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Topics - UnknownX

Pages: [1]
Games / Vindictus - Shifting the Titanic one day at a time
« on: March 23, 2011, 12:23:08 AM »

Vindictus is a fast paced, hack-and-slash MMORPG built on the Source Engine. Set in the time of the goddess, Morrigan, players must battle their way to paradise, Erinn. Players go head-to-head with the Fomorian army, starting from small disturbances in areas to full on attacks, the Fomors throw their finest, most brutal warriors at you to ensure their ultimate victory. You must battle your way to the very end to achieve the goal of reaching paradise.


Quote from: Vindictus

The air is thick with despair, and the battles never cease. Rain falls, yet the land is barren, as if the earth has been drenched in too much bloodshed to bear fruit. Monstrous creatures lurk in every trench, cave, and valley. To survive, people have huddled together, forming ramshackle towns with high walls. Yet, cowering behind those walls does not guarantee safety...

What has become of the outside world? Few people know. Fewer care to find out. As the common folk trudge from one empty day into the next, only one thought keeps them going: the Legend. The Legend will come to pass. The people yearn for it, pray for it. They hope and believe. And because they believe, they know.

One day, they will be in Erinn.

In this world, there is but one moon, and it shines upon a wasteland where Fomors and beasts roam, hungry to tear flesh from bone. Not so in Erinn. In Erinn, there will be two moons, Eweca and Lateka, and they will shine with the brightness of the gods. There, no one will age or fall ill, and the land will be rich with bountiful resources.

It is the dream of Erinn, the paradise promised in the Legend, which fuels humanity in these dark times. The people wait, as they have for countless generations, for the black-winged goddess to come and save them.

They wait. Because the Legend is truth. It must be, for it is all they have.


Each character has 2 different types of weapons and each has an individual role in combat.

There are 2 other unreleased characters, Karok and Kai. Expect Karok soon.


List of Players

Post your info if you want to be raped added to the topic.

UnknownX - UnknownX [East]
PrototypeCow - FatPerson [East]
Skyfrost. - Skyfrost [East]
Menen - Menen [East]
XaMMaX211 - JakeTripplJ [East]
Sketch - Artixus [East]

I suggest this game to anyone looking for a new type of MMORPG. Quite fun, they also promised PVP would be completely fair and no game breaking cash shop items. Join the east server if you do try it, west seems like the prices are higher on everything. Yes, I know there are topics about this already, but they didn't have much info or were just over the beta and the announcement for the game.

Pro tip: You can launch without using the website. Just head on over to your Vindictus folder and make a link to the Vindictus.exe on your desktop.

Games / Killing Floor Guest Pass Drawing
« on: January 01, 2011, 11:13:27 PM »
I have 2 Killing Floor guest passes, so if you want them you should sign up. They expire Wednesday.

Once 10 people have signed up (or an hour has passed) I will draw 2 names. The winners must pm me with their steam name within an hour and be online. Everyone is posting theirs regardless. Still, be on within an hour.

Post something similar to "I want to sign up" if you would like to enter the drawing. Also post your steam name.

Signed up
1. edman2299K - valid_
2. Wehrmacht - Ghost8486
3. JAW959 - JAW959
4. tikitai - tikitai

tikitai and edman were drawn.

AoT Clan Discussion / Pajamas Gone Wild
« on: September 21, 2010, 07:45:24 PM »
Pajamas Gone Wild
We are just some girls lookin for pajama lovers, if you think you fit the description... join today!

We have pajama parties EVERY* Saturday from 5 pm to 6 pm! (UTC-6)

For joining you receive the basic pajama set.

*Conditions may apply

BelIyFlop - Wild Pajama
BellyFlop - Wild Pajama

Wild Pajama - Can wear any of the pajama set
Party Pajama - Can wear the shorts
Tame Pajama - Can only wear the basic pajamas

20 hours playtime
Clothes besides the starters
Sword (No rust)
Shield (No rust)
Crossbow (No rust)
Gold Hook
Fee: 50 gp

In-game name:
Why you want to join:


People who are banned from having fun
Dominator - Plotting to steal the stash
M4rto - Pervert ugh!
Blackstar - Scavengers suck!!!!!

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