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Topics - softwarev2

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Off Topic / blockland rebuilt
« on: July 16, 2023, 03:08:59 PM »

General Discussion / how did you find out about blockland's existence
« on: November 22, 2022, 01:53:20 AM »
i wound up here by searching "lego games" a long long time ago

exciting stuff

i'll go first

did you know that the map "bedroom" appeared as a secret secret map in grand theft auto 5???


basically I was working on my deathrun in v20 and was eventing one of my traps, and when i got done for some reason I see "Nicepoint has joined" even though the server was singleplayer

he took one look at ME, not my build, and then for some reason he started saying the weirdest stuff that I don't remember

all I can remember was that it was comically rude and out of nowhere lmao

and then because dreams are terrible at transitions the crowd of people with his face in his forum signature just appeared and all started laughing at me

I genuinely wish I was joking or that I made this stuff up but I woke up feeling like I just tripped acid

General Discussion / what is the actual size of a blockhead
« on: June 26, 2022, 10:01:12 PM »
has anyone ever figured out the true size of a blockhead?

 its starting to bother me a lot to the point where i cant sleep at night

General Discussion / the stagnation of blockland
« on: January 20, 2022, 11:23:15 AM »
another forum post complaining about this game being dead

normally one of these threads would start with something obvious like "blockland is dying" or some stuff

and while yes the serverlist is more dry than asphalt, its clear that no one is going anywhere. after all, someone's gotta be there to play AoD at 8:24 in the morning
(I'm not exaggerating.)

but what i wanna touch on is exactly what the game plan for moving this game forward would be.

since the only way that badspot is going to make the game free-to-play is for LITERALLY NO ONE TO BUY IT. FOR YEARS ON END.
we would have to take matters into our own hands reviving this old barren lego game.

although that's not gonna be easy because this game fell from its throne harder than the British empire and a lot of changes have been made that would make that job not easy.

so let's break it down all of our obstacles that we would have to hurdle over

-----Exhibit A:-----
The Serverlist.

so imagine you're a brand new blockland user still rocking your blockhead nametag, and you click "Join a Game" only to be greeted with...


so tackling the obvious issue of no one being online...


...except for when they're playing Age of Dungeons,
 the best way I could think of solving the issue of not knowing what to play is to kick back to the old days of having a freebuild in the serverlist 24/7, so all the newbies can flock to it and build richards everywhere. the way blockland was supposed to be played.
but even then, it would probably get ruined somehow because people ruin everything and nothing is sacred in blockland.

but other than that, i don't really know what to do on this front.

But wait, what players?

-----Exhibit B:-----
The players.

oh boy, the players. not much we as a community can do besides recommend this dead ass game to all of our friends only for it to remain unplayed in their steam library for years on end.
as many other blockland users have said before, (whats left of them.) "a popular youtuber would have to play this game so that it would become relevant again."
but the problem with that is, well... if a youtuber plays this game and all of their fans flock to it, if they have a toxic or annoying fanbase, that's likely gonna be some annoying stuff to deal with. but hey, atleast this game would become relevant again, and they might share the game to their friend and continue a chain of buying this game and telling other people about it.

lmao sike

getting back to a more realistic note, if that were to happen, it would likely take hours of playing this game, positive experiences of this game at that, to invoke such a response. and with no servers to play on and no one online, things are gonna be feeling more like No Players Online than they are blockland.


-----Exhibit C:-----

Closing thoughts

but all of those are my ideas. if you couldn't tell i am kind of creatively bankrupt on what to do about this games dwindling population and overall decline.
what are some of yall's ideas on how this game can be defibrillated back into existence?

honestly any ideas at this point would probably benefit this game.*

Suggestions & Requests / bodies staying add on
« on: August 11, 2020, 05:51:56 AM »
is there a mod that makes bodies stay until the player respawns or the minigame resets?
also yes. i am aware of the defibrillator mod.

Off Topic / soil
« on: August 07, 2020, 04:21:34 PM »

General Discussion / what is the worst/best default save
« on: August 07, 2020, 04:17:49 PM »
in your opinion of course

General Discussion / unnerving blockland images
« on: August 03, 2020, 07:34:27 PM »
forget it

why not have a third one  :nes:

show me what you got forum  :iceCream:

Help / bl wont start or work in any way
« on: July 22, 2020, 12:06:49 AM »
so i just got a brand new pc at a store and set it up then went to install blockland and the first thing that happened was in steam the game's postion on the list in my library turned green which indicated that i was playing it, then out of nowhere the game decided to crash and it tur. and i keep restarting bl and my pc but nothing's worked. anyone got any tips?

General Discussion / cough
« on: July 12, 2020, 10:50:47 AM »
sorry i had to cough

General Discussion / is anyone there
« on: June 05, 2020, 11:53:23 AM »
where did all the players go

General Discussion / lmfao blockland is dead ripp
« on: May 04, 2020, 06:28:50 AM »
this is it boys

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