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Topics - jookbox :D

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Off Topic / History = XXX... Favorites = ???
« on: December 25, 2011, 10:48:38 PM »
So I just checked my favorites, and I'm amazed at how many different music groups I like.

It's not in alphabetical order but here's a quick overview of all my favorite groups and some of their songs:
(Appology for most being lyric related)

Mysto and Pizzi - Somebody's watching me
Stian K - Be alive!
Tuneup! - Raver's fantasy
Pendulum - Crush
Metal cover of ^ -
The prodigy - Omen -
Noisia - Get me down -
Evol intent - Malevolent (Awesome)
The glitch mob - We can make the world stop
Axi - Receptor
Diode - Not included because almost every video has boobs in it or on the reccomendation bar
Omnitica - Dubwoofer substep
Liquid stranger - Destroy him my robots
Moby - Extreme ways
Kronic - Mind tricks
Skunk - Obliderate
Grixis - Cold
Skrillex - First of the year
Excision & Downlink - Crowd control
Passion pit - Cuddle Fuddle
Phoenix - 1901
Two steps from hell - Am I not human?
Epic score - I will be king (Without choir)
Back & Forth - TBLSH
Variance video? - Zombies
MGMT - Kids
Snow patrol - Chasing cars
FTP - Pumped up kicks
Neon trees - Animal
My chemical romance - S.I.N.G.
The richardies - Banana splits 8D
Obsidia - One winged Angel
The shins - Phantom limb
The arcade fire - Rebellion
(Warning, VERY HEAVY) Bullet for my Valentine - Your betrayal
TDG - Animal I have become
Metallica - For whom the bell tolls

What's funny is some of them are complete opposites of eachother, Yet I love them all.
Enjoy and discuss this.. stuffspamload of links.. For some reason..

Suggestions & Requests / Epic Melee weapons
« on: December 23, 2011, 07:17:48 PM »
Ignore the epic.

I want some melee weapons that like,

well no. demonstration

You and I are fighting with our bland old swords and look over to see bob and jim fighting. Jim using a meat tenderizer, Bob using a machete.

Bob hits jim four times, doing 20 damage each

Jim falls over, about to die, when...


In short, Melee weapons with deathblow cutscenes.

Music / REQUEST - Two steps from hell - Am I not human?
« on: December 23, 2011, 03:05:21 PM »
I kinda want this for a movie I'm thinking up.

1:07 to like, 1:20 would be great. Thanks.

Off Topic / I just checked my internet history
« on: December 23, 2011, 12:02:02 AM »


Suggestions & Requests / Future pack
« on: December 22, 2011, 11:37:00 PM »
Hello there me again hello goodbye adei- okay we're not singing.

What I need is a futuristic weapon pack, preferably containing

Several projectile weapons, these are not required, I can just use gravy's. (It would be appreciated.)

A few laser weapons. (More like precision lasers and Ion cannons (NOT THE HUGEASS ION CANNON.)

Four mechs:

Flamethrower mech, Spacebar to fire Miniguns loaded with lethal darts. Purpose: Clearing jungles and taking out refugees+escaped prisoners, or taking out crowds.

Light scouting mech, Not very big. Just a minigun on this one.

Heavy mech, Like the thor in Starcraft II. Light key to swap between primaries, those being Rocket launchers and 40mm cannons. Secondary being a remote controlled ICBM (Or artillery gun if that isn't possible.)

Regular mech. Machineguns and rockets.

Starfighters - I don't want them to look alien. Human-styled please. Preferably a heavy and light one, heavy being equipped with bombs.

Tanks. Everything is better with tanks.

Speeder bikes. nobody has EVER MADE A SPEEDER BIKE DSAFG-

Exos. Not mechs, Exos. Basically a small mech that encases the player and looks like a blockhead almost.

Some fancy bricks like computer consoles or buttons.

Turrets - AA Turret that fires homing missiles, ICBM Turret that takes a while to reload (ICBM being remote controlled) Artillery cannon, and a minigun turret. (Minigun turret AI too for ceiling guns please.)

If anyone can do this i'd be really really REALLLLY grateful.

General Discussion / WIP Airport. Help ploz?
« on: December 22, 2011, 06:43:37 PM »
I discovered i'm only good at building real things so

I need help for ideas/thigns in this new airport i'm making.
(Making it because i was disgusted at this other airport build I saw)

So far I have: Baggage check (Where they weigh your bags and then put them on that conveyor belt)


Telephones everywhere, of course.

The spot where you board the plane, with all the chairs and whatnot

Runways. derp.

Lots of bags everywhere, possibly bots walking to and fro within the airport.

Off Topic / spah sappin mah toolbar
« on: December 22, 2011, 05:42:46 PM »
First off this isn't related to blockland so IT DOES NOT belong in help.

second off Hai everyone  :cookieMonster:

So I had my computer running while I was golfing with my grandpa today. I didn't log in but I at least turned it on.

When we get home, I eat lunch, and other irrelevant things.

Then I go into my room and log in on my Laptop, and I notice the toolbar is only showing a few of it's usual icons.

It usually shows:
- A notification that i'm connected to the internet
- An icon that displays how strong my network connection is
- An icon that says there are no/are some interferances with the network i'm connected to
- Something for security
- Steam (If i'm connected)
- Updates
- The sidebar thingy
- Accelerator drive icon
- Something to tell me there are no problems with my harddrive.

It's only showing five of those. What do :c

Off Topic / i'm rich you b!tch
« on: December 22, 2011, 01:24:08 AM »
Just went out to a fancyass theatre with my grandparents and some of their friends.

I think the theatre was called "Arizona broadway theatre" or something like that.
Saw Miracle on 34th street, good humor, pretty good acting, etcetera.
Waiter was "slow" but he was somewhat funny. His laugh hinted homoloveuality or at least minor flamboyancy though :cookieMonster:
For dinner I had Creme of Broccoli and a well-done steak with Mashed potatoes (with some kind of herbs on them)
Dessert was greaaaat. I had a peppermint gelato (topped with whipped cream) and a chocolate fondant  cake.
In short,

I Ate so much i almost barfed.

My moneywads bring all the girls to the yard...

General Discussion / Powerout Psychosis - The GAEM
« on: December 21, 2011, 12:05:44 AM »
I know you're all annoyed as hell with me posting a million topics at once but I actually came up with a good RPG that i will finish. I just needed time.

The name is kindof weird but hey i'm weird too.

Powerout psychosis takes place in new york in the year 2017. Disputes between the chinese and american congress about troop movements in australia lead to the chinese attacking american controlled countries and islands everywhere. There were several major wars, and the world is now in chaos. Power is now a resource (Hence the powerout psychosis) and most of the world's population are either in a military force, or are taking refuge in resistance groups.

Features: You're free to customize your character however you want, i won't limit you to that.

The game will feature gas attacks.

They're.. In my head...
The powerout psychosis RPG will also feature various "Psychosis areas". Psychosis areas do not make sense, or defy logic in some way. They might feature creepy music and such but i'm still brainstorming it.

The theme is kindof like, nuclear war plus rebels without the nukes. Just wear a gasmask and a cloak and you'll be good to go.

Real live weapon dealers.

No longer must you suffer from those bots that weren't evented properly. In powerout psychosis, you will be able to explore and collect money throughout various structures. When you have enough, you can visit any vendor in Refugee camps or Military installations and purchase weapons and other goods.

The game will feature local and global chat. (Desochat)

It's us versus them
Make your own rebel groups, join others, or go it alone. You're free to do whatever you know.

The realism! It's so real!
The game will be very realistic. Blood mods, Tactical playertypes, Gas, oxygen, you name it. It'll be there.

Expect beta in late january.

Off Topic / oh my god so many groups - UPDATED
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:36:19 PM »
there are millions of groups and cultures and stuff on BL. quite frankly this amazes me. you'd think we all have something in common but apparently none of us seem to.

There's a whole bunch of stuff.

Annorexics, Arthritis peeps, Druggies or whatever they wanna be called, furries, arabs (dey cool), bronies, sophistocated rich peoples, the nice people like magic mage, the administrators that seldom post anywhere, the people that contribute to this society by making large quantities of good things like music and buildings (No. You are not one of them. Unless you post claiming you are, I can't verify it anyways.) The republicans and democrats, marching bands, The rednecks, The science geeks, the computer nerds, Eventing geeks, Building geniuses, The clan-spammers, sports jocks, deathmatch kings, nubs, trolls, horrible builders, tenyearolds, 30ks (I'm not discriminating but some of them are really loving rock-head dumb.) the grammar national socialists, the paperweights, the toasties, the perverts, the child enthusiasts, the misfits, the old farts, the firefighters, the emos, the skaters, the rappers, the weeaboos, the attention whores, the post whores, the dramatic friends, so on and so forth.

jesus christ.

add more to the list gogogo

Off Topic / MGMT - Kids
« on: December 20, 2011, 10:23:33 PM »
Iunno what the heck i was doing but I decided to click random things on youtube and thought this song was good. I have no idea what MGMT stands for but here it is. (no, it's none of my rave-y stuff or any of that.)

MGMT - Kids

still do not get the lyrics at all.

General Discussion / Nightmare RPG
« on: December 19, 2011, 01:49:06 PM »
Thanks to lord tony I can actually finish this thing.

I've been making a DooM 3-ish RPG (Mostly brainstorming stuff) for a while now, and I have a good map to do it on, so, yes.


Some time in the future, in a galaxy far far away A group of scientists discovered how to make holes in time somehow. (too lazy to come up with how they did this) The military took interest and decided to fund them. The scientists wanted to explore these holes, and the military gladly sent them several recruits.

The soldiers were not prepared for what they were to find...

Crappy picture get.
If you wanna help, I'm hosting now.

General Discussion / 27 Weeks Later RPG
« on: December 08, 2011, 08:49:37 PM »
Another of my RPs that probably won't happen is coming up in the near future.

But guess what, this one will happen.

A zombie RP (Been watching the 28 ____ Later series) Based on <-----

Setting: Large city/town named Mt. Evergreen, Critically damaged (Holes in buildings, cracks in the roads, Etc.)

Specs and such

- Players will spawn in random areas in the city, there will be at least One "Safe zone" where zombies do not spawn.

- Within the safezone, players are completely safe from the deadly virus. With towering walls topped with barbed wire, Machine gun nests, and bunkers within incase of a breakin, You'll always be protected.

- For realism, a few bots will be placed around the city. These will be anything from special zombies to dead bodies.

- Players will be able to find supplies throughout the city, from guns to medpacks and more.

- Extremely serious RPing. No nubs allowed.

If you want to help me with it, Just send me a PM, and we can get cracking.

Help / Music loop causing BSOD?
« on: December 07, 2011, 12:51:19 AM »
I remember a few months ago I was playing on my mom's laptop and listening to a music loop. A few seconds later, it BSoDs.

Could that happen from a corrupted file? or what.

General Discussion / Mini Empires is a bitch.
« on: November 26, 2011, 02:13:52 PM »
I'm having a few problems coming up with (And building) units for my factions in Mini Empires. Some of you may have played with me (Very few of you. :l) and seen my Kauli Aratus faction, but I'm making a new one called the Kauli Xyros which is a bit more modern. For those of you that haven't been on my server,

Kauli Aratus == Religious zealot dudes

Kauli Xyros == Modern-ish, humanlike faction

But yeah, I need suggestions for units and stuff. Thanks  :cookie:

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