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Topics - Korabar

Pages: [1] 2 3 4
Off Topic / Simplifying Square Root Terms
« on: February 08, 2011, 09:01:28 PM »
Algebra is a bitch.

I was away at a music lesson when my teacher taught us how to do this.
When I came back after school to get help on the homework, he wasn't there.

Basically, I just need someone to simplify the Square Root of 40, and tell me how they got that answer, in the most simple way they can.

And google didn't help.

Off Topic / I'm Sick Of Snow Delays
« on: January 20, 2011, 10:34:45 PM »
I was eagerly awaiting if my district had a school closing.
I was disappointed to see another delay. For the fifth time in two weeks.

All the staff in my school said we had a good chance of having a closing.

Can they change their minds if they want a delay to change to a closing?

I'm just sick of these delays. They waste my time, even if I get short school days.

Modification Help / Nothing happens when exec. Add-on
« on: January 15, 2011, 10:18:42 PM »
Well, not much to say, really. I haven't even attempted scripting in 4 months.

So, I decided to do the most simple thing I could think of, a script that bounces yourself.

When I execute it in the console, I get no syntax error, but nothing happens.
My script is just a shot in the dark, so could anyone tell me what's wrong with it?

Code: [Select]
function Servercmdbounce(%client)
%Client.Player.AddVelocity(0, 0, 25);

I first tried it with the / command, but It didn't work.

I executed it by typing in the console-

Code: [Select]

Mapping Help / My *F11* Won't allow to open mission Editor
« on: January 15, 2011, 09:51:03 PM »
Yes, I have Windows, Yes I downloaded Client_Mission Editor to my add-ons folder.

My problem is, I have one of those stupid movie watching laptops,
so my volume *mute* button covers all functions it uses in-game.

Is there an alternative for opening the mission editor?

Drama / 1st Private Alvin (: - "I can type as well as I feel like it"
« on: January 12, 2011, 10:30:57 PM »
Where should I begin? His stupidity? Or his ignorance?
This person is one of the dumbest kids I've seen. I doubt he has any intelligence at all.

His stupidity, of course! He walks around, posting stupid images. It would be okay if he used one every now and then I guess.

But he is using it like a teenager who just found out masturbating. It's insane.
He also was leaning towards emote spam I can't tell if he was playing along though, that topic was all unintelligible posting.
He doesn't seem to know when to stop being Stupid, either. Feel free to read through his posts in this topic.  He states, " I can type as well as I feel like it, for your information." He constantly posts links to youtube video crap. He went completely off topic every post.

I checked his post history, and was surprised. He actually had a trace of intelligence at one point.

Post History. He didn't have much, but it was showing, it was obviously there, wanting to come out, but the emotes won him over, apparently. I think It's safe to ask -
                                                            Why are you so stupid, Private Alvin?

On a side not, you may have to scroll a little for each link.

Games / Looking For Free Games
« on: January 10, 2011, 11:37:20 PM »
I'm looking for free games that could run on a laptop with a stuffty graphics card.

Of Course I'm not looking at Pirating, though. =P

Graphics Card - Intel Graphics Media Accelerator 4500M With shared graphics media.

Off Topic / Uncle's Reggae Band
« on: May 09, 2010, 10:49:24 PM »
My Uncle has a reggae band, and wants me to spread some of there music around the internet.  Don't worry, I'm not doing anything illegal.  He gave me this Cd to download, and share. So here's the link to the album.  Although you guys might not like reggae, just try this if you want.  It's not that bad of music.  My favourite track is 2, but there all pretty cool.  If you guys want to know, the name of his band is 9 Mile Roots.

          ~Please note this is not the master copy.  Download Here

Games / XBox 360 Or PC Laptop
« on: December 06, 2009, 02:33:50 PM »
My mother asked me, "I will get you any console for Christmas, which one would you want?"

I've narrowed down to XBox 360 and a laptop.  The thing is, I can't decide.

My current computer is from 2001, I'm surprised it can even run blockland.
I just want a thought of what you guys think I should get.

Off Topic / BL Key contest - Full
« on: November 10, 2009, 06:39:09 PM »
150 will enter, 1 will win

I've decided to raffle a blockland key, considering I have no idea what I'll do with all of them.  If any of you remember IronCookies Raffle, It will work exactly like that.

The List
    (Hit Man)
    Big Brother
    Clamy Jr
    Crazy Salt
    sir dooble
    Lil Robot

General Discussion / I'm Back
« on: October 23, 2009, 05:06:19 PM »
Yup, I'm back.

You could have missed me, you most likely didn't, I could care less.  I just wanted the people to know I'm back.

Now, I heard of a rumor that people thought I was in space fighting the tomato people.  This is 100% true.

I'm trying to keep them from invading Earth for now, so I'm on duty during the weekdays.

Do not think I quit, I like blockland (And the community) too much to quit.

Gallery / Rubiks Cube™
« on: September 18, 2009, 10:32:43 PM »
for those who don't know, It's a challenging puzzle game, the objective:
To get all the same colors on it's on side.

It doesn't actually work, It's just there to be there.  More of a visual build.  The inside is hollow, so it's like an admin chill out space.

Inside before finished.

Yellow/blue side of the cube.

Red side of cube.

The green side of the cube.

The white side, or the top.

As rubiks cubes owners would know, It has a colorful text reading RUBIKS in the middle white square.

The inside, after being finished.

Rate x/10, constructive critisicm, anything.

I was bored, and simply decided to build it.
Not sure if I would release the save, not much points to having it.  Unless people want it. (Doubt it.)

- 18° ramp set
- Default Bricks

 - remark about the 4x4 cube spam.
I had no other way to do it.  I decided to keep it the way it ways, rather than make another brick to fill it in.

Off Topic / Girl Troubles
« on: September 17, 2009, 06:45:04 PM »
I need help from you guys.
Normally I wouldn't ask you guys, but It's funny to hear your answers.

I like this really hot girl, yet I've never spoken to her before.

I had my chance to sit with her during lunch, but some kid wanted to make me miserable and started a rumor saying our milk came from her breasts.

I can't be around her without feeling like throwing up.
What should I do?

Wait for a chance for us to be partnered up in an assignment or something?

Also, post your own struggles with women, talk about women, anything to let you feed on your perverted minds.

General Discussion / All Public Scripting Pads
« on: September 04, 2009, 05:35:50 PM »
Some of you may remember, we have something known as public scripting, started by heedicalking.

One of his have a password, and the other most people can't connect to.

That, and we made more etherpads for people to use.
Here they are:
http://Annoying <<Use this as your last choice, people can't connect to it.

I have three reasons for making this topic:
1. People can't connect to heed's sometimes.
2. Advertising these, it gets lonely without people.
3. People can learn from this site, just by watching people script, then having others script with the help of others.

Drama / Magicturtle & General recon "The ID racism idiots"
« on: September 01, 2009, 06:36:16 PM »
I go into hellboys server, seeing he needs help eventing stuff.

I go in, and get instantly raged because I'm an 11k id.
I don't know how to picture the chat log, so I simply print screened.

I got instantly kicked from the server after rejoining.

Unfortunately, Hellboy was afk.
the funny thing is, one of them was a 12k.

General Discussion / How do I get a pic of the chat log?
« on: September 01, 2009, 06:24:45 PM »
Found out.  Never Mind.

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