it's too simple to really mess up..

When I'm done, I start up Blockland, go to the colorset list, and choose my colorset. It pops up with an error saying that colorSet.txt cannot be saved because colorSet.txt is invalid.

After that, I check the config\server\ file and it's blank for some reason, obviously the reason why it's wrong.

This thread has the exact problem, and I think it was misbelieved to be solved. True, it allows you to use the default colorset, but when you try to change it the error shows up again.

General Discussion / Some Crazy High Ping.
« on: March 18, 2009, 09:25:59 PM »

Look at that, 4 players, 0 bricks, and on Slate. Over 25k ping.

Drama / Bad Accident ._.
« on: March 16, 2009, 08:47:21 PM »
Ok, so v11 is out. I check it out at Badspot's server. And everything's pretty cool, what with physics and all, and Badspot used a command that "cleared spam bricks". Someone said that the command was /clearspambricks.

So, after awhile of building and messing in that server, I grew bored and went to join Kiwibear's server, seeing as I knew everyone there pretty well and usually enjoyed the stuff that happened there.

Then, I told them about the spam clear command and he told me to use it as a test... I did and the command, for some odd reason, cleared all bricks. Everyone got pissed at me, de-admined me, and permabanned me.

Really sucks..

Games / Roblox has new stud textures.
« on: March 14, 2009, 01:20:18 AM »
Ok, so there's apparently some new studs going on in Roblox.
They look loads better than before, seriously. Discuss, nao.


Heh, "small" page stretch with the images.  :cookieMonster:

General Discussion / Xfire for Blockland Support
« on: February 25, 2009, 12:33:17 AM »

Yeah, I realize the game works for Steam, and many people don't care for Xfire.
But it's a huge program used by a lot of people, if Blockland was Xfire supported, I'm sure it would gain some more popularity.

I'm sure there's been threads like this before, but I'm making it since I noticed Roblox got Xfire supported.

(Yeah, I modified Wikipedia's description a little. It still sounds fine.)

Drama / Blockland Avatars in Roblox :O
« on: February 22, 2009, 08:15:22 PM »
I figure I should put this in drama since having the word "Roblox" in anything causes it.

Anyways. I saw a video by one of the v11 testers on youtube ( ) and it gave me the idea to make this.

Help / Big ol' white blank square on my title screen.
« on: February 12, 2009, 10:14:32 PM »

See, no matter how I try to fix it, it doesn't wanna show. All I've tried was reinstalling, though.

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