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Topics - spinymad

Pages: [1] 2
Off Topic / Alright. I am sorry.
« on: June 24, 2012, 04:37:52 PM »
I am sorry. Mizore is real, i am just NOT her.

Good fun though. Good fun.

Stfu spiny and get back in your loving pokeball!

Long ago me, lena, kohaku, mom and dad went back to japan. We had lots of fun being raised in america, but grandpa wanted us to come back to our home of origin for awhile. So we did. Lena didn't like the idea much, Koko, (Kohaku), really wanted to see grandpa, and me... Well... I did not fancy the idea of being an english only speaking asian in japan... So anyways i think i will just get to the stories. Me, Lena and Dad all went out to get ice-cream. Me being a lazy bum, decided to fall sleep under the lovely tree in the middle of the park. About 30 minutes later i woke up to tire screeches... Lena was hit by a drunk driver. I ran over as soon as i could and called 911 with the little bit of japanese i knew. Dad proceeded to take the driver out of the car and brutally attack him. After the police and ambulance arrived i was sitting there in tears, screaming at the top of my lungs, (this was before what happened to my lungs and vocal cords). Dad and the other guy went to jail for awhile. Lena was in a coma... Me, mom, grandpa and grandma would visit her each day... But she never got better... The doctors said she will most likely never awaken cause her body was too weak. So we had to pull the plug...
We pulled it right after dad got out of jail, so he became a heavy drinker, mom always had that dead look in her eyes, and grandma and grandpa would always come over to keep me company and try to comfort me. Not long after that happened, about 4 months, it was a gloomy morning... Dad was drunk off his ass. We were all having tea at the dinner table, and dad let me use his favorite cup. Me being clumsy, I dropped it. His face turned red and he became enraged. So full of anger and not thinking, he picked me up, took me outback, and proceeded to throw me in the small pond. With my weak body structure hitting the rocks and being thrown with such force, my upper body was nearly destroyed on the inside, (this is how my lungs and vocal cords got jacked up). I was passed out. Mom called 911 and i was rushed into emergency surgery. They fixed most of me, most... They could not fix my lungs or my vocal cords.
After that incident, mom left dad, and dad cried every day for 2 months... Mom and dad shared me, mom didn't want to share but grandma and grandpa thought it was a good idea. Every time i went over to dads for a week, he would make me pumpkin pie and apologize. We would also visit lena every day too. After 3 months of being split apart, mom and dad got back together. It's like we were family again... Almost... Anyways, that's my story of the time i spent in japan long ago. I just wanted someone to vent it all out to but i live alone and have no friends that aren't always busy. Thank you for reading. I love you all, ~ Mizore Sohma.


:P Bored...

Off Topic / Favorite Theropods!
« on: June 21, 2012, 08:39:43 PM »


Off Topic / Should i use a new avatar or keep my current one?
« on: June 21, 2012, 07:57:51 PM »
What do you think?

Off Topic / Funny/Stupid Videos!
« on: June 21, 2012, 12:30:16 AM »

The idea of this is just a bunch of carnivores... The carnivores will have 5 classes, each class having a unique dinosaur to fit it. The classes are Charger, Assault, Tank, Support and Scout, unoriginal yes i know...

I need a team for this if anyone is willing to help out. I know dinosaur add-ons have failed in the past, because nobody really likes dinosaurs much, but hopefully this one will actually get finished and released!

I can model and rig, but i need people to script, animate, make weapons and package. So if anyone is interested just PM me with what you are going to be doing and i will add you to the team list.

Ha i almost forgot!
The carnivores will have: Charger=Carnotaurus, Assault=Allosaurus, Tank=Giganotosaurus, Support=Dilophosaurus, Scout=Deinonychus.

I will discuss skills later if any of you ask of it.

Models: 40%

Carnotaurus DONE!
Allosaurus DONE!
Giganotosaurus DONE!
Dilophosaurus DONE!
Deinonychus 0%

Scripts: 0%

Team: Just me so far :3.

Ideas are welcome! So if you have any i would love to hear them!

Some poses i put the Carnotaurus in:

Giganotosaurus needs rigging:

Dilophosaurus needs rigging:

A couple poses i put the Allosaurus in:


Suggestions & Requests / Charger Playertype? EDIT: Pictures added.
« on: June 17, 2012, 12:47:54 PM »
A Playertype that can run at high speeds and ram a player, making them tumble and dealing 25 damage. This playertype should also use a Stamina bar for its charging... Like hold rightclick to start charging but if you run out of stamina the charge stops. And i think running out of stamina would leave you wide open, so maybe having a bite or claw would be helpful in such a situation. This playertype COULD be a Carnotaurus, Ram, Sheep, Bull, Some sort of weird dragon, Pachysepholosaurus or anything really... Just an idea for a TDM of some sort.

Help / Will not allow me to do anything.
« on: March 18, 2012, 01:04:09 PM »
I try to join a server but all it shows is the IP...

And nobody can join my server...

I flushed out my DNS. Could that be it?

If so, how might i fix this problem?

I tried re-downloading, didn't work...

Suggestions & Requests / A Bear...
« on: March 15, 2012, 08:51:28 PM »
An AI Bear and/or Playertype...

With a weapon kinda like the Land Dragon by Armyunit, Swipe, claw, then bite.

Just thought it would be fancy for Camping roleplays or zombie bear survivals...

Or realistic creep moments...


Suggestions & Requests / Carrier
« on: May 11, 2011, 08:43:34 PM »
NOT what you think... I played Age of Time recently and i find the fact that cops can knock you out and carry you away interesting. Think its doable in Blockland?

Suggestions & Requests / Bird of Prey
« on: May 07, 2011, 08:58:49 PM »
I think Heedicalkings and/or Gandalfs Eagle and Eagle tools should be released... Or someone should try to recreate it!

Suggestions & Requests / Minecraft Airship
« on: March 25, 2011, 11:59:01 AM »

My friend told me someone made this before...

Anyone still have it?

Music / Music Request.
« on: March 21, 2011, 06:54:28 PM »
Ive seen it in many servers... Epic 1 and 2. I do not know the real names but i remember it from some game or movie...


Thank you for your time.

Suggestions & Requests / Can somone make this hat for me?
« on: March 10, 2011, 05:35:14 PM »

I would like these horns for my Level. The Wendigos get to use it. Just in case you didn't know what kind of hats i was talking about.

Thank you guys for coping with my deadly and fetal annoyance.

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