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Topics - Bobah

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Off Topic / hey
« on: August 21, 2020, 04:40:56 PM »
hey guys you ever heard of blockland before?

Off Topic / Complaint against Badspot
« on: May 18, 2015, 10:51:54 PM »
I've been thinking about this for 4 years, I've decided to release my complaint against Badspot.

There are a number of things I can't stand about Badspot, and I would just love to share them with you. By way of introduction, let me just say that Badspot is a being who invents nothing, originates nothing, and improves nothing. All he does is subvert existing lines of power and information. The implications of uppish, dodgy collaborationism may seem theoretical, but they have concrete meaning for thousands of people. You've heard me say that his fans are all the worst sorts of macabre simpletons there are. True, that's a cheap shot, but too often they do think and behave in ways that reinforce that image. Some of Badspot's adherents have privately reassured me that Badspot isn't as bellicose as he sounds. Rather, they contend, Badspot is just playing the cards that he thinks he needs to. I don't buy that excuse. Badspot may have started as non-bellicose, but he's now totally invested in honeyfuggling us into believing that one hallmark of an advanced culture is the rejection of rationalism. Consider, for example, how if anything, to Badspot, the fact that his insidious missives have yielded little in the way of positive results—and that they undeniably have dangerous long-term consequences—is not a reason to stop and reassess. Rather, it's a call to action; it's an opportunity for Badspot to funnel significant amounts of money to peccable clinchpoops.

Many of us are too naïve and trusting. It takes a lot of convincing to get us to see a person as inherently cullionly or inherently vainglorious. Alas, Badspot is doing all he can to provide us with unmistakable proof that he is inherently both. For instance, Badspot drops the names of famous people whenever possible. That makes him sound smarter than he really is and obscures the fact that we get more from Badspot than we do from most parvanimous, impolitic knaves. We get more lies, more distortions, more fear, more hatred, more division. We get Badspot behaving like Badspot.

I want to say a few things about Badspot's scurrilous maneuvers. First, his maneuvers engage in or goad others into engaging in illegal acts. Second, they replace intellectual integrity with slatternly sloganeering. Third, they create a factitious demand for his unsympathetic whinges. I could list a few more things, but you get the picture. The important part is that I have long suggested we seek some structure in which the cacophony introduced by Badspot's obloquies might be systematized, reconciled, and made rational. Badspot, however, rejects this suggestion as a ginned-up effort to undermine his authority. To that I say, Badspot's excesses, emotional swings, casual cruelties, and hair-trigger outbursts make me think that nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that Badspot will promote rambunctious ideologies such as exclusivism. That's too big of a subject to get into here so let me instead discuss how I've managed to come up with a way in which Badspot's essays could be made useful. His essays could be used by the instructors of college courses as a final examination of sorts. Any student who can't find at least 20 errors of fact or fatuous statement automatically flunks. Extra credit goes to students who realize that Badspot truly believes that it's inappropriate to teach children right from wrong. I hope you realize that that's just a coldhearted pipe dream from an unsophisticated pipe and that in the real world, Badspot all but forces his toadies to paralyze any serious or firm decision and thereby become responsible for the weak and half-hearted execution of even the most necessary measures. Interestingly, his toadies don't much seem to mind being given such termagant orders. I guess it's hard to free demented cretins from the chains they revere. A related observation is that Badspot's demands are not witty satire, as he would have you believe. They're simply the sinister ramblings of someone who has no idea or appreciation of what he's mocking.

Badspot avers that he opposes crafty humanity-haters who make people suspicious of those who speak the truth. That's nothing more than ear candy. It's designed to gently stroke listeners, to get them to purr like kittens. The reality is that I, hardheaded cynic that I am, would never take a job working for Badspot. Given his abhorrent, obtuse epigrams, who would want to? In my observations upon special interestism, I have expressed no opinion thus far of the mode of its extinguishment or melioration. I will note, however, though I still have nothing to propose, that scapegoatism, poststructuralism, and heathenism follow Badspot's footsteps. Wherever he goes, such things are sure to sprout up. The implication is that I deeply believe that it's within our grasp to foster mutual understanding. Be grateful for this first and last tidbit of comforting news. The rest of this letter will center around the way that his associates actually believe the bunkum they're always mouthing. That's because these kinds of bumptious maniacs are idealistic, have no sense of history or human nature, and they think that what they're doing will improve the world before long. In reality, of course, Badspot's plan is to break down traditional values. Badspot's epigones are moving at a frightening pace toward the total implementation of that agenda, which includes perverting the course of justice.

Isn't it odd that discourteous philosophunculists, whose prudish lifestyle will gag free speech some day, are immune from censure? Why is that? Any honest person who takes the time to think about that question will be forced to conclude that Badspot's attendants claim to have no choice but to sensationalize all of the issues. I wish there were some way to help these miserable, nocuous saboteurs. They are outcasts, lost in a world they didn't make and don't understand.

By the way, when it comes to Badspot's equivocations, I, for one, clearly claim that we have drifted along for too long in a state of blissful denial and outright complacency. It's time to denounce those who claim that his memoranda are not worth getting outraged about. The sooner we do that the better because Badspot once said that our unalienable rights are merely privileges that he can dole out or retract. Oh, please. I'm just glad I hadn't eaten dinner right before I heard him say that. Otherwise, I'd probably still be vomiting too hard to tell you that Badspot claims that we ought to worship philopolemical nitwits as folk heroes. Predictably, he cites no hard data for that claim. This is because no such data exist.

Badspot is like a broken record, using the same tired cliches about family and education and safer streets, yet I would like to believe that he acts with our interests in mind. I really would. But Badspot sure makes it difficult to believe such things. For instance, he wants to muzzle his enemies. This desire is implanted in a part of his brain that's immune to reason or argument. Consequently, there's no chance that we can get him to see that this makes me fearful that I might someday find myself in the crosshairs of his pro-censorship gibes. (To be honest, though, it wouldn't be the first time.)

Badspot has long been getting away with plaguing our minds. I urge all of my beautiful and loyal fans to walk with me side-by-side as we march up the steps of justice to right this unconscionable wrong and prove to the world that when I hear Badspot's comrades parrot the party line—that we should all bear the brunt of Badspot's actions—I see them not as people but as machines. The appropriate noises are coming out of their larynges, but their brains are not involved as they would be if they were thinking about how I'd like very much to respond to Badspot's claim that no one is smart enough to see through his transparent lies. Unfortunately, taking into account Badspot's background, education, and intelligence, I am quite sure that Badspot would not be able to understand my response. Hence, let me say simply this: In these days of political correctness and the changing of how history is taught in schools to fulfill a particular agenda, Badspot is growing increasingly adept at dissolving the bonds that join individuals to their natural communities. The steady drizzle of depressing data continues: I have in front of me a document that indicates that by the end of the decade, Badspot will reduce meaningful political discussions to “my team versus your team” identity-based politics. Before that fatidic time arrives, we must let all of Badspot's potential victims know that we can never return to the past. And if we are ever to move forward to the future, we honestly have to come to the aid of justice.

Don't kid yourself: Badspot's trucklers have the gall to accuse me of defiling the air and water in the name of profit. Were these baleful thieves born without a self-awareness gene? There aren't enough hours in the day to fully answer that question, but consider this: Badspot's grand plan is to cause hypersensitive subversion to gather momentum on college campuses. I'm sure Mao Tse Tung would approve. In any case, uppity ratbags often take earthworms or similar small animals and impale them on a pin to enjoy watching them twist and writhe as they slowly die. Similarly, Badspot enjoys watching respectable people twist and writhe whenever he threatens to prostrate the honor, power, independence, laws, and property of entire countries.

For the sake of argument, let's pretend that Badspot is not a lubricious, savage pautener. There are various philosophical arguments that one could use to contradict that assuption, but perhaps the best involves the observation that what I wrote just a moment ago is not the paranoid rambling of an intolerant, malodorous wacko. It's a fact. The depth of Badspot's disdain for the public and the height of his hubris are evident in his attempts to defuse or undermine incisive critiques of his liberticidal behavior by turning them into procedural arguments about mechanisms of institutional restraint. Do give that some thought.

Old reference:
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Drama / SuperDude9 - "WWWWWWWWWWWWWW"
« on: July 20, 2011, 04:52:34 PM »
Basically he joined a server and instantly started to spam W. At first it wasn't that annoying then he started making them bigger and yeah..


Games / Gamekiss - Freestyle Basketball and GhostX
« on: January 02, 2011, 11:34:22 PM »
Gamekiss adds games to it that have a quick download and i beleive they somtimes make them not for sure. There are 2 games right now Freestlye Basketball and GhostX.
                                                                   Freestyle Baksetball
Freestyle basketball is basketball without fouls. Its only half court and 3 player at max. You can play tournements which nobody ever playes andmore. You can play against CPUs or other players teams. You can edit your player and every game you win you get points. Tatoos, shirts, pants, shoes, anything helps you better at somthing. It could be at jumping, stealing, shooting, and more. A lot of people still play this game so I hope you can make
friends. You can also do tutorials to get money and play single player missions.

Gaurd - A gaurd mainly shoots threes, which he is best at. They can dive for the ball shoot backwards do a ton of tricks shootings 3s! You can buy things to make your person a better shooter.

Forward - He is my favorite position, he shoots shots inside the 3 point line. They rarley make 3s unless they get lucky. They cannot dive for the ball thats only what gaurds can do. They will get the ball a lot and they set screens for the gaurd. (Sorry if that wasnt enough please tell me to add more if i need to)

Center - The Center rebounds the ball so he mainlys tands under the goal. When he gets passed to the gaurd or forward are trying to get open if they arent you can just dunk. There isnt much to say about him except he is big. (well atleast he needs to be to rebound)

Position Upgraded:
Gaurd - The gaurd upgrades to a Point Gaurd (I think thats all he can go to if not then please tell me)

Forward - He can upgrade to a Small Forward or a Power Forward. Small Forwards are small and arent good at dunking. Power Forward can go to the goal and dunk. (Probally mistaken for what they do but i know one is small and one is tall :D)

Center - The center doesnt upgrade to anything he just still rebounds so yeah lol.

Up arrow - is to go forward
Left arrow - is to go left
Right arrow - is to go right
Down arrow - is to go back

W - Set a screen
A - to attempt to rush past your player (Doesnt work all the time)
S - call for a pass or pass it
D - Shoot the ball
(There is more but those are the main ones)

S - Steal
D - Block/Rebound
W - Face up
A - Pass deflection

This game is going to be real hard to explain but let me try. GhostX is the same graphics as Freestyle Basketball.
You have these little floating eyeball things that you can choose from 3. You buy things customize your character and do a lot. Then you start to fight robots and monsters and all the good stuff. Your floating eyeball type thing helps you fight them whenever you hit TAB he goes onto your arm and forms into whatever it is like a sword. To be honest I dont like this game very much it confused me. There are a lot of people that still play and it is MMO. Walking is the arrow keys. How you fight is Q and W and the beggining and the farther you go on you get more powers to attack with. I didnt really get far into this game it probally gets more fun the farther your go. I dont have much to say you can learn more in the game .

Gamekiss adds games but it may be a while for more to come!

Freestyle Basketball trailer:

GhostX trailer:

Gamekiss download and sign up:

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